Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The Divergence of U.S. & U.K Takeover Regulations Essay
The Divergence of U.S. & U.K Takeover Regulations - Essay Example In their article, The Divergence of U.S. and UK Takeover Regulation (2007), Armour and Skeel note that takeover is the persistent bid by one company (bidder) to acquire the business of another (target), or the process by which the bidder acquires the target company. When the term regulation is incorporated into this definition, takeover regulation denotes the practice of monitoring and controlling the bidder-target interaction so that the underlying takeover deal is fair to all stakeholders involved. This process is actually regulated by legal provisions both in the U.S and the UK. Having noted divergence in takeover regulation between the U.S and the U.K, it is important to highlight key differential areas. The key areas of divergence in the U.S and UK handling of takeover regulation is the subject matter of Armour and Skeel’s text. While in both countries the takeover process is regulated by law, there are critical variations across the applicable legal framework. In the U.S, for example, defensive tactics by managers are provided for by law. In contrast, the UK takeover system illegalizes the practice of defensive tactics in the event of a materialized takeover. These two countries are noticeably unique in the manner in which they handle takeover regulation. UK system of takeover regulation is primarily driven by self-regulation. On the other hand, self-regulation is little, if any, in the U.S. Furthermore, the application and subsequent use of Delaware laws in the U.S provides a mechanism for litigation as far as takeover regulation is concerned. For this reason, relevant courts and lawyer activities are high in the U.S relative to takeover bids. In the UK, courts and lawyer activities are little, if any. Arising matters, issues, and concerns regarding takeovers are dealt with by the Takeover Panel (Gaughan 88). This divergence informs the UK-based
Monday, October 28, 2019
Essay on poverty Essay Example for Free
Essay on poverty Essay There are many reasons for pursing a higher education. A few persons revel in the intellectual excitement of academic exploration, others â€Å"consume†not only the knowledge that college provides but all the social dimensions associated with itâ€â€alcoholic stimulated parties, erotic adventures with new friends, athletic events and intramural sport participation, etc. But for most persons, a significant, maybe even the dominant reason, for going to college is that it supposedly will improve one’s prospect of acquiring a good job. In a sense, a college degree has long been considered a ticket to the middle classâ€â€an adult life with a good income and relatively high job security. From the standpoint of society, efforts to expand college graduation attainment rates have been justified by President Obama and major foundations (for example, Lumina and Gates) on a need to be competitive with other nations which have a larger proportion of adults with college degrees. This study argues that the conventional wisdom that going to college is a â€Å"human capital investment†with a high payoff is increasingly wrong. Evidence shows that currently more than one-third of college graduates hold jobs that governmental employment experts tell us require less than a college degree. That proportion of underemployed college graduates has tripled over the past four decades. In 1976, Harvard economics professor Richard Freeman wrote about The Over-Educated Americanâ€â€at a time when most college graduates, at the margin, entered professional, managerial and scientific positions traditionally considered jobs for college graduates. If we were â€Å"overeducated†at that point in time, what is the case today? Moreover, the push to increase enrollments has led to a majority of the increment of our stock of college graduates finding employment in relatively low skilled jobs, most of which are not particularly high paying (although there are excepti ons). We added roughly 20 million college graduates to the population between 1992 and 2008, for example, but the number of graduates holding jobs requiring less-than-college education skill sets rose during that same period by about 12 million; in other words, 60 percent of the total increase in graduates over the past two decades was underemployed. Anecdotally, most persons can see this is their everyday lives. For example, the senior author was startled a year ago when the person he hired to cut down a tree had a master’s degree in history, the fellow who fixed his furnace was a mathematics graduate, and, more recently, a TSA airport inspector (whose job it was to insure that we took our shoes off while going through security) was a recent college graduate. Actually, these individuals are far more typical of many recent college graduates than is commonly supposed.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Cost of the Vietnam War :: Papers
The Cost of the Vietnam War The Vietnam War was the longest and most unpopular war in which Americans ever fought. And there is no reckoning the cost. The toll in suffering, sorrow, in rancorous national turmoil can never be tabulated. No one wants ever to see America so divided again. And for many of the more than two million American veterans of the war, the wounds of Vietnam will never heal. Fifty-eight thousand Americans lost their lives. The losses to the Vietnamese people were appalling. The financial cost to the United States comes to something over $150 billion dollars. Direct American involvement began in 1955 with the arrival of the first advisors. The first combat troops arrived in 1965 and we fought the war until the cease-fire of January 1973. To a whole new generation of young Americans today, it seems a story from the olden times. In 1983, the unfolding of the Vietnam tragedy was the focus of an extraordinary documentary series broadcast on public television. When first aired, the series was recognized immediately as a landmark. It had taken six years to make. Researchers had combed film archives in eleven countries and the result was a stunning record of the conflict as it happened. Program Notes Roots of a War The end of World War II opened the way for the return of French rule to Indochina. Despite the ties he had forged within the American Intelligence community, and his professed respect for democratic ideals, Ho Chi Minh was unable to convince Washington to recognize the legitimacy of his independence movement against the French. French generals and their American advisors expected Ho's rag-tag Vietminh guerrillas to be defeated easily. But after eight years of fighting and $2.5 billion in U.S. aid, the French lost a crucial battle at Dienbienphu - and with it, their Asian empire. America's Mandarin With a goal of stopping the spread of communism in Southeast Asia, America replaced France in South Vietnam - supporting autocratic President Ngo Dinh Diem until his own generals turned against him in a coup that brought political chaos to Saigon. LBJ Goes to War With Ho Chi Minh determined to reunite Vietnam, Lyndon Baines Johnson determined to prevent it, and South Vietnam on the verge of collapse, the stage was set for massive escalation of the undeclared Vietnam War. America Takes Charge In two years, the Johnson Administration's troop build-up dispatched 1.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Critical Appreciation of William Blakes London :: essays papers
