Saturday, August 31, 2019
Katherine Mansfield’s Presentation of Happiness
‘Bliss' and ‘The Little Governess' are two short stories written by Katherine Mansfield at the time of World War 1 (1914-18). They were taken from the book ‘Bliss And Other Stories' and both depict young woman, one single and one married, who are victims of deception. Both characters in these two stories believe themselves to be safe. In Bliss Bertha accounts her happiness to the fact that she ‘doesn't have to worry about money'; she believes that being financially stable is happiness. She has ‘modern, thrilling friends' but she treats them as material possessions. In this way Katherine Mansfield presents happiness as superficial. Bertha believes that having a cosy family life, and being respected in social circles promotes a sense of security. She has the protection of a good husband, and a ‘satisfactory house and garden'. However, this is all self-deception, as it does not make her safe. On the contrary, her happiness blinds her, and makes her naive. She has no inkling of the fact that her husband is having an affair. In ‘The Little Governess' she feels safe with the old man, and with this security she feels ‘frightfully happy'. But her perception of happiness is different to what the reader sees. A flush licked the old man's cheeks; the old man's perception of her is very different to hers of him. Her happiness makes her vulnerable, and completely innocent of the old man's sexual agenda. This state of happiness that Bertha and The Little Governess enjoy is still real, even if it turns out to have blinded them both from reality. Katherine Mansfield suggests in both stories that innocence is bliss. Because they are ignorant of the truth does not make it necessarily unreal bliss. The fact that Bertha and the Little Governess discover that they have been horribly misled does not cancel out the happiness that they felt earlier. Bertha feels sexual excitement, which is stimulated by Miss Fulton's ‘touch of that cool arm'. Sexual feelings are uncorked and she describes it as a ‘fire of bliss'. This bliss that Bertha feels is strong, as she is innocent of what lies ahead of her. Therefore the deception does not take away the experience of the happiness, but destroy her innocence. But deception can ruin future happiness as with ‘The Little Governess'; she can never again feel happiness towards an old person, therefore with the benefit of experience she realizes her past happiness was false. So happiness for her does exist, but it is transient, it cannot last forever. At the time in which ‘Bliss and Other Stories' was published, there was no substantial schooling available to women, and they often lead sheltered lives. This meant that women were dangerously ignorant of the ways of the world. In the Little Governess, the lady at the Governess Bureau understands this and advises her to be a ‘woman of the world', and that it's ‘better to mistrust people'. This shows that young women were not educated about the ways in which a woman should act, and were thoroughly naive about people's thoughts and deeper intentions. In ‘Bliss' Bertha does not know what to do when she discovers that her husband is having an affair. ‘Oh what is going to happen now? ‘ she cries at the end of this powerful story. She feels paralysed. Although she describes her husband's smile as a ‘hideous grin', which implies something ugly and unchaste, she does feels reproach towards Harry for his infidelity. However she cannot express any feelings of anger, but only complete confusion and shock. She is ignorant of what to do in this situation, and she is fearful of causing a scandal. Bertha is not the one in control. Whilst she is perplexed and vulnerable, her husband is ‘extravagantly cool and collected'. Though in ‘Bliss' Bertha describes some things in her life as ‘material' or ‘superficial' happiness, (perfect house, friends husband etc. ) she also feels a deep seated, unexplained impulse of happiness at the core of her being. However, there are also constricting views in society that cause her to feel anger that she cannot express fully. She cannot stand still and ‘laugh at nothing- at nothing simply' for fear of being thought ‘drunk and disorderly' which dents her happiness slightly. She says: ‘how idiotic civilization is! ‘ and feels that it is like a straight jacket constricting her and preventing her from experiencing her happiness more fully. Bertha cannot really let go, and tries to conceal her bliss by resorting to a more conventional prose when talking to a servant. Later she ‘throws off her coat' revelling in her euphoria. Bertha's happiness seems to be completely uncontrollable, she describes it ‘like a fire' and has ‘fear for fanning it higher' which implies that it could lead to some kind of chaos. Bertha looks in the mirror and sees herself with ‘big dark eyes', which implies her sexual excitement, as her pupils expand. Katherine Mansfield promotes this sense of oppressed sexual feelings by describing fruit with ‘smooth' skin and ‘stained pink'; which gives a sense of erotic colours and enriched senses. Later she thinks she is ‘getting hysterical' which hints at Freudian ideas of ‘sexual oppression', which were popular at the time. Bertha has not recently enjoyed sex with her husband, and has probably never had pre-marital sex, which is another way in which Katherine Mansfield explores happiness, with ‘sex as bliss'. Bertha also obtains sensual pleasure from hugging her child. She describes physical happiness in her ‘exquisite toes' and her ‘neck as she bent forward'. Which illustrates Bertha's want of sensual pleasure. It is telling that when Bertha is hugging a simply mundane object like a cushion ‘passionately, passionately' it seems to enlarge the sexual and sensual happiness that she is feeling and ‘fans the fire in her bosom'. It is ironic that the first time Bertha Young desires her husband she cannot have him because of his affair with Pearl Fulton. This powerful force, which whispers ‘blind and smiling' in her ear, makes her more vulnerable as she desires him. She wonders if this feeling of bliss ‘had been leading up to' desiring her husband for the first time. Here Katherine Mansfield attributes some of the bliss Bertha is feeling to sex. Another story by Katherine Mansfield called ‘Pictures' depicts a single woman struggling to find a job to support her, and using happiness as a kind of professional tool for keeping reality at bay. Miss Ada Moss is constantly fantasising in order to keep hopelessness and desperation from taking over. Even though her life is falling apart she still answers people in her ‘cheerful way' in order not to draw attention to herself and to keep up appearances. Her greatest fear perhaps, is to be found out to be desperate, and the only way to prevent this is to pretend to everyone and to herself that nothing is wrong. Katherine Mansfield uses different styles of writing in her stories in order to convey a sense of happiness to the reader. She vividly describes ordinary things extra ordinarily like the recurring image of the pear tree so that they become metaphors. She also uses a simile to describe the pear tree's ‘flowering beauty' ‘like the flame of a candle'. She goes on to imply that the pear tree is becoming Bertha, by ‘dropping in silver flowers' from her ‘hair and hands'; which makes this happiness seem like ‘blissful treasure' dropping heavily from Bertha. The last line of ‘Bliss' again returns to this image of the pear tree, and describes it as ‘just as lovely as ever'; which seems a revelation, that with Pearl Fulton, Harry and Bertha's lives being entangled and confused, the tree still remains. Bertha's life is shattered but the tree is still there, the same as ever. Katherine Mansfield also uses slightly unexpected verbs like ‘the blush licked the old man's cheek' (from ‘The Little Governess'), in order to let the reader have a small insight into what the characters true agendas' really are. She also uses the Pathetic Fallacy to reflect the character's inner happiness, as in ‘The Little Governess' the ‘pink clouds in the sky'. Overall Katherine Mansfield represents happiness in a number of different ways. Through material happiness in ‘Bliss', to innocent and naive happiness in ‘the Little Governess'. Through fantasising happiness in ‘Pictures' to sexual or sensual oppression, and sex as happiness in ‘Bliss'. Katherine Mansfield portrays happiness as not false, but as transient. In all three of her stories the character's happiness is slowly or suddenly crushed by outside interference. Bertha and the Little Governess believe that their happiness will last forever. They are both naive, sadly mistaken, and have to learn that perfect happiness does not exist and cannot last forever.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Research the Impact of Prejudice and Discrimination Essay
2.1- Explain ways in which children and young people can experience prejudice and discrimination. There are many ways in which children can experience prejudice and discrimination in school. There are so many pressures on children nowadays to â€Å"fit in†and to conform with expected behaviours that they may then be discriminated against or bullied if they don’t do this. This can all start at a surprisingly young age and all staff within school needs to be aware and vigilant to ensure that children respect and embrace diversity. Children can experience prejudice and discrimination in the same way as us adults can due to their race, religion, age, sex, culture or ethnicity. Its important to look out for a few things within school: – Comments made about how a child looks or the clothes they are wearing. – Children not playing with others who may be seen as ‘different’ – Children being excluded because they are either boys or girls. – Children only playing with other children that are the same race or ethnicity There are two main ways in which children and young people can experience prejudice and discrimination; this is through direct and indirect discrimination. Direct discrimination can be name calling because of a child’s size, race, religion, disabilities for example if children are playing netball and a smaller child wants to join in but the other children may not let them because they are short. Indirect discrimination can be for example when a child is from a different culture will not be excluded but may not want to join in because of their personal beliefs or their situation. By promoting inclusion it can be helpful to children’s well being and can benefit the children in the long run. 2.2 Analyse the impact of prejudice and discrimination on children and young people. Prejudice and discrimination can only have negative effects on children and young people. As well as affecting academic progress of children, discrimination can negatively impact their overall health and well-being. When children or young people feel they are being discriminated against they may experience: ââ€" loss of self-esteem ââ€" disempowerment ââ€" confusion ââ€" anger ââ€" lack of motivation ââ€" depression. †¢ Low confidence. †¢ Low self worth. †¢ Low self value/Confused identity. †¢ Fear of rejection. †¢ Isolated. †¢ Withdrawn. †¢ Feel stressed and unable to cope. Prejudice creates social and emotional tension and can lead to fear and anxiety and occasionally hostility and violence. Prejudice and discrimination can undermine the self-esteem and self-confidence of those being ridiculed and make them feel terrible, unaccepted and unworthy. When that happens, their school performance often suffers, they may become depressed and socially withdrawn and childhood can become a much less happy time.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
The Career of a Manager Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 8
The Career of a Manager - Essay Example At present, I possess certain skills that would be helpful in pursuing my career as a manager. For example, I am quite proficient in the field of accounting and statistics. These skills are vital for becoming a manager as accounting would help me in managing the financial resources in a better way and statistics would aid in forecasting demands efficiently. However, as a manager, my prime concern would be generating profits for an organization. Creation of sufficient profits is concerned with the better management of risk and proper investment (Saville Consulting, 2008; Pollak, 2011). However, I do possess certain limitations that can hinder my career progression. In this similar context, it is to be mentioned that managing a big organization would be a quite challenging task for me. The significant amount of time and effort must be devoted to the proper management of a business linked with such organizations (Amtek Engineering Ltd, 2010). Thus, according to my viewpoint, I need a st rong and capable team, which can assist me to undertake various duties and fulfill the organizational objectives. I will require developing team management skill and other vital managerial skills in order to become a manager. At present, I did not decide to which field of management I would prefer to pursue my career. Among various fields, I am planning to become a marketing or financial manager. This career has attractive potentialities and opportunities in the modern era. Thus, an effective plan has been made in the following based on which I could successfully pursue my career and at the end become a potent marketing or financial manager. In order to pursue my career, I would like to understand regarding the world of business and administration. Thus, I will enroll in Foundation degree in business from Warwickshire College. Furthermore, I will learn about the nature of business organizations and the environment wherein they operate.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Community Parnerships Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Community Parnerships - Assignment Example Enough nurses will help improve the quality of our services and prevent scenarios of nurse frustration and burnout. My agency is also in need of a counsellor. According to Meier, Isaacs and Hughes, counselling is an important element in palliative care delivery (Meier, Isaacs & Hughes, 2010, Pg. 312). Counsellors will be charged with the role of providing supportive and confidential advice for patients as well as families that are facing the loss of their loved one. Most patients have raised the need to talk to someone, sometimes feel isolated, block their feelings, and have heightened anxiety with complicated family issues. These patients feel depressed. This is why we need community members who are professional counsellors to join Quality Care Agency and lend a hand in this modest task. We have also learned that there has been an increased attention to the religious dimension of our patients and families. Therefore, we request preachers from the community that are conversant with the patients’ religious beliefs to step forward. They will help integrate the spiritual beliefs of the patients into the overall plan of care. Preachers intervene in cases where patients feel that our services have evoked a conflict between medical treatment goals and patient values (Knapp, Madden & Fowler-Kerry, 2012, Pg. 235). Quality Care Agency is also in need of patient advocates. These are individuals that will aid in keeping abreast with any situations that may emerge after which they will build bridges (Alexander, Corrigan, Gorski, Hankins & Perucca, 2011, Pg. 36). This need arose after most of our clients wanted to know about the quality of services they are receiving. Part 2: One of the community partners that can help in satisfying our needs is Stafford Nursing School. This institution can assign some of their internship nurses to our organisation. We can also benefit with spiritual support from Full Gospel Church. RN Patient
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
La Maravilla Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
La Maravilla - Essay Example ...Remember, you are not white, and if someday you find yourself asking a white man's questions, the answer will not be there for you" [Vea, 217-218]. Adobe homes, shacks made up of tarpaper, Cadillacs adorned with rust, and of course, out of shape trailer trucks that were popularly known as "Buckeye". It was in the desert outside of the city of Phoenix wherein the wonders of various cultural myths, were brought to life. La Maravilla symbolizes being a part of two different worlds and of being pulled apart by love and fear of both. It depicts the blanket of marigolds - the flower of the dead - adorning the graves of Mexican cemeteries as well as the imaginary dog considered consecrated by the Aztecs; a dog that was believed to have returned from the lower-world to guide a person to the land of the dead known as Mictlan. The gaps were represented by the two different worlds which were not far from being reached by a person.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Kachin Insurgency in Myanmar Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Kachin Insurgency in Myanmar - Essay Example Thus, in this regard, the department of defense defines the current insurgency as an organized opposition movement that employs subversion, incapacitation and armed conflict to realize its objectives (Bortnyk). Therefore, insurgencies usually seek to overthrow the recurrent social order by altering power within a nation. A number of factors contribute to an insurgency in various occurrences but often political power is the primary issue in both insurgencies and counterinsurgencies with each faction aiming at gaining a people’s patronage. Major contributors are economic deprivation, poor governance and lack of government legitimacy. For instance, economic deprivation leads to poverty that leaves young men with fewer options in life or less to lose; thus, leaving them with no choice but to join insurgent groups (Bortnyk). In addition, poverty leads to increased crimes, a premonition of a population’s desensitization to lawlessness and aggression, which creates an illegal market in support of insurgencies (Army). That notwithstanding, most repressive systems of governances deny second or alternative voices from surfacing to question or criticize government operations and activities; thus leaving oppositions and alternative resort to insurgency to force the government to deliver on its mandate or to relinquish power. Thus, with the above understanding, this paper features the insurgency efforts of the Kachin Independence Army and its affiliates such as Myanmar military. The study focuses on the history of movements with no choice but to resort to insurgency. Lastly, besides governance, governments are expected to provide their citizens with security, justice, economic needs and allow space for ideology sharing (Aylwin-Foster and Army). Therefore, failure to provide such services to citizens, they often the Myanmar insurgency, the underlying causes, the army’s tactics and
Sunday, August 25, 2019
IT Outsourcing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
IT Outsourcing - Essay Example Information technology processes are primary among those outsourced as they call for expertise and can dramatically boost the brand image of a company. Since outsourcing has long been taken on as a cost-cutting strategy, companies will want to identify services that can be hired out to experts to perform them. Moreover, outsourcing enables companies to achieve flexibility as they can take advantage of time differences as the companies hired out are usually overseas. Besides that, where a company is facing great demand during peak seasons, they can meet this demand by hiring out manufacturing processes to overseas companies with the expertise. This is quite beneficial to a company as it gives them an edge over their competitors in terms of surprise availability and ability to meet consumers’ requirements consistently (Blokdijk, 2008). With respect to IT, service value chain can be achieved by for instance where companies approach a company to provide storage through cloud compu ters and provide applications that streamline operations using customized software. Most sought after is web hosting services, there are risks attached to this that will require deep consideration and analysis. These are related to the vendors, such that their being in the driving seat allows them to take control of operations. This could result in conflict of interests, a company may lose its identity while associating with certain vendors, managing and directing vendors may prove challenging and when the outsourcing company decides to end the partnership with a vendor, critical knowledge goes with the vendors which may prove risky and expensive as they will be vulnerable to competition (Kroenke, 2012). Hence, it is crucial that companies establish fundamental principles when making a contract with vendors or suppliers of IT services. This ensures there is a meeting of minds allowing a cohesive and mutually beneficial relationship to exist. However, this should not be done in a dic tatorial manner as it may build reluctance from the vendor. The buyer should notify the vendor what the expectations are so that the vendor understands the obligations faced by the company. Prior to this, a company seeking to outsource IT services should do a thorough background check on potential vendors or suppliers to make certain they are reliable and competent to perform the services. This prevents a situation where quality of service from the vendor is below par. An outsourcing company should also be careful not to entirely expose its intellectual capital, in form of skills and knowledge, to the vendors as this may prove damaging if accessed by the competition (Blokdijk, 2008). From the mini-case study, it is understandable why management would want to outsource IT services seeing as it should support 5,000 students, excluding staff and they have an accommodating budget. Nevertheless, having an extra 15 employees, over and above the 30 employees, all dedicated to the same busi ness function may prove expensive and redundant. The university needs to rationalize the outsourced services to ensure they maximize capital utilization, where capital in this case refers to existing employees. In addition, the associated costs of outsourcing services should be supported by quantifiable benefits accrued from the services. It would be sensible to outsource IT s
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Power of Facade as an Agent of Camouflage Essay
Power of Facade as an Agent of Camouflage - Essay Example The Theresienstadt concentration Camp The settlement was situated in Czech Prague as a model Jews settlement. It existed between the years of 1941 to 1945. It is main purpose was to be used by elderly, privileged and famous Jews living in Germany, Czech and Austria (Patrick, 2003). But in essence it was used as transition camp to extermination camp of Jews by Nazis. Many of the Jews who occupied the camp were later deported to killing centers for extermination and forced labor camps in German occupied lands in the east. It was also used to hold the Jews for long time before been killed. It was expected that the ill condition of camp could force some of the deportees to die before SS and police could deport the survivors to the killing centers (Patrick, 2003 p.95). The center was a facade to camouflage the harsh treatment of Jews which was particular based on age, disability as a result of past military services. The deported Jews were to be taken to productive labor in the other area s although they were mainly used for forced labor. To achieve the objective of camouflage as humane settlement the Nazis authority build schools that can hold about 15,000 children although less than 1,100 children from 15,000 survived. Truly the center was rich in culture thereby attracting large settlement of Jews (Wright, 2000 p.189). Most of the children learned art, literature and poetry. But later large numbers of deaths were reported from the camp which attracted the attention of international observers. This could be evident from the number of children that survived from the settlement and the Danish Jews saga. This meant there was mass killing in the camp. According to Frank, Klima and Baeck (2011 p.145), the international Red Cross planned to visit the camp in the year 1944 to ascertain the living condition of the camp especially for the Danish Jews. To camouflage the sorry state of the settlement the Nazis authority deported a number of Jews to other camp so as to deconge st up to one person per room. This will make the settlement win the approval of the international Red Cross as humane place for human being and portray the Nazis authority political as better and allay and fear the rumors that the authority is mistreating the Jews through congestation, malnutrition, diseases and forced labor According to (Frank, Klima& Baeck, 2011 p.146). They created nice coffee shop with good attendants. They also created fake food stores to conceal food shortages in the settlement but most of the stores in essence didn’t contain the food for constant supply to deportees (Bolger, 2003 p.201). They created bank to show how economically active the place f\was but in truth no transaction was taking place for the benefit of the Jews. They also build other social amenities like schools and kindergarten for the purpose showing the Red Cross that the camp was taking care for children in the camp. To improve the overall appearance of the settlement they planted flo wer gardens all over the camp and also renovate the camps. During the visit they also produced film showing how life is in the camp. According to Frank, Klima& Baeck (2011 p.103), points out that the Red Cross was able to affirm all was right in the camp. After the International Red Cross left the camp all who took part in the film were later killed
Potential Impacts of Public Anger on Politics, Government, and Public Essay
Potential Impacts of Public Anger on Politics, Government, and Public Policy - Essay Example The killing of Gifford in Arizona is also examined to predict the public’s attitudes in the future governments. In order to clearly understand this topic, the former major instances of public anger towards the United States’ government are discussed by focusing on their causes, long and short time impacts. This paper examines the origins, level of impact, and examples of the present and former public’s anger and attitudes towards the government, politics and public policies. As part of this paper, the influence of internet invention as a tool for gathering information on the public’s attitude and anger towards the government is also discussed. Potential Impacts of Public Anger on Politics, Government, and Public Policy In the current report published by PRC on 18th April, it is reported that, â€Å"By almost every conceivable measure Americans are less positive and more critical of government these days†(Veith, Wilson &Fischer, 2009). The latest re port also confirmed that the deteriorating economy that affected millions of citizens fueled distrust and lack of confidence in the congress and elected officials who betrayed them. The general public opts for a reformed government not an activist government but both the Democrats and the Republicans still draw anger. Other than the Viet Nam War, there has been growing anger in America presently more than any other time. Those who lived during the Viet Nam War witnessed street rioting that almost tore the country apart. The government did not bother to establish what the ire was directed to. Presently the Americans are angry again. They may have good reasons to be, but some may be as a result of their own actions. The normal American citizen was sold to a bill of goods that assured them of achieving the â€Å"American Dream†, but unfortunately they became the culprits of their own and corporate greed (Veith, Wilson &Fischer, 2009). Crash of the Wall Streets In the last two ye ars, Americans have lost their dreams, savings and retirement. Presently, the high unemployment rates appear to be the worst cause of public anger towards the government. The accompanying domino effects and the shaking wall streets that have destabilized the economy, have caused the urge to realize the â€Å"American Dream†among the Americans to gradually diminish. Seemingly, the government is mainly interested in the Wall Streets more than the Main streets. The American administration appears to be detached from President Obama. Congress is at a stalemate. The formulation of the best solution to solve the unemployment problem is taking points among the respective political parties for their campaigns (Woolf, 2003). The once assured prosperous future now seems to be doomed and the general result of this is public’s anger towards all institution, specifically the government. Every American of sound mind should realize that the bill of goods that they were sold to was a fool’s gold. They bought the full package by putting their savings and hopes in the hands of corrupt investors and individuals, who promised them success in the Wall Streets. It should be made known that the 401K was not to replace peoples’ retirements but it was made to be part of the retirement (Woolf, 2003). Its main motive was to lure Americans that Wall Street was a good investment that would make more profit so as to drain you bank savings. Just like RPO predicted, its crash
Friday, August 23, 2019
Role of Managers Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Role of Managers - Research Paper Example Different organizations have different management styles and organization cultures. There has been rapid innovation and changes in the field of management. The increasing technological changes and advancement along with whole new sets of concepts and working principles have made the task of management biggest challenge in today’s corporate world. FOUR JOB FUNCTIONS OF MANAGERS: The four job functions of managers are (Tripathi & Reddy, 2006): 1. Planning 2. Organizing 3. Leading 4. Controlling Planning: The first element of the management and job function of managers is planning. It is the duty or responsibility of the manager to plan and set the goals and targets for the organization. Along with this function of planning also includes strategies and methods about how the goals and targets will be achieve. Hence, the two most important and critical elements of the planning function are: setting up of goals and targets and implementing the planning about the aims and objectives. Organizing: The second job function or responsibility of the managers is organizing. The responsibility for the organization of the company is placed on the managers. This responsibility or duty includes the organization of all resources including people or human resource. ... Leading: It is important to understand that there is difference between management and leadership. The management is associated with only managing the employees, ensuring that whether the task has been done on the right time, and that all policies and rules are followed. On the other hand the process leadership involves motivating and encouraging employees to perform well. Along with this the leader guides the employees in order to achieve the targets and goals of the company. An effective and efficient manager is one who is also able to lead the employees along with managing them. For this purpose it is essential for the manager to identify elements which motivates and encourage the employees. Controlling: The last job function of the manager is controlling. It includes the process of monitoring and evaluating the overall performance of the organization. This function is necessary in order to ensure that the overall organization is on the right track and is working to accomplish the goals and targets. Apart from this it is also the responsibility of the manager to do cost versus benefits or performance analysis for different projects and activities undertaken by the organization. KEYS TO SUCCESSFULLY CARRY OUT MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES: In order to be able to successfully carry out and fulfill the duties and responsibilities associated with managers it is required to understand the process of management. The mangers should be competent enough to perform all the required tasks and job functions. Management is not an easy task, it involves different responsibilities including, planning, controlling, leading, organizing, staffing, and many more. Managers have to understand that the task of management is basically a balancing act in which one has to balance several
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Justify The Proposed Approaches Essay Example for Free
Justify The Proposed Approaches Essay My campaign has various links to the national campaign which has the same topic as mine. This campaign is called ‘reducing underage drinking; a collective responsibility. This campaign used the mass media approach and the community development approach similar to my campaign. In my campaign I have used three approaches and have embedded them into the creation of my campaign. These are the role of mass media, national campaign and involving health e educators. The first approach would be the role of mass media. As I have mentioned in a previous task, media can be presented in various forms such as through the television, radio, Magazines newspapers and billboards. I have chosen to use the media approach because I think it will be more applicable to my target audience. The age group that my campaign applies to are very knowledgeable in the world of media. Having our own twitter page gives our campaign the opportunity to be seen on a large scale, on an off change that someone could see our twitter account it could be very beneficial for them. However using the media as an approach does some with some disadvantages, such as not being able to teach vital skills. Using the media in our campaign didn’t allow us to go into detail and give the personal support that some individuals may need. Using twitter didn’t allow us to write much, only short sentences. This approach relates to the health belief model. The health belief model suggests that people will only seek help when they have to. Our target audience was forced to listen to our campaign as we were presenting it to them. But to them go away and search our twitter page because they needed help happens on their own accord, and has nothing to do with us. They will be seeking help because they believe that they may have been one of the teenage binge drinkers we aware talking about. The second approach is uses were the social marketing approach. Using this approach made me use my brain strategically to see if what I was doing in my campaign would had related to my audience. Using the social marketing approach I decided to use an app to get some information across. Using an app was a good idea for my target audience. Most people in the room had an iPhone and were excited to hear that there was an app available. The excitement made people download it, hopefully the information on the app, and the help that is provided will have a positive effect on the adolescence. The model I used the theory of reasoned action. This is because my audience had had the intention to drink when they drink. But after my campaign and the information I showed them that intention changed. They now realised the problems that come with drinking at obsessive measures, and have changed their intentions to not wanting to drink. Now that the people who were in my audience have changed their intentions. According to the theory of reasoned action they will no longer be involved in drinking activity.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Cactus Stack Approach with Dijkstra’s Algorithm
Cactus Stack Approach with Dijkstra’s Algorithm Advance Dijkstra’s Algorithm with Cactus Stack Implementation Logic Idea Proposed for the Cactus Stack Approach with Dijkstra’s Algorithm Palak Kalani Nayyar Khan Abstract This paper illustrates a possible approach to reduce the complexity and calculation burden that is normally encountered in the Shortest Path Problems. We intend to give a new concept based on the look ahead values of the input nodes given in the shortest path problem as proposed by the famous Djktras Algorithm. A new data structure called as Cactus Stack could be used for the same and we could try to minimize and the loop back issues and traversals in a given graph by looking at the adjacency matrix as well as the creation of a cactus stack which is linked in a listed manner. The calculation of the node values and the total value shall be the same as proposed by the ancient algorithm however by our concept we are trying to reduce the complexity of calculation to a larger extent. Index Termsâ€â€Component, formatting, style, styling, insert. (key words) I. Introduction With the advancement in technology, there is increase in demand for development of industries to fulfill the requirements of the people. But in industries there are a lot of chemicals and lubricants used for equipment some of these chemicals and lubricants are volatile in nature and may cause accidents such as fire. However, fire extinguishers and other preventive measures are also available at the security, but they are not proven executive and we have to flee the area as soon as possible. This research paper proposes a new algorithm which calculates the shortest path forget away of such problems. The proposed algorithm is based on the original Dijkstra algorithm. This algorithm gives us optimum solution in less time and also reduces the calculation.[1] II. Dijkstra Algorithm Dijkstra was one of the most forceful promoter of programming as a scientific discipline. He has made contribution to the areas of operating systems, programming languages, including deadlock avoidance, contain the notion of structured programming, and algorithms. We will now consider the general problem of finding the length of a shortest path between a and z in an undirected connected simple weighted graph. Dijkstra’s algorithm proceeds by finding the length of a shortest path from a to a first vertex, the length of a shortest path from a to a second vertex, and so on, until the length of a shortest path from a to z is found. As aside benefit, this algorithm is easily extended to find the length of the shortest path from a to all other vertices of the graph, and not just to z. The algorithm relies on a series of iterations. A distinguished set of vertices is constructed by adding one vertex at each iteration. A labeling procedure is carried out for iteration. In this labeling procedure, a vertex w is labeled with the length of a shortest path from a tow that contains only vertices already in the distinguished set. The vertex added to the distinguished set is one with a minimal label among those vertices not already in the set. We now give the details of Dijkstra’s algorithm. It begins by labeling a with 0 and the other vertices with ∞. We use the notation L0(a) = 0 and L0(v)=∞for these labels before any iterations have taken place (the subscript 0 stands for the â€Å"0th†iteration). These labels are the lengths of shortest paths from a to the vertices, where the paths contain only the vertex a.(Because no path from a to a vertex different from a exists, ∞is the length of a shortest path Between a and this vertex.)Dijkstra’s algorithm proceeds by forming a distinguished set of vertices. Let S k denote this set after k iterations of the labeling procedure. We begin with S0 = ∅. The set Skis formed from Sk−1 by adding a vertex u not in S k−1 with the smallest label. Lk(a, v) = min{Lk−1(a, v),Lk−1(a, u) + w(u, v)}, ALGORITHM: Procedure Dijkstra(G: weighted connected simple graph, with all weights positive) {G has vertices a = v0, v1, . . . ,vn= z and lengths w(vi , vj ) where w(vi , vj )=∞if {vi , vj} is not an edge in G} fori := 1 to n L(vi ) :=∞ L(a) := 0 S :=∅ {the labels are now initialized so that the label of a is 0 and all other labels are∞, and S is the empty set} whilez ∈S u:= a vertex not in S with L(u) minimal S :=S ∠ª {u} forall vertices v not in S ifL(u) + w(u, v) then L(v) := L(u) + w(u, v) {this adds a vertex to S with minimal label and updates the labels of vertices not in S} returnL(z) {L(z) = length of a shortest path from a to z}[2] IV. Limitations of Dijkstra’s Algorithm Although Dijkstra’s algorithm is an effective algorithm but still there are a lot of circumspections. Some of these are discussed below. Presence of calculations bounteously. Solutions pleaded by this algorithm are not equitable. The reasons for changing paths and beading elements are not favoured. It is not explicit when the problem is not closed loop or cyclic i.e. we are having a last element other than destination and last element is connected with only one element then we are not able to reach destination It distracts when both next nodes are same then which node we are going to choose for operation. We have to check distance or path after one step which is not favourable. For example, if we want to go neemuch from indore and distance of Ujjain from indore is more than distance of devas from indore then according to dijkstra we should go to devas and check distance of desvas between neemuch and if we find more than Ujjain route then we again come back to indore. V. Solutions to mentioned limitations First we use look ahead dijkstra : A. Precode Wnext = min [Wvu ,Wvw] Look ahead [Wnext ,Wua , Wsub] { Wfinal = min[Wnextà ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚ Wua, Wnextà ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚ Wub] Return [Wfinal;:a?b] } Min[∑_(i=1)^2à £Ã¢â€š ¬-(Ti)+Li-1à £Ã¢â€š ¬-] Problem solution Vi=Vj: Min(P1[∑_(i=1)^2wi], P2[∑_(j=1)^2wj]) =next node . B. Proposed Method Cs1 pop(a) { Cs2(b) { Weight (a,b); } Cs2(c) { Weigth(a,c); } Return[min( Cs2(b),Cs2(c)) } (V+Cs)+ look ahead C. Dijkstra with VFS traversal and cactus stack VFS(vertical first search) In the vfs we search in vertical order of cactus stack f(a,b)≈ f(n,m) n=a f(a,’m’) m=b,c,d,e†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. struct node { int*prev; int*next; int data; } D. Complexity Comparison In dijkstra’s complexity is more whereas in proposed method i.e. shortest path with cactus stack is less. In dijkstra’s we need to do calculation from each and every point but in proposed algorithm we need to do calculation from particular points which reduces calculations and complexities. E. Adjacency Matrix In mathematics and computer science, an adjacency matrix is a means of representing which vertices (or nodes) of graph are adjacent to which other vertices.[3][4] Adjacency matrix of above graph is F. Weighted Adjacency Matrix The matrix which represents graph with respect to its weight. Now we have to convert matrix into another matrix by using the following program. Adjacency Matrix is CODE : #include #include #define INF 9999 int main( ) { intarr[4][4] ; int cost[4][4] = { 7, 5, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 2, 0, 3, 0, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0 } ; int i, j, k, n = 4 ; for ( i = 0 ; i { for ( j = 0; j { if ( cost[i][j] == 0 ) arr[i][j] = INF ; else arr[i][j] = cost[i][j] ; } } printf ( Adjacency matrix of cost of edges:n ) ; for ( i = 0 ; i { for ( j = 0; j printf ( %dt, arr[i][j] ) ; printf ( n ) ; } for ( k = 0 ; k { for ( i = 0 ; i { for ( j = 0 ; j { if ( arr[i][j] >arr[i][k] + arr[k][j] ) arr[i][j] = arr[i][k] + arr[k][j]; } } } Now we take an above example and use this steps to convert into another adjacency matrix: . G. Traversal of Adjacency Matrix For solving adjacency matrix, we take the 1st node and observe the row of that node if there is weight on any vertex that means that vertex is connected to 1st node with respective weight. Similarly we check for all nodes and traverse the matrix.If any vertex have weight infinity that means that vertex is not directly connected to the main vertex whose row is being traverse. If vertex have weight zero that means there is no self loop present. If user’s last node is not the last node of matrix then we simply traverse the matrix till the node entered by user then we will back traverse rest of node that is we will start traversing last node. VI. Cactus Stack A cactus stack is a set of stacks organized in a systematic format as a tree in which each path from the root to any leaf constitutes a stack. A Cactus Stack act both like a Tree and a Stack. Like a stack, items can only be added to or removed from only one end that is top of the cactus stack; like a Tree, nodes in the Cactus Stack may have parent child relationships. Cactus Stacks are traversed from the child nodes to the parent nodes rather than vice-versa, as in a Binary Search Tree. One of the strongest benefits of a cactus stack is that it allows parallel data structures to exist with the same root. A. Creation of Cactus Stack Let us understand this matrix with the help of an example showed above. Series of steps should be as following: First, We should know the starting and ending point. Let us assume that a is the starting point and f is the ending point. Then we put vertices of graph in cactus stack. Put a in cs1. Now a is connected to b and c. so b and c are put in cs2. b is connected to d and c is connected to e so we put d and e in cs3. Repeat same step till the last node is traversed. On traversing the adjacency matrix if two adjacent node has weight other than infinity and zero then we put that nodes in different cactus stacks. B. Linkage in Cactus Stack After plotting the vertices in cactus stacks. If there is connection between element of cs1, cs2 then we have to join them. Similarly we will join elements of each stack to its consecutive stack. VII. Conclusion With the help of Cactus Stack and Linked List for the shortest path the time complexity is reduced theoretically than the theory proposed by Dijkshtra’s Shortest path algorithm. Thus we conclude that time complexity is reduced. References List and number all bibliographical references in 9-point Times, single-spaced, at the end of your paper. When referenced in the text, enclose the citation number in square brackets, for example: [1]. Where appropriate, include the name(s) of editors of referenced books. The template will number citations consecutively within brackets [1]. The sentence punctuation follows the bracket [2]. Refer simply to the reference number, as in â€Å"[3]†â€â€do not use â€Å"Ref. [3]†or â€Å"reference [3]†. Do not use reference citations as nouns of a sentence (e.g., not: â€Å"as the writer explains in [1]†). Unless there are six authors or more give all authors’ names and do not use â€Å"et al.†. Papers that have not been published, even if they have been submitted for publication, should be cited as â€Å"unpublished†[4]. Papers that have been accepted for publication should be cited as â€Å"in press†[5]. Capitalize only the first word in a paper title, except for proper nouns and element symbols. For papers published in translation journals, please give the English citation first, followed by the original foreign-language citation [6]. Wang Tian-yu, The Application of the Shortest Path Algorithm in the Evacuation System, 2011 International Conference of Information Technology, Computer Engineering and Management Sciences (references) Kenneth H. Rosen, Discrete_Mathematics_and_Its_Applications_7th_Edition_Rosen, page-710-713 Fuhao Zhang, Improve On Dijkshtra’s Shortest Path Algorithm for Huge Data R. Nicole, â€Å"Title of paper with only first word capitalized,†J. Name Stand. Abbrev., in press. Y. Yorozu, M. Hirano, K. Oka, and Y. Tagawa, â€Å"Electron spectroscopy studies on magneto-optical media and plastic substrate interface,†IEEE Transl. J. Magn. Japan, vol. 2, pp. 740–741, August 1987 [Digests 9th Annual Conf. Magnetics Japan, p. 301, 1982]. IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 41, NO. 8, AUGUST 2006 1803 †Phase Noise and Jitter in CMOS Ring Oscillators†, Asad A. Abidi. pp1803-1816. M. Young, The Technical Writers Handbook. Mill Valley, CA: University Science, 1989.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The God And The Evil Demon
The God And The Evil Demon In the Meditations on First Philosophy, Descartes sets out to build his foundation of knowledge. To discover true knowledge, Descartes uses the Method of Doubt which states that he must reject whatever is open to the slightest doubt(p.138)1. In doing so, Descartes invokes the existence of an Evil Demon who is described to be supremely powerful and cunning, and works as hard as he can to deceive me (p.138)1. In this paper, I shall argue that Descartes would not think that his having an idea of the Evil Demon proves that the Evil Demon exists. Descartes searches for one thing he can be certain is true. He uses the role of the Evil Demon which is to deceive Descartes view of the world where body, shape, extension, motion, and place are fantasies(p.138).1 In applying the Method of Doubt, Descartes has come to one necessary truth, the cogito I think therefore I am.2 Because he is able to doubt, he must be a thinking thing, and to be able to think, he must exist. I exist as long as I think that I exist; the Evil Demon cannot deceive me in thinking otherwise. Because the cogito is a clear and distinct idea, it must be true. Clear and distinct ideas means to be open and present to the attending mind(p.145). 1 In order to come to a truth with certainty, Descartes came up with an idea of God, a non-deceiver who has given him a way to arrive at true beliefs.2 Descartes is certain that God exists and that the idea of God came from God Himself. All ideas have the same degree of Formal reality, whether the idea is of a finite or infinite substance. Some things are on a higher scale of Formal reality than others. For example, God would have a higher degree than human. The Presentational reality of an idea is the amount of Formal reality the idea has.2 Descartes states that the idea of God, who is eternal, infinite, omniscient, omnipotent, and creator of all things other than himself(p.143)1, lies on the highest degree of Presentational reality. Therefore, God has a higher formal reality than Descartes idea of God. God is seen to be omnipotent and omniscient; he is seen to be perfect.2 And since Descartes knows that he himself is an imperfect being, as he is able to doubt, there must exist a perfect being out there. Descartes concludes that he could not have invented the idea of God, because ideas must be at least as close as the cause there is at least as much [reality] in the cause as in its effect (p.143-4)1. Since Descartes could not have caused this idea himself, God must have put it there.2 He states that, By God, I understand, a substance which is infiniteit must be concluded that God necessarily exists(p.145).1 God must exist. If God exists and He is not a deceiver, then He would not allow an Evil Demon to deceive my thoughts. To allow an Evil Demon to deceive me, God would be just be as bad of a deceiver, but Descartes idea of God is that of perfection; God would not exist to deceive me. The Evil Demon and God are not of the same entity. According to Descartes, the Evil Demon plays the role of a deceiver confusing my very view of the world, while God allows me to find my way to true knowledge. One can either be deceived or not to be. This follows that both the Evil Demon and God cannot exist at the same time, either the Evil Demon exists to deceive our views or God exists. Descartes proved that God exists, therefore the Evil Demon cannot exist. In conclusion, Descartes would not think that having the idea of an Evil Demon would prove that the Evil Demon exists. The main purpose Descartes went out to prove the existence of God is to arrive at true knowledge. He knows for certain that the cogito is true, even the Evil Demon cannot deceive him of that. In proving the existence of God, Descartes can rule out the idea of the existence of a deceiver, the Evil Demon. 1Perry, John, Michael Bratman, and John Martin Fischer. Introduction to Philosophy: Classical and Contemporary Readings. New York: Oxford UP, 2010. Print. 2Notes taken from lecture
Monday, August 19, 2019
AXI Case Study :: essays research papers
Income Disparities of women in the Workplace The existence of male-female income and gender discrimination in the workplace has been noted in countless countries. Over the past few decades, laws barring discrimination in education and employment have helped give workingwomen many opportunities that our mothers never had. Because of these opportunities, women began working in many different fields, each requiring different skills and experience with different pay wages. Although these opportunities has opened many doors for working women all over the world, the doors for pay discrimination still remains tightly shut for women in the workplace. While significant progress has been attained in furthering gender discrimination between men and women in the workplace, countries such as the United Stated and Japan still seems to be reluctant, to grant true income equality in towards women compared to their male counterparts. Thirty years ago women earned just over half the pay of their male counterparts. This was supposed to be resolved with the passage of the federal Equal Pay Act of 1963. Under this act, employers must pay women the same as men for work that is "substantially equal." Additionally, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which covers employers with 15 or more workers, prohibits pay differences based on gender and bars discrimination against women in hiring, promotion, training, discipline and other job aspects . Despite the existence of such laws, unfortunately workingwomen continue to earn less than men. It's extremely obvious that women have come a long way in the labor force ever since the 19th century. At present time, women account for nearly half the nation's workforce, but due to pay discrimination there has been a wage gap that does not seem to close between men and women. For instance, the typical workingwomen in Japan earns 63 percent of the average man’s pay . While in the United States, the average American woman earns about 74 cents for every dollar the average man earns . In comparing these figures, Japanese women are at even more of a disadvantage in the workplace than their peers in the United States. As stated above, laws have been in placed for years that strictly prohibit any type of discrimination in the workplace. So why does the wage disparity persist? In Japan, it is because of traditional expectations that women marry young and devote themselves to child rearing. This factor is always usually the case with Japanese women, however number of women who continue careers after marriage is growing, but companies have been slow to accommodate their needs for child care or maternity leave .
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Putting A Price On Life Essays -- essays research papers
Putting A Price On Life (The Health Care Crises) Putting A Price On Life Lately, there has been quite a debate over health care and who should pay for it. Some say that the general public should pay for it. Others say it should be shared between employer & employee. And still others say it should be socialized. Of these three, socialized medicine seems to be the most controversial if not the most misunderstood. Let's look at the dictionary definition of socialized medicine. According to Funk & Wagnall; socialized medicine is "A system proposing to supply the public with medical care at nominal cost, by regulating services and fees, by government subsidies to physicians, etc". The common misperception is that health care will become substandard. If that is true; then mans humanity to man is determined by the almighty dollar. Doctors have taken the Hippocratic Oath to treat their patients equally and ethically. Most people fear that they will be forced into long lines or on waiting lists for medical attention. But that cannot be proven. Besides; most people now have to make appointments to see a doctor, and are accepted on a priority basis in hospitals. There is also the fear that doctors in the U.S. will leave to practice medicine in other countries. If so; they will have a difficult time as most of the industrialized nations have systems of socialized medicine including Canada. And let's be honest; how many of us are go... Putting A Price On Life Essays -- essays research papers Putting A Price On Life (The Health Care Crises) Putting A Price On Life Lately, there has been quite a debate over health care and who should pay for it. Some say that the general public should pay for it. Others say it should be shared between employer & employee. And still others say it should be socialized. Of these three, socialized medicine seems to be the most controversial if not the most misunderstood. Let's look at the dictionary definition of socialized medicine. According to Funk & Wagnall; socialized medicine is "A system proposing to supply the public with medical care at nominal cost, by regulating services and fees, by government subsidies to physicians, etc". The common misperception is that health care will become substandard. If that is true; then mans humanity to man is determined by the almighty dollar. Doctors have taken the Hippocratic Oath to treat their patients equally and ethically. Most people fear that they will be forced into long lines or on waiting lists for medical attention. But that cannot be proven. Besides; most people now have to make appointments to see a doctor, and are accepted on a priority basis in hospitals. There is also the fear that doctors in the U.S. will leave to practice medicine in other countries. If so; they will have a difficult time as most of the industrialized nations have systems of socialized medicine including Canada. And let's be honest; how many of us are go...
Nutrition Essay -- Health Nutrition Pyramid Diet
Nutrition is an important issue in my life for many reasons. The most important being my major, dental hygiene. I’ve taken a couple nutrition courses already. I also simply care for the fact that what we eat is associated with our health and how long we may live. Before I went to the website I didn’t expect to see many healthy benefits to eating McDonalds so I guess I was prepared. It said that McDonald’s food is linked to serious diseases because of the high fat and low fiber content. I know from my nutrition classes in the past that a low fiber diet is linked obesity, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, colon cancer, and many more things. I find it amusing that they can say that their food can be a valuable part of a balanced diet. I don’t think that they should be allowed to promote that in any way.      On the website I found a part on evidence talking about how McDonald’s is not being truthful to it’s customers. They lied about what goes into their Chicken McNuggets. They claimed that it was just chicken breast and thigh meat but it is actually chicken meat mixed with chicken skin and cooked in high-beef lard, which is absorbed into it. They also lied about being the first fast food chain to voluntarily give out the ingredients in their food. They didn’t do it voluntarily they were made to but not without a fight of course. So the question is why is McDonald’s trying to deceive their customers? I went to McDonald’s healthy eating policy on the website... Nutrition Essay -- Health Nutrition Pyramid Diet Nutrition is an important issue in my life for many reasons. The most important being my major, dental hygiene. I’ve taken a couple nutrition courses already. I also simply care for the fact that what we eat is associated with our health and how long we may live. Before I went to the website I didn’t expect to see many healthy benefits to eating McDonalds so I guess I was prepared. It said that McDonald’s food is linked to serious diseases because of the high fat and low fiber content. I know from my nutrition classes in the past that a low fiber diet is linked obesity, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, colon cancer, and many more things. I find it amusing that they can say that their food can be a valuable part of a balanced diet. I don’t think that they should be allowed to promote that in any way.      On the website I found a part on evidence talking about how McDonald’s is not being truthful to it’s customers. They lied about what goes into their Chicken McNuggets. They claimed that it was just chicken breast and thigh meat but it is actually chicken meat mixed with chicken skin and cooked in high-beef lard, which is absorbed into it. They also lied about being the first fast food chain to voluntarily give out the ingredients in their food. They didn’t do it voluntarily they were made to but not without a fight of course. So the question is why is McDonald’s trying to deceive their customers? I went to McDonald’s healthy eating policy on the website...
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Local Literature Essay
The 1990s have been an era of growth in computer usage for campuses across the United States. A national survey of information technology use in higher education indicated an increasing integration of computing related activities into college courses (Campus Computing Project, 2000). This survey reported that three-fifths of undergraduate courses utilized electronic mail and two-fifths made use of World Wide Web (WWW) resources. Parallel to this trend is the growing number of colleges and universities instituting requirements for student computer ownership (â€Å"Growing number of colleges require†¦,†2000). This article reported that many of the schools implementing the requirement did so to guarantee that all students had access to the same computing resources. Research by Brown (1999) indicated that at schools without a computer ownership requirement, only half the students are likely to own one. Comparing Computer Usage by Students in Education Programs to Technology Education Majors Aaron C. Clark and Eric N. Wiebe Previous Editors: Mark Sanders 1989-1997; James LaPorte: 1997-2010 FOREIGN STUDIES January, February, March 2011 A STUDY ON COMPUTER USAGE AND ATTITUDES TOWARD COMPUTERS OF PROSPECTIVE PRESCHOOL TEACHER Sheikh Tariq MAHMOOD Makhdoom Ali Syed Ziarab Mahmoodi The purpose of this study is to determine the status of computer usage and the attitudes toward computers of prospective preschool teacher and to investigate of several variables on their attitudes. For this purpose, â€Å"Computer Usage Information Form†and â€Å"Computer Attitude Scale†was applied to 126 prospective preschool teachers. This study is conducted with survey methods. The data is analyzed through standard deviation, mean value as well as t-test and one way ANOVA for group comparison, besides to find which group causes the difference in the group comparison, a PostHoc Tukey HSD test is employed. At the end of the study it is determined that the prospective preschool teacher use computers more at home and internet cafes and their levels of using computer programme are intermediate or upper. It is also determined that there is a significant difference according to the variables of taking computer course, computer ownership, level of using computer program, frequency of computer usage, computer experience and class of the scores of attitudes toward computers. On the other hand, there is no significant difference according to the variables of gender. It is recommended that future studies should focus on investigating academicians’s level of usage of computer program and attitudes toward computer technologies.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Essay on Passion Essay
Well, the saying goes â€Å"Do what you love and love what you do†, but how many of us truly practice this in our everyday life, as much as we preach it? In every nook and corner, we have a student cursing his school and probably the examinations that come along with it or a teacher complaining about her incorrigible class or a software engineer taking out the frustration over his boss on his computer – many more such sights! We are the Homo sapien sapiens, the most dominant species on Earth (apparently). Why then do we not have dominance over our own happiness, over what we do and what we want to? (And by dominance, I mean controlling and not bossing over something.) What is it that holds us back from following our heart? Financial background. Preconceptions†¦ and the list is endless. But is that passion of yours not worth giving a shot? If no is your answer, then forget about it; it was not your true passion in the first place. Some say they are not really passionate about one particular field or thing. These ‘some’ can be categorized into two categories, namely the ‘doers’ and the ‘despisers’. The doers are the ones are who enjoy almost everything they do that they cannot put their finger on one as their passion. So, it is highly unlikely that you find a doer, disliking what they do, while the despisers are quite the opposite. They are those who have a complaint against most things around them that they do not see the point in being passionate about anything. The reasons behind such an attitude of theirs could be rooted to their family upbringing, huge disappointments despite a lot of hard work or merely the fact that they are sensitive-perfectionists who possess an utopian vision of the world and hence, hate it when even when the tiniest of things is out of place (by probably a few millimeters, if we were to measure it). At this point, I certainly agree with what the great Lincoln once quoted, â€Å"Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be†. The despisers seem to have a problem at every step, at every sight. They, sadly, fail to look at the brighter side of things. They should be able to come to terms with the fact that nobody and nothing is perfect. Since we are the cause of our own happiness, the onus is upon us as to whether we view the glass half empty or half full or (like the Gujarat Chief Minister) as half filled with water and the rest with air. Now, on re-analyzing the opening quote, I have come to realize what it could also mean†¦ In case, you are unable to do what you really love, then start loving what you are doing at present. In the process, you end up doing what you love. If you’re the engineer, then remind yourself that it is the job that you are more interested in than your boss’ scornful words and hope and pray against all odds that your boss is in a good mood today or that someday you can grow deaf to only his words (the mean ones, not the ones with instructions). If you’re the teacher, then you should jolly well know that not all students are alike and have an interest in the subject, and hence, must be cut some slack. And if you’re the student then, take yourself down a few years, back to when you were a little, kindergarten kid, and the starry-eyed expression that you bore whenever the teacher narrated a story. That story was completely new to you yet, you loved to know what happened next. Bring this child back into you the next time you are preparing for an exam. And for this reason, there is still a ray of hope, rather, many rays of hope for those despisers- hope that soon, they will start loving what they do and prove to the world at large, that we truly are the ‘dominant’ ones. And once you have found your passion (or if you are the passionate-one who’s reading this article) then there’s one piece of advice I could give you, something that I stumbled upon on the internet- When there is something you really want, fight for it; don’t give up no matter how hopeless it seems. And when you’ve lost hope, ask yourself in ten years from now†¦ you’re going to wish you had given it just one more shot because the best things in life, they don’t come free! So spread your wings, and fly to your heart!
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Electronic Funds Transfer Essay
Living in an electronically controlled world today, it is not that hard to accept the fact that almost everything is primarily controlled by technology. Here comes the age when almost everything happens within a single click. Apparently, almost everything in the society happens within seconds. This has been primarily enhanced through the existence of online connections through the development of the internet. The developments of banking systems at the same time have also been pushed through. With the existence of the online trading procedures, the development of fund transfer processes also demanded several progresses in terms of creating the possibilities of handling the money the fastest way possible. To be able to meet the needs mentioned above, it could be observed that the need for express money transfers is heightened. With the many money exchanges happening around the globe regularly, the old system of money transfer that requires time and several complicated procedures of claiming the transferred funds already is being gradually eliminated in the human society. The need for a speed enhanced transfer of money could obviously not be met by the said type of fund transfers. On the other hand EFT’s or Electronic Fund Transfer gives the best possible way of sending money from all over the world towards the different regions of the world. More than that, the security of money transfer has also been heightened by this particular type of monetary transaction procedure. To be able to learn more about the said procedure of money transfer, it is necessary to know the basic information pertaining to its primary developments. How it all Began The developments of EFT’s have been primarily handled by banks who wanted to increase the services that they provide their clients with. It could be noted that through the increased concern of investors and economic enthusiasts in enhancing the processes of fund transfer around the globe gave the bankers an idea on what to actually apply in the procedures of developing the said system of money transfer from person to person and company to company transactions. At first, the development of this particular process assisted on credit transactions, the use of cards in monetary transactions and other basic procedures concerning monetary procedures of transfer. However, when the bankers found out the possibility of utilizing the benefits of online connections in this particular process, the development of the integration of online internet connections within the procedures of completing bank to bank monetary transactions has been pushed through. Now, through the internet alone, investors, businessmen and even just ordinary bank depositors could already transfer and receive funds through the internet. The said procedure of monetary fund transfer enhancement also involves several other types of other monetary transactions such as: †¢ Sale: where the cardholder pays for goods or service. †¢ Refund: where a merchant refunds an earlier payment made by a cardholder. †¢ Withdrawal: the cardholder withdraws funds from their account, e. g. from an ATM. The term Cash Advance may also be used, typically when the funds are advanced by a merchant rather than at an ATM. Deposit: where a cardholder deposits funds to their own account (typically at an ATM). †¢ Cashback: where a cardholder withdraws funds from their own account at the same time as making a purchase. †¢ Inter-account transfer: transferring funds between linked accounts belonging to the same cardholder †¢ Payment: transferring funds to a third party account †¢ Inquiry: a transaction without financial impact, for instance balance inquiry, available funds inquiry, linked accounts inquiry, or request for a statement of recent transactions on the account. Administrative: this covers a variety of non-financial transactions including PIN change. (Source: Wikipedia. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Electronic_funds_transfer. ) These types of transaction involves client to company, company to bank, then bank to bank communication to be able to complete the transaction transfers. It has been found out through studies system of electronic fund transfer transactions receive a considerable number of people who are able to appreciate the benefits of the said monetary transaction procedures (Davies, 1989, 34). The said system of fund transfer involves numerous communicating procedures between several parties. This is to verify the identity of the senders as well as the identity of the receivers for the sake of security purposes. The Benefits of EFT Looking through the view point of the senders of the monetary funds that are to be transferred, it could not be denied that there are several benefits that outline the entire EFT procedures making it more practical for investors, business enthusiasts as well as local depositors to make use of. The said benefits include the following: (a) Speed Most fund transfers that are assisted through electronic devices such as online bank connections and other transferring agents, the transfer time processing takes at least tow to three days if the location is just within the country, whereas it takes four to five working days when the transactions are to be done internationally. Either way, the procedures of the transfer in the case of EFT is far much faster than that of other mailing based transfer procedures. (b) Security Since no actual money is going to be transferred from party to party, there would be fewer cases of funds being lost. Everything is tracked through network systems, enough reason for senders to be rest assured that what they sent would be received by the people that they are sending the funds to as it is. (c) Minimal Fees Since the speed is heightened, this particularly means that the parties involved in the transactions are minimized as well. Hence, the fees that are charged are much lowered down in rates that are most likely more acceptable to the senders of the money. (d) Transaction Order Details are Intact It has been much necessary for this particular type of money transfer to keep everything on track. This particularly means that the transaction details are kept for repeated updating of the people who are sending the money to help them keep good track of their funds basing from the amount of monetary funds that they send out. (e) Money Managing assistance The tracking details of the systems actually encourage the clients to have an effective way of managing their money. It is through this procedure that they are able to assist their clients in controlling their use of their money. With the benefits mentioned herein, it could be observed that the EFT procedures indeed increase the capabilities of the senders and the receivers of money to control their funds through continuous and accurate tracking procedures. It is through this that the clients are well served by the banks through the integration of bank systems, electronic transfer and online connections. This is particularly the main reason why most business enterprises today choose to pay their investors and their employees through EFT procedures. They intend to give their employees bank cards that would allow them to withdraw their payments through ATM automation. The investors on the other hand receive their shares of the company profit in the same manner. At times, they give their accounts to the business financial administrators and then the funds are simply transferred to their accounts in time of cut-offs. The Governing Laws According to Roland E. Brandel’s book entitled â€Å"The Law of Electronic Fund Transfer Systems†(2005, 15), â€Å"the impending large influence of technological innovations within the economic advancements of the human society is indeed making a great change in the way the people used to view banking systems†. It is through the development of the said systems that the people already view banks to be one of the most efficient performing sectors of the human society. However, because of several security measures, the government along with the basic regulations of the banks has passed several outlines of procedures that should be used to be able to access EFT systems in a much safer way. It could not be denied that it is also through the existence of EFT’s that some computer hackers are able to access the identity of other people and worse, are able to make machinations to be able to fraudulently steal form their accounts through online connections. It is for this particular reason that the security measures have been pushed to the limits. Everything is highly being tracked especially when it comes to fund transfer procedures. According to Tan Beng Chye Dennis: â€Å"The U. S. Government monitors EFT compliance through Regulation E of the Federal Reserve Board, which implements the Electronic Funds Transfer Act (EFTA). Regulation E governs financial transactions with electronic payment services, specifically with regard to disclosure of information, consumer liability, error resolution, record retention, and receipts at electronic terminals. †This is only among the ways by which the government protects the funds of the people who are using the said transfer system. The security of the money that they send through electronic procedures is one of the primary concerns of the banks and the online financial companies that process the service. With the close observation of the procedures of the EFT system, it could be noticed that the authorization of who should only be involved in the transfer as well as with the receiving of the funds are held in direct tracking, this is particularly to address the safety of the fund and the efficiency of the service. Conclusion The modern day business procedures are indeed engaging in the band wagon of becoming highly high-tech in completing the services that they ought to give their clients as well as their employees. Through the existence of EFT systems, the business transactions of many multinational business organizations experiences ease at present. Book keeping procedures have been reduced and paper works have been gradually minimized. It could be observed that through the integration of the new technology with the procedures of helping the business companies perform their most important roles of providing funds to the society their jobs became much easier to complete. Moreover, the enhanced security of fund transfer procedures through electronic application and the integration of the law within the system give much promise to a more efficient service provided by the banks in coordination with the online financial assisting companies. True, technology has not only increased the efficient capabilities of the bank systems in transferring funds, it also eased the procedures of business transactions and assured the clients in receiving their money in a secure procedure. It could be observed that the expectation for a more complicated and comprehensive procedure in fund transferring processes in the future is indeed reasonable. The never-ending changes that happen in the banking systems are certainly to be enhanced for better service to the clients that the banks and financial companies ought to lend some service to. Indeed, the researches that are done today regarding this particular matter certainly would bring much better results for the business industries.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Business 1 Coursework 1 on Enterprise
Business 1 Coursework 1 on Enterprise 1. Identify three reasons why Enterprise uses workforce planning. Workforce planning is the process of analysing an organization's likely future needs for people in terms of numbers, skills and locations. It is an essential process in Human Resource Management as it ensures that a firm has the right number of people in the right place, with the right skills at the right time. Workforce planning often has 5 steps. The first step is the ‘Environment Scan’ which involves managers look at why workforce planning is important, the strategic objectives, the internal and external environment.The second step is ‘Current Workforce Profile’ where managers look at their current profile, current skills and competencies of the workforce, and current strengths and development needs. The third step is the ‘Future Workforce View’ which is when managers look at what future products and services will be provided by the organiz ation, what the future environment will require, what the future workforce supply and demand is, what future skills and competencies are required etc.The fourth step is ‘Closing the Gaps’ is when the business has to see what the key areas of need/action are to move from where the organization is now to where it wants to be. It involves basically filling all the gaps that are needed to be filled in order to have a successful workforce plan. The final step is the ‘Conclusion/Evaluation’ where managers can check what the key outcomes of the workforce plan were, how they can evaluate the strategies in the workforce plan and what the next implementations are of the workforce plan. Enterprise is the largest car rental business in North America.In 2007, it had 728,000 rental cars in use, employing over 65,000 people with an annual turnover of over 4. 5 billion pounds. The car rental market is increasingly competitive and Enterprise continues to expand its range of services to meet customer needs and wants. Enterprise ensures it has the right people and skills to achieve its business aims and objectives. Therefore it is majorly important for Enterprise to hire, train, develop, and promote its staff. The organization uses workforce planning so it can see what its future staffing needs are.Three reasons why Enterprise may use workforce planning are: the business may grow into new markets such as moving into truck rental, it may use new technology which requires new skills e. g. global positioning equipment, or staff may retire or be promoted, leaving gaps which need to be filled. Enterprise is constantly aiming to grow larger and along with looking at its present situation, it needs to plan what the future workforce needs will be. The impact of good workforce planning would be eliminating surprises, no delays, identifying problems early, preventing problems, lower turnover rates and taking advantages of opportunities.If Enterprise didn’t use workforce planning, it would face the opposite of what it actually faces when it plans its workforce efficiently. Workforce planning is very essential and should be implemented by every HR department in an organization. â€Å"Being prepared is better than being surprised. †2. In a competitive market, what does Enterprise do differently to attract high quality candidates? A competitive market is a market with a large number of buyers and sellers, such that no single buyer or seller is able to influence the price or control any other aspect of the market.Most individuals search for a company that they feel they can be happy to work for. Businesses recruit applicants for various reasons, for example, if it’s a new business, if the business is expanding or if an employee has been dismissed or has resigned thus leaving a vacant post which needs to be filled. Applicants vary. This means that individuals applying for a job will have different personal goals, different t ypes of skills ;amp; qualifications, different personalities, different family backgrounds, different education, different strengths ;amp; weaknesses and so on.There also will be differences between applicants applying for the same job as every human is different, of course. Businesses have to advertise a job and potential applicants will apply for the job with a hope to get selected and fill the vacant post. Since every individual is different, this will mean that some applicants applying for a job will be much better at that particular job than other applicants. Now, every business will want to select the most suitable applicant for a job. The business will select the applicant that they feel will prove to be most profitable.This suggests the obvious reason as to why there is intensive competition between businesses in the same market when it comes to attracting high quality applicants. An applicant who possesses a high level of competencies, experience and other various qualities will prove to be beneficial to one company whilst a threat to a rival. So, businesses try and carry out unique methods of attracting the most suitable candidate for an available job. In order to attract high quality candidates, Enterprise is raising the company profile within UK universities using Campus Brand Managers.These are students or interns who work for Enterprise and act as liaisons for potential applicants. Other activities to attract university applicants include: presentations on the company, relationships with clubs and organizations, attending Careers Fairs, ‘drop-in’ sessions, skills sessions, and mentoring programmes. Students can also visit Enterprise and spend time learning about how it does business and what opportunities it offers. Enterprise offers a good salary and training as part of its benefits. However, the real attraction is the chance of a career rather than just a job.Most employees start out as Management Trainees with the potential to pro gress to Vice President. Applicants would be high attracted upon hearing that ‘most’ employees in Enterprise progress to Vice President. Employees also have opportunities to specialize in specific areas such as finance, human resource management, vehicle acquisition, risk management and many others. This allows individuals to develop their career path as they progress within the company. Also, Enterprise makes every effort to ensure that its workforce is representative to the cultural and ethnic diversity in the wider population.It believes in cultural awareness. This is a positive sign for applicants as nobody wants to face racism and discrimination, and instead look forward to working in a friendly environment where individuals are noticed according to their performance at work, rather than their appearance, age, sex and race. Enterprise has an online recruitment process. This strategy improves the speed and efficiency of the application for both the company and the a pplicant, the website provides lists of jobs available and also provides information about the company culture and values.This allows applicants to get a good idea of whether Enterprise would suit them. An ‘internship’ scheme is available for university students. It gives students an opportunity to work with Enterprise. Students gain valuable experience. They even begin on-the-job training at a branch office and take on the same responsibilities as management trainees and learn about sales, marketing, customer service, business management and administration support. The Enterprise Graduate Management Trainee programme offers graduates a fast-track career path with opportunities for self development and quick progression.In a short time, the graduates can move up to a Management Assistant and then on to Assistant Manager. This form of quick progression is a motivator for many people as everybody wants to work in a place where they can feel valued and where they can reall y exploit their potential to reach the highest rank possible in their career. The opportunity for a successful career also gives employees the incentive to stay in Enterprise in the longer term. Enterprise advertises its vacancies and opportunities across a wide range of media such as newspapers, magazines and online.Advertising a job is very essential for any business as it informs the public and methods such as advertising in newspapers and online can help give this information to a much larger number of people which then means that there will be an opportunity for more and higher quality candidates! To target graduate recruits, Enterprise has developed a website – ‘Come Alive’ which shows potential employees the benefits of career opportunities with Enterprise and provides a medium through which students can also submit their applications.Applicants also like to see current employees’ comments about a company, so the website presents profiles of Enterpr ise employees with their career stories. Upon seeing rapid successful career stories, individuals with potential will feel that Enterprise is the right place for them to develop their career. However, with intense competition for attracting candidates, it should be taken into consideration that there are other large businesses that have adopted a range of innovate ideas.For example, Tesco supermarket advertises on the television and also has a talent plan for internal recruits. Therefore, Enterprise should be aware of the fact that there are other rivals with different methods of attracting individuals. However, Enterprise engages in multiple various methods of attracting suitable candidates which makes it hold a strong position in the competitive market of attracting applicants. 3. What competencies does Enterprise look for when recruiting in order to maintain its high levels of customer service?Competencies are the level of knowledge and skill required to enable a person to achiev e a standard in a job or task. Every job requires a certain level of competencies depending on the position of that post. It is significant that an employee meets with the competencies required by a business as this will allow him/her to benefit the company with his/her knowledge, skills, creativity, ideas and hard work. A business often needs to recruit candidates internally and externally. Internal recruitment is when there is a job vacancy from within the company i. . its internal, while external recruitment is when there is a job vacancy which requires external candidates applying for a post. Enterprise is a business that is seeking rapid growth and expansion; therefore it needs to recruit more external high quality candidates that have the right competencies to work for the business as well as new ideas which can prove positive for the company. Enterprise seeks competencies in its recruits both for an immediate job role and also for development over the longer term to support t he business growth.Human Resource managers in the company use job description and job specification to match job roles with competencies. A job description summarises a job role within an organization and lists the main tasks. A personal specification highlights the characteristics a candidate needs for a post, as well as the desirable qualities the company is looking for. Enterprise combines these two standard documents together by using a skills and competencies framework.Skills/abilities required by Enterprise| Competencies/behaviours needed| Customer service focus| Sees issues/needs from a customer perspective| Persuasiveness| Adapts to suit the audience| Flexibility| Deals with challenges, demonstrates resilience, able to prioritise| Results driven| Creative about getting things done, thrives under pressure, organizes work| Leadership ability| Works cooperatively, takes ownership, seeks leadership| Communication| Plans important conversations, confident and articulate| Table 1. above portrays the skills and competencies that recruits are required to possess. Table 1. 0 shows the competencies which Enterprise looks for when recruiting in order to maintain its high levels of customer service. Enterprise aims at recruiting employees with the above competencies as these make up an efficient worker who can majorly contribute to the business. As the company’s concentration is on expanding its workforce capacity, it will obviously have to set particular competencies which employees will be equired to meet as this will enable Enterprise to grow larger as a whole. The benefits of competencies being met for Enterprise would be: providing customers with the exact service that they need, deals with all types of customers including complaints, coping with changing circumstances, delivering to high standards, growing the leaders and managers of the future, and supporting ;amp; maintaining the professional Enterprise reputation. What would happen if Enterprise di dn’t focus on setting essential competencies when recruiting candidates?Several problems could arise such as lack of communication, demotivation ;amp; alienation, lack of control, poor customer service, bad leadership and management, higher staff turnover, lower revenue etc. This would cause serious repercussions and damage to the business’s brand name. Since Enterprise is a service-orientated business and operates in a highly competitive marketplace, it must deliver high levels of customer service to keep customers satisfied.When the company’s focus is to grow, it needs to make sure that it has customer loyalty; it needs to make sure it has a high market share when entering new markets, and it also needs to try and ‘steal’ customers of other rivals. Therefore, Enterprise’s employees need to have the competencies which it requires as this also helps the business to achieve its aims and objectives. 4. How does Enterprise's strategy of providin g a career path benefit the company? Most people apply for jobs with a hope that the firm will be most suitable for them and that they can progress in the longer term.Enterprise's specialty is that it aims at providing employees with a career rather than just a job. Therefore, it's strategy is to provide a career path for employees. A career path is a flexible line of progression through which an employee moves during their employment with an organization. Such strategy gives employees a sense of direction as well the opportunity to obtain their personal aims and objectives. It gives them an incentive to strive for promotion and success so that they can exploit their full potential and reach self actualization.In Enterprise, most employees start out as Management Trainees with the potential to progress to Vice President/General Manager. Employees also have opportunities to specialize in specific areas such as finance, human resource management, vehicle acquisition, risk management a nd many others. Enterprise's strategy of providing a career path is highly beneficial to the company, as employees that are highly motivated and strongly determined to develop their career path, will deliver high levels of customer service. This will lead to high levels of customer satisfaction which is a key driver of growth for Enterprise.If the company didn’t pay much heed to the needs and wants of its employees, it would start facing problems as staff would feel demotivated and alienated. Enterprise’s well established name as well as its constant aim to grow larger relies heavily on employees delivering highest possible levels of customer service. Employees who feel they are not valued by the business and don’t have the desire to work hard in order to progress along their career, are obviously not going to deliver the high quality service that customers expect from a well reputed business. Unhappy customers would not be very likely to return to the business. Therefore, such an action would only harm the business’s reputation. However, it is not just a career path that determines the motivation of employees but this factor does hold a strong position it terms of motivating them. So, why does providing a career path benefit the company? Because it gives individuals confidence, determination, and an incentive from within, to work hard and progress in their career. Thus resulting in high levels of customer service which will simultaneously satisfy customer needs and wants, which will in turn give the business a good reputation and opportunity for more growth.Word Count: 1,873 words. Bibliography: 1: Refer to the Internet link http://businesscasestudies. co. uk/tesco/recruitment-and-selection/workforce-planning. html It provides the definition of workforce planning. 2: Refer to page 53 in the ‘Recruitment and selection’ at Enterprise Rent-A-Car case study. Workforce definition used from Glossary. 3 Refer to the Internet l ink http://workforceplanningtools. com. au/tools/workforce-planning/5-steps/ which shows the 5 steps of workforce planning. 4 Refer to page 53 in the ‘Recruitment and selection’ case study. Information on Enterprise used from Introduction section. Refer to the Introduction section on page 53 in the case study. Business aims and objectives. 6 Refer to ‘The role of Human Resource Management’ section on page 53 in the case study. It highlights the 3 reasons why Enterprise may use workforce planning. 7 Refer to the Internet link http://www. workforce. com/article/20021024/NEWS01/310249995/why-you-need-workforce-planning which provides information on the impacts of good workforce planning. 8Refer to the link http://www. workforce. com/article/20021024/NEWS01/310249995/why-you-need-workforce-planning on the Internet. A wise quote was adopted from there. Refer to http://www. google. co. uk/webhp? hl=en;amp;tab=iw#hl=en;amp;output=search;amp;sclient=psy-ab;amp;q=wh at%20is%20a%20competitive%20market;amp;oq=;amp;gs_l=;amp;pbx=1;amp;bav=on. 2,or. r_gc. r_pw. r_qf. ;amp;fp=9cc6ce1e3edfb4fe;amp;bpcl=35466521;amp;biw=1366;amp;bih=593;amp;pf=p;amp;pdl=300 on the Internet. It highlights the definition of a competitive market. 10 Refer to the ‘Attracting Applicants’ section on page 54 in the case study. Information on Campus Brand Managers is given. 11 Refer to the ‘Attracting Applicants’ section on page 54 in the case study. Information on liaisons is given. 2 Refer to the ‘Attracting Applicants’ section on page 54 in the case study. Information provided on the activities that Enterprise practices to attract interested applicants. 13 Refer to the ‘Attracting Applicants’ section on page 54 in the case study. It states that Enterprise offers a career rather than just a job. 14 Refer to the ‘Attracting Applicants’ section on page 54 in the case study. It says that trainees have an opportun ity to progress to Vice President. 15 Refer to the ‘Attracting Applicants’ section on page 54 in the case study. It shows the area which Enterprise specializes in. 6 Refer to the ‘Attracting Applicants’ section on page 54 in the case study. It claims that individuals can develop their career path as they progress within the company. 17 Refer to the ‘Recruitment’ section on page 54 in the case study. It mentions that Enterprise has an internship scheme for new recruits. 18 Refer to the ‘Recruitment’ section on page 55 in the case study. It shows how Enterprises advertises its vacancies. 19 Refer to the ‘Recruitment’ section on page 55 in the case study. It mentions that Enterprise has a website – ‘Come alive’ which is to target graduate recruits. 20 Refer to the ‘Recruitment’ section
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