Critical Appreciation of William Blake's London William Blake who lived in the latter half of the eighteenth century and the early part of the nineteenth century was a poet, a philosopher, a radical, an artist, and a great thinker; who was able to bring about "remarkable results with the simplest of means" in all of his work. He wrote his poems with deep personal emotions but if we look further and ignore the prophetic qualities we discover a further intended meanings of a strong political and social level. He was a critic of his own era but his poetry also strikes a chord in ours. He was one of several poets of the time who restored emotion and feelings into poetry, and so was one of the first "romantics." Blake lived during a period of intense social changes, the industrial revolution, the French revolution and the American revolution all happened during his lifetime. Blake was witness to the transformation of a agricultural society to an industrial society, which is where the basis for some of his poems stand. As an example, we may look towards William Blake’s "London" from his songs of experience, here Blake comments on a city he both loves and hates, it shows his disapproval of changes which occurred in his times. Blake describes the woes that the Industrial revolution and the breaking of the common mans ties to the land results in. He uses many methods to gain the perfect description of how he saw industrial "London" but the most outstanding method is his use of imagery. His first use of imagery is the first and second lines of the first stanza, he uses the words "charter’d streets" and "charter’d Thames." A charter is a legal document which gives legal powers to the council of a town or city which allows them to be able to create there own laws within the boundaries of that place. The imagery suggests that not only do the streets of London have to follow the rules but that the River Thames has to be regulated as well. The lawmakers have tamed and controlled a free flowing river. This use of imagery emphasises that everything in the city including natural forces are enslaved by the city. In the next line, "Marks of weakness, marks of woe," there could be a play on words, "Mark" means both "to see" or "to notice" but then again there could be another meaning; like a physical mark upon someone’s face like a sign of grief or misery.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Development as a second language teacher
Teaching a second language means teaching a language to learners who are not originally natives to that language. This form of instruction can either be carried out in the learner’s own nation either within the public school system or privately for instance in a part time language school or with a private tutor. The teachers can either be native or non-native speakers of the language. Teaching techniques Reading There is an increasing popularity in teaching that uses literature targeting the young children and teenagers.Teenager oriented literature provides simpler resources especially the reading material printed by major publishers and mostly gives a more comprehensive method than the one found in the adult literature (Tarone et al, 2009). Communicative language teaching Communicative language (CLT) concentrates on interaction as both a technique and an objective of learning a second language. The method is also described as the communicative approach to the instruction of f oreign languages or the communicative method.CLT is often found to be a response to the audio-lingual method (ALM) and a complementation or advancement of the notional-functional syllabus (Tarone et al, 2009). Blended learning Blended learning is an arrangement that incorporates both classroom teaching and online interactions and is also called CALL or computer-guided language learning which is realized through a virtual learning environment. Input and input processing Input and input processing are major components of developing a second language or second language acquisition.The term input describes all the information that the learner actually processes from the information offered to them. It is not possible to acquire second language without input and input processing. Acquisition models vary in the kind of input which is found to be the most significant factor to second language acquisition. Induction models view acquisition as a product from informal message-centered input w hile instructional models view formal instruction as a significant component of second language acquisition.Any of the acquisition models recognizes the direct relationship between language input which the students are exposed to and the language output they deliver. When input is offered by interaction in natural environment learners concentrate majorly on trying to comprehend and produce a message and end up acquiring the second language as a coincidence. Conversely, if learners emphasize on the language itself, they pick the language intentionally. The above analysis of input however suggests that input is always available to the learners whether in their conscious state or otherwise.Though the intention to learn is not vital to the learning process, attention to the input is essential to begin processing the input in order to acquire or develop the second language (Tarone et al, 2009). Social cultural perspective in language learning A social cultural viewpoint in language learn ing is based on theoretical assumptions and empirical investigation of learning acquired from different fields including human development, linguistic anthropology and social theory.According to this viewpoint, language development starts with an individual’s social world which encompasses a diverse mix of regularly appearing goal-oriented intellectual as well as practical activities. Through the learner’s direct involvement in the activities as well as transformations in the learner’s life, the structural components of language are acquired together with communicative intentions and particular perspectives of the language. It is though ultimate internalization of self-regulation of the particular methods of achievement of success in the activities that characterizes growth in language acquisition.From this view point, learning is regarded as the process of altering the patterns of participating in particular social practices among the communities as opposed to internal assimilation of structural features of language structures. Since schools are significant social setups, the activities constituting their classrooms are regarded as fundamental sites of learning a second language (Tarone et al, 2009). Classroom interaction Classroom interaction is a method in which learning is achieved in classrooms.In language classrooms, interaction assumes a significant role in language acquisition in that it’s both a medium of language acquisition as well as an object of educational attention. By interacting with each other, learners and teachers form a common body of knowledge. They also establish mutual understanding of their functions and relationships and the values and anticipations of their participation as members in the classrooms. This implies that through interactions, learners and teachers socialize into specific understanding of what constitutes the formal curriculum.The forms of interactions also assist in describing the values by w hich individual learners achieve their targets (Duff, 2000). Peer-to-peer dialogue in language acquisition In mutual dialogue, learners share ideas to solve linguistic challenges and/or construct language or ay information about language. Language mediates this activity as cognitive equipment to process and control meaning formulation and also as a social equipment to convey information to others. This implies that any word spoken can be viewed as both a process as well as a product.Peer-to-peer dialogue is important in all the four skills acquired in second language development, that is, reading, writing, speaking as well as listening. Peer-to-peer dialogue can thus be considered as a mediator to second language learning (Oxford, 1993). Value of reflection and reflective teaching Reflection or critical reflection describes an activity or procedure whereby an experience is remembered, considered and assessed normally in regard to a wider purpose.It is a reaction to past experiences and entails conscious recall and assessment of the experience as a basis for valuation and decision making and a directive for planning and plan execution. Reflective teaching has various approaches which include study of oneself and others, group teaching and exploring ones perspective of instructing through writing. In spite of the approach chosen, three parts that are a component of the method include: the event, recollection of the event and review and reaction to the event (Abbott, 2000). Errors and error correctionLearning of a second language involves Errors and error correction. Error analysts differentiate between errors, which are logical, and mistakes, which are not. They are concerned with identification of errors in the acquisition of second languages. An error can be categorized as a basic error, covert errors, overt errors or domain. They can also be classified on the basis of the level of the language. The classification of an error is very important since its correc tion is possible if it is positively identified (Corder, 2001). Qualities of a good second language teacherA good second language teacher is a pre-requisite to the learning of a second language. A good and qualified teacher will motivate the learners by making the lessons more interesting and educational. A good second language teacher should have the appropriate qualification and education. For instance, it is not obvious that a person whose native language is English is necessarily capable of teaching English. Teaching the language requires special training to equip the tutor with the necessary skills appropriate for teaching the language.Qualified tutors should have a firm knowledge of linguistics, language skills and the modern teaching methodologies and theories. The tutors should consistently keep themselves updated, for instance, by extensive or wide reading and participating in language conferences (Tarone & Swierzbin, 2009). Dedication and sense of humor A good second langu age teacher should have a passion for teaching and should be dedicated to the teaching career. The tutor should teach with the intention of making a difference in the learner and assist them to learn.A good second language teacher should not be solely be motivated by money but should have the inner motivation to teach and help. Motivation by money would imply that the tutor is more interested with acquiring money rather than the needs of the learners. The teacher should possess a good sense of humor. Such a teacher will be able to make the learning enjoyable and fun (Tarone & Swierzbin, 2009) Four skills in second language acquisition Listening Listening is the language skill which students mostly find the most difficult to comprehend. This is as a result of the students’ feeling that they not compelled to learn every word.To realize their objectives in relation to this skill, the tutor plays a significant role that is described by the following steps: first, it is necessary to assist all the learners prepare for the listening task properly before the text is introduced to them. It is therefore necessary for the tutor to make certain that the learners comprehend the language they require to finish the task and are fully informed of their expectations in the course. The learners need to be reassured that it is not necessary that they comprehend every word but most of the words especially the common ones.The next significant step is to encourage the learners to anticipate the words they would hear. In real life, the condition, the speaker, and the image clues all assist everyone to decipher oral messages (Duff, 2000). Speaking In teaching the speaking skill, the tutor must take into consideration that the language input used in the instructional process is higher than the level of the language production anticipated from the learners. Learners especially those in primary schools should be exposed to several speaking activities to enable them participate w ith little verbal response.At higher levels however, learners are motivated to start to manipulate language and convey themselves in a clearer and more personal means. In the primary school for instance, the two major speaking activities utilized are: songs, chants, and poems to encourage learners to imitate the model they hear on the cassette. Other activities are the game and pair work activities which should at all times emphasize on a particular model. These motivate the learners to start to manipulate the language by exposing them to certain amount of choice, although within a supposedly controlled situation (Duff, 2000).Reading In order to make reading a relaxed and interesting activity as opposed to a boring and tedious duty, it is significant to ensure that the learners do not struggle to read every word they come across, whether they are skimming for the wording for general meaning or scanning it to look for particular information. At this point, the teachers should select texts while considering the difficulty level. They should also consider the interest of the learners as well as their humor so that the learners are encouraged to read as they would do with their native language.The selected texts should be motivating enough to keep the learners entertained as well anxious to read and learn more of the language. As far as the listening activities are concerned, it is significant to invest more time preparing for the tasks by utilizing illustrations (Duff, 2000). Writing In the lower levels, EFL learners progress from writing secluded words and phrases, to short paragraphs about some specific topics or very common topics like family, home, and hobbies and friends. Since most of the learners at this level are unable to either linguistically or intellectually create written text from the start.The writing activities mainly show towards the end of a course to enable the learners have adequate exposure to the language and practice of the major structures and vocabulary they require. At this point, the learners work will invariably contain errors. The teacher should be more sensitive in the correction process and not focus much on every error that is identified. A piece of written work that is full of correction work is de-motivating and usually counter-productive. In as much as possible the learners should be encouraged to make corrections in their own work (Duff, 2000).Difficulties to the learners Language instructing practice often presumes that most of the difficulties that students encounter while learning the language are as a result of the level to which their native language varies from the second language.. An indigenous speaker of Chinese may for instance encounter more difficulties than an indigenous speaker of German, because German is closely related to English more than Chinese is. This may also apply to individuals of any first language intending to study any other language.Language learners commonly make mistakes esp ecially syntax and pronunciation mistakes due to the influence of their first language like mapping its grammatical structure inappropriately onto the second language, pronouncing certain sounds wrongly or with difficulty and confusing certain aspects of the vocabulary, referred to as false friends. This is known as first language transfer or language interference (Richards & Renandya, 2002). Conclusion A good second language instructor is a significant factor when learners are studying a second language.It has generally been agreed that great tutors are those that still recall what it was to be a learner and treat the learners as equals. When teaching a second language, the tutor must establish an open, free and close relationship with each of the learners and motivate the quieter ones or the slow ones to gather enough confident and courage. The teacher should have enough patience and appreciation and an understanding that everyone can make mistakes. Being in a position to teach a second language is the most rewarding job since it involves assisting learners to advance and communicate abroad (Richards & Renandya, 2002). References Abbott, M. (2000). Identifying reliable generalizations for spelling words: The importance of   multilevel analysis. The Elementary School Journal 101(2), 233-245 Corder, S. P. (2001). The significance of learners' errors. International Review of Applied         Linguistics, 5, 160-170. Duff, P. (2000). Repetition in foreign language classroom interaction. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Oxford, R. (1993).Research on second language learning strategies. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 13:175-187 Richards, J. C. & Renandya, W. A. (2002). Methodology in language teaching: an anthology of           current practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Tarone, E., Bigelow, M. & Hansen, K. (2009). Literacy and Second Language Oracy. Oxford: Oxford University Press Tarone, E., & Swierzbin, B. (2009). Exploring Learner Language. Oxford: Oxford University  Press
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Different Origins of Horse Breeds essays
Different Origins of Horse Breeds essays Have you ever wondered where different breeds of horses originated from? Many people probably dont care. But some people might find it interesting. Horses are bred for different structure, work and speed and come from all over the world. Horses are very unique in when and where they originated from. The Shire horse is the purest survival of an early type, which was spoken of by medieval writers as the 'Great Horse.' If this horse did not originate in England, this country at a very early date acquired a widespread reputation for producing it. Indeed, the English 'Great Horse' seems to have been a native development of that British 'War Horse' whose strength, courage and aptitude for discipline are spoken of in high terms by the Roman legions at their first landing upon these shores. The Clydesdale is a breed of heavy draft horse developed in and deriving its name from the district in Scotland where it was founded. The farmers of Lanarkshire, through which the River Clyde flows, evolved its type. The old name for Lanarkshire is Clydesdale. The exact origins of the Percheron have been lost over time. Some believe they are descendants of the original horses found in the region during the Ice Age. Regardless of its ancient beginnings it is known that at two points in history the native mares of the Le Perche region of France were mated with Arab stallions, first during the eighth century and later during the Middle Ages. By the time of the crusades the Percheron was widely recognized as outstanding for his substance and soundness, as well as for his characteristic beauty and style. The America Saddlebred horse was first mentioned in official government correspondence in 1776. It has been written that Paul Revere's mount for his famous ride was a Narraganset Pacer, a breed that was important in the development of the Saddlebred. American Saddlebred horses accompanied pioneers f ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Johnny Cash- Tragic Hero Essay Example
Johnny Cash Johnny Cash- Tragic Hero Paper Johnny Cash- Tragic Hero Paper The person starts by taking the drugs, but then the drugs start taking the person, thats what happened to me said Johnny Cash about his own addiction, in his autobiography Man In Black. Johnny Cash was born In a small town in Arkansas and used his musical talent and Incredible story-telling valuables to win the hearts of Americans during the sass Into the sass. But all that fame and fortune can take Its toll on a person and cause that person to resort to desperate measures In order to go on with their lives. Johnny Cashs decisions during his time of fame and the legalization of his faults give way to him being called a tragic hero. Johnny Cash was a child of the depression and was no better off than most families of the plane states during the sass. Born J. R. Cash, Johnny grew up picking cotton in the small town of Dyes, Arkansas. J. R. Wouldnt become the infamous Johnny Cash until July of 1950, when he signed up for the Air Force. The Air Force would not accept his initials of J. R. , so Cash quickly chose the name Johnny. Cash spent four years in the Air Force and was even transferred to Europe for almost 2 years. During this time, Cash kept a relined close to home named Vivian Liberty and they would be wed in June of 1954 when Cash returned home. Cashs free time In the Alarm Force led to his love of music and although the road to fame would be rough, In time Johnny Cash would become a country music legend. Cash auditioned for Sam Phillips at Sun Records on September 9, 1954. The audition went well, and although Phillips likes Cashs authentic voice, he warned that he would be pushing Cash to sound more mainstream. Cashs first single came out in March of 1955 however; it was not a hit with listeners. But Cash did not give up and his next single brought more and more anus to his music. Cashs fame continued to grow and in 1958 he welcomed a new record contract with Columbia Records. A few years later, in 1 962 Cash would make his debut at Carnegie Hall in New York and he would also begin his own show on BBC, The Cash Show. The following year, Cash would record his best selling single Ring of Fire. The hectic lifestyle off musician became too much for Cash to handle, and he began to look for help In all of the wrong places which would lead to his downfall. Once I knew how to drink beer and look for a girl, It was no big thing o drink the hard stuff and look for a fight said Cash in 1962 on his post performance tendencies (Turner 35). Cash also later spoke of graduating from beer to cognac and having wild times in which he would learn how well he could curse (Turner). Cash would wander town and drunk and high off of amphetamines and was becoming the city saddest Joke (Campbell 152). Cash would be arrested for the first time in November 1961 on the charges of Public Drunkenness, and his new habits and addictions would lead to four more arrests over the next 5 years. In 1967 Cash would be sued for $125. 00 for starting a forest fire in a wildlife refuge in California. For the last time, In 1967 Cash would be arrested for Public Drunkenness in Lafayette Georgia. But these addictions began to run his life and this was obvious to fans, friends and family. Even Cashs days off were Immensely In a haze of amphetamines and tranquilizer. Johnny Cash seemed to sink as low as a human get (Campbell After a long night in jail, Cash realized what he had let happen to his life, 149). Ana Immediately wanted to TAX every mistake en Ana ma e a . L dont ever want out AT this cell again. I Just want to stay here alone and pray that God will forgive me and then let die because Im too weak to face everyone that Ill have to face. Known that my family is heartbroken, known that my friends and fans are hurt and disappointed- its more that I can reconcile with them. Later that same month, Cash contacted DRP. Nat Winston, the Tennessee Commissioner of Mental Health, who told him to get ready for the fight of your life. Ill have to treat you as if you have no responsibilities, as if youre a child. But Cash agreed, and was willing to do whatever it took to himself up. To add to his struggles, in 1968 Cashs marriage to Vivian Liberty ended. Only a few weeks later, Cash married June Carter who had toured with him and stuck by his side through his hard times. June was already doing her best to stop his drug habits by checking his pockets, discussing his problems and even keeping bad influences away from their home. In Johnnys world of demons, June was his angel (Leopold). All of the hard work and support paid off, and Johnny Cash, became clean of drugs. Johnny Cash was also now willing to share the stories of his past mistakes with anyone who wanted to listen. The most remarkable aspect if Johnnys openness was that he was probably the first superstar to actually hold up his hands and admit what hed done wrong in the past(Campbell 199). Cash continued his music career and he acquired many awards that include: 10 Grammar Awards, A Grammar Lifetime Achievement Award, and an MET Video Award. He was inducted into the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame and was at the time, youngest living, and currently still is the youngest inductee into the the Country Music Hall of Fame. Johnny Cash continued his drug free life until 2003, when in May, he lost his wife June to complications from surgery. Less than 4 months later, Johnny too passed away from respiratory problems only to be reunited with his angel. it was a sad day in Memphis, but a beautiful day in heaven (Leopold). To this day, Cashs songs are still being put onto albums and sold on the top of the charts. Johnny Cash is considered a tragic hero not only because of the mistakes he made in his life, but also his ability to realize and overcome those mistakes. Johnny started as J. R. Cash a small cotton-picking boy from Arkansas and worked his way to become he most widely known name in country music. Cash realizes and holds himself accountable for the decisions he made during his music career and the consequences that followed. But more importantly he was also responsible for his recovery and his drug free life that followed him until his passing in 2003. He went from being as wild as Hank Williams to being almost as respected as one of the fathers of our country. (Craftsperson). It was Johnnys strong will and love that allowed him to overcome these obstacles that made him Cash, The Man in Black and the legend that he is today.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Good Citizen vs Good Man essays
Good Citizen vs Good Man essays The good man and the good citizen are not one and the same. What can be said about one cannot be necessarily said about the other. It is essential for the good man to be a good citizen. It is not, though, vital for the good citizen to be a good man. This distinction is important to make, because it helps one understand that the qualities a good man possesses far supersede those of a good citizen. A good citizen does what is best for the community, his city. As long as he is no harm to his surroundings, and cares for the improvement and betterment of his city, he is a good citizen. Who a person is doesn't greatly affect what kind of citizen he will be. What if a man is a secret murderer? If we were to say that he only kills people outside of his city, would he be affecting the city in any way? If he was a great politician and lived this secret life as well would he still be a great citizen? The answer is yes. This is because the good citizen doesn't have to care about others. He can allow his desires to overpower his calculating. He doesn't have to have a well-ordered soul. In other words, he doesn't have to be a good man. Aristotle chooses to search for the difference between the good man and the good citizen by examining and analyzing their virtues. He concludes that, "Hence, the virtue of a citizen must be suited to his constitution. Consequently, if indeed there are several kinds of constitution, it is clear that there cannot be a single virtue that is the virtue-of a good citizen. But the good man, we say, does express a single virtue: the complete one. Evidently, then, it is possible for someone to be a good citizen without having acquired the virtue expressed by a good man" (1276b). What Aristotle doesn't tell us is who is better off. Is it sufficient to be the good citizen or is it definitely more satisfying to be the good man? The good man is recognizably superior to the good citizen. ...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
A paper describing a current or emerging trend that has or will impact Essay
A paper describing a current or emerging trend that has or will impact occupational therapy service delivery - Essay Example The impact will not only mean an increase in health promotion based on value rather than volume but it will make the work of occupational therapists easier, make their clients more self-reliant and teach the whole community how to handle occupational therapy for their members. It will also reduce the current burden and work load occupational therapists are having as the number of people requiring this form of therapy will have reduced drastically with the new trend (Jaffe & Johnson, 2014). Research from the British Journal of Occupational Therapy indicates that with the current trend in occupational therapy, old age people between the ages of 60 and 90 were able to be better. After being introduced to the health promotion program for a period of 8 months, they were able to have better cognition, reduce their levels of depression, were less functionally dependent and were generally able to increase their quality of life (Mountain, Mozley, Craig & Ball, 2008). The occupational therapist’s service delivery to these aged people was therefore lessened as they only had to minimally assist them. In line with these positive transformations, the occupational therapists are therefore able to have more time to handle other different types of clients as they are not tied down handling only a few clients. Research indicates that majority of the occupational therapy clients are old people who have developed various forms of disabilities such as in their hearing, seeing, walking and even in terms of memory. The journal article by Turcotte, Carrier, Desrosiers & Levasseur, (2015) indicates that the current trend in occupational therapy can be able to assist the old people to prevent developing these disabilities or be in a position to manage them better in case they have developed. By so doing, they will have reduced drastically the amount of money and even time they spend on seeking health care for their
Friday, October 18, 2019
Judaism is, for Levinas, a religion for adults. What does he mean buy Essay
Judaism is, for Levinas, a religion for adults. What does he mean buy this - Essay Example Theodicy implies a vindication of the divine in spite of the manifestation and existence of wickedness; this concept of suffering has troubled many because they believe that it is a contradiction to be a good God and still let one’s creation suffer. Levinas explains that atheism would be the most obvious reaction to such a phenomenon, but this would be taking a simplistic path in understanding the matter (145). Persons who hold such a view may come to this resolution because they had a perception of God that is also simplistic; that is, of a creator who treats men like children. This God gives prizes to those who have been good and then punishes them for failing to play by the rules; in other words, he regards the human race as one with an infantile state of mind (Katz and Trout 144). However, if one were to conceive of God as a being that is more complex than the above assumption, then it is likely that one will be better able to understand the notion of suffering. Levinas adds that the God who is found in the Torah is one who hides his face in order to allow man to rely on his conscience in order to find him (145). He requires a responsible subject who would not need to depend on certain physical aids or manifestations in order to get to this level; this means, he would have to be mature. Levinas goes on to affirm that theodicy is actually not a fact but is really a product of mythic thinking that has been perpetuated over the years. When understanding such a monstrous act like the Holocaust, where 6 million Jews were killed, this scholar believes that people have to take responsibility for human behaviour. Trying to rely on theodicy to explain away these atrocious acts it to deflect human responsibility to a divine being, and this is what children would do (Katz and Trout 145). The God of the Torah is a God of adults because he requires man to
Self-discovery and Understanding of World in Against Meat and Praise Essay
Self-discovery and Understanding of World in Against Meat and Praise of Self-deception - Essay Example Even with the improved capacity to conceive build and design sophisticated equipment, tame some of the wildest beasts the earth has ever known and even travel thousands of miles to the moon, a man seems not to understand his own functionalities. He seems increasingly confused in understanding the most complex machine evolution has provided; the brain. Although scientists at least have clues on how the brain process information, it has always been a dilemma on how the physical and the tangible aspects of the brain easily connect to aspects such as emotions and how the brain affects our decision-making processes. Perhaps the state of chaos and confusion that in most instance human beings conceal behind the mask of ambition, philanthropy, humanity or even religion is better explained by the artistic impressions of artists. The question is whether man has the capacity to find answers on his real self but opts not to, due to fear of what he might discover. Maybe the man is just not able t o self-discover and will in most instances carefully construct theories in an attempt to hide his ineptness in these matters. Using the â€Å"Broken Column†(Self-portrait) by Fridah Kahlo as the yardstick, the paper will conduct an analysis on two texts; â€Å"against meat†and â€Å"praise of self-deception.†The Self. ... The article â€Å"Against Meat†by Jonathan Safran is a narration about his battle with the commitment of being a vegetarian. Safran begins by outlining the initial concept that was nurtured in him concerning meat and how he experienced difficulties in converting to vegetarianism even after realizing the ills associated with meat. Safran learned at an early age from his grandmother that there was no kind of food that was bad and that most parts of food were to be eaten. Safran writes that: No foods are bad for you. Sugars are great. Fats are tremendous. The fatter a child is, the fitter it is  especially if it’s a boy. Safran also mentions that his grandmother had endured the 2nd World War surviving barely enough to eat and was even sometimes forced to scavenge for food remnants in dustbins. As a result, his grandmother’s obsession with food was particularly due to her past experiences with hunger. Then after that Safran learnt from his father that kickin g animals was not good, only for the father to flush a golden fish Safran received as a gift in the toilet. These instances together with the conversation he had with the baby sitter only served to disillusion Safran concerning the ills of eating meat. The disillusionment Safran felt was due to the fact that most people around him ate meat despite believing that eating meat is causing undue distress to animals. Safran admits that the disillusionment had profound impact on his life, that he found himself constantly making excuses to eat meat despite being a vegetarian. Safran proceeds to narrate a life where he hypocritically consoled himself that he had not caused any distress because he had not actually killed but was just consuming what had been killed by another.Â
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The Irish Republican Army Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Irish Republican Army - Research Paper Example Great Britain, under Oliver Cromwell, established overlordship of Ireland in the seventeenth century. While Scottish and English Protestants formed a majority in the North, the South remained predominantly Catholic. The widening economic disparity between the industrialized North, and the agricultural South (where the Protestants remained exploitative, absentee landowners), led to the abysmal poverty of the Irish Catholics, and to their alienation. The overwhelming majority of Irish representatives to Parliament remained Anglican landowners. Repressive laws of the 17th and 18th centuries prohibited Irish Catholics from owning or leasing land, and denied them political rights and education. An Irish revolt in 1798 was brutally suppressed by Great Britain, resulting in the Great Hunger of 1845 – 1852, in which more than a million people starved and millions more emigrated. The ruthless reaction of the British Government was largely responsible for this. The Protestants and the C atholics separated into two warring camps and a long period of agitation and violence commenced. (Kuznicki, Willett, Griffin, Manley and Matten, nd.).
STEP Analysis and Market Segmentations for a Motorola Company Essay
STEP Analysis and Market Segmentations for a Motorola Company - Essay Example It is stated that widely distributed sales and system integration teams of Motorola company collaborated by improvised phone, e-mail, and paper processes. Motorola consists of three businesses: Connected Home Solutions, Networks & Enterprise, and Mobile Devices. Connected Home Solutions provides a scalable, integrated end-to-end system for the delivery of broadband services that keeps consumers informed, entertained and connected. Mobile Devices designs, manufactures, sells and services wireless subscriber and server equipment for cellular systems, portable energy storage products and systems, servers and software solutions and related software and accessory products. Networks & Enterprise solutions include secure two-way radio, cellular and wireless broadband systems to meet the needs of public safety, government, private, and service provider and enterprise customer’s world-wide. The researcher then focuses on the analysis of Motorola’s RAZR phone, that is used in mul ti-national business, which is characteristic of a social and cultural worldview today. In relation to Motorola’s RAZR business goals to retain more consumers, it becomes important to look at the improvements and continuations of the company’s strategy. It is concluded then by the researcher of this essay that the Motorola RAZR has identified with innovation, being one of the highest selling products in mobile communications history, that maintain a connection with customer culture and time the release of new products.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The Irish Republican Army Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Irish Republican Army - Research Paper Example Great Britain, under Oliver Cromwell, established overlordship of Ireland in the seventeenth century. While Scottish and English Protestants formed a majority in the North, the South remained predominantly Catholic. The widening economic disparity between the industrialized North, and the agricultural South (where the Protestants remained exploitative, absentee landowners), led to the abysmal poverty of the Irish Catholics, and to their alienation. The overwhelming majority of Irish representatives to Parliament remained Anglican landowners. Repressive laws of the 17th and 18th centuries prohibited Irish Catholics from owning or leasing land, and denied them political rights and education. An Irish revolt in 1798 was brutally suppressed by Great Britain, resulting in the Great Hunger of 1845 – 1852, in which more than a million people starved and millions more emigrated. The ruthless reaction of the British Government was largely responsible for this. The Protestants and the C atholics separated into two warring camps and a long period of agitation and violence commenced. (Kuznicki, Willett, Griffin, Manley and Matten, nd.).
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
JFK'S INAUGURAL ADDRESS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
JFK'S INAUGURAL ADDRESS - Essay Example He was the youngest man who happened to be the President of America (This is Day in History - John F. Kennedy inaugurated) JFKS Inaugural address was mainly based on the peace, world change, freedom, rights of the people and relations with the neighbor states, including the world as a whole. The major goal of his campaign defined his eventual presidency during the time of diplomatic challenges, emerging social challenges and economic prosperity. Immediately after receiving the Oath, President Kennedy addressed the speech, which he had been preparing from the time of his nomination. His speech just not contained his personal thoughts but also the suggestions he took from the fellow economists. The main idea of the speech was to represent the United States as such a force which effectively counts in maintaining the peaceful relationships, on international level. Kennedy highlighted the new inventions and discoveries of nuclear power worldwide, along with arms. He didn’t favor the dangerous discoveries are not important and in interest of the world peace by addressing that, â€Å"to those nations w ho would make themselves our adversary, we offer not a pledge but a request: that both sides begin a new that quest for peace†(Kennedy Inaugural Address, 1961). The actual focus of the speech was on the relationship between duty and power. The statement by Kennedy, â€Å"Man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life†(Kennedy Inaugural Address, 1961), proves his point that he was addressing in the favor of the whole world not only Americans. His above statement clarifies his motto that he wanted to spread peace into the whole by dismantling the goals of those states, whose priorities were to bring out Cold Wars. Kennedy referred to those people who were residing in small villages globally, struggling to live their lives, by saying that
Relations Between East and West Germany in 1969 Essay Example for Free
Relations Between East and West Germany in 1969 Essay The relationship between the two states in Germany, FRG (West) and GDR (East) has improved drastically in recent times resulting in the restructuring of Germany. Though the basis of this reunification stems from the years between 1969-1974. These years where immensely important for the two Germanys and with the change of leaders for political parties, so to did the views change. Such as the introduction of Ostpolitik. There was also the continuation of control from the mother countries that these two nations represented. The two superpowers (USA and USSR) wanted improved relations in the late 1960’s to prevent an annihilation of an international scale – there where too many weapons the stakes where too high. Many people thought that the money used to develop these weapons could be put to better use, such as improving living conditions. First it is necessary to talk about Willy Brandt, who was a German communist politician who led the German Democratic Republic as General Secretary of The Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) from 1971 until 1989. He had created the policy of Ostpolitik, which was aimed at improving the relations with the East. This was the first time that either one of the nations had stated any realisation of each other. They’re where many aims of Ospolitik of which its main goal was to strengthen the relations within the entire Eastern Bloc. It was to develop relations with the East and reduce the negative effects of Germany’s division. It used a policy of ‘rapprochement’ rather than a policy of strength, which was only possible due to the serious confrontation in 1962 between the USA and USSR after nuclear bases were found to have been installed in Cuba. This policy allowed both nations to be admitted into the United Nations after the signing of the Treaty of Moscow in August 1970, in which the FRG recognised the western boarders of Poland as well as stating that neither country had any territorial claims against each other. Willy Brandt was the driving force behind this offering of an ‘olive branch’ to East Germany. In March 1970, Brandt visited Willi Stoph (leader of the GDR’s Council of Ministers) in Erfurt, East German. This was the first ever meeting between senior government figures of the FRG and GDR and demonstrated that measures to develop better mutual relations were being taken seriously by both Germanys. This visit changed the views of the East German public as proven by their enthusiastic welcoming of Brandt. It gave them hope that life may improve now that they where recognised as a country. They even displayed a banner with the letter ‘Y’ on it to symbolise Willy Brandt apposed to Willi Stoph It also calmed tensions with the USA as the USSR viewed Brandt as a ‘good guy’ with whom they could do legitimate business. Although, the USA was worried that Brandt was acting of his own accord, they feared that they would lose control over the FRG and Brandt. Later that year in August he visited Moscow, the capital of Russia, which reinforced the idea of Ospolitik, it was something that Konrad Adenuer would never have done. Finally on his return journey he stopped off in Poland, which was heavily scared from the war when Germany invaded in 1939. His press stunt of stopping at a Jewish Memorial acted as a major step towards repairing relations. This could also be seen as a stepping stone for the dà ©tente of when Ospolitik did have its negative though such as, the loss of traditional support (eg. refugees) as the loss of territory in Poland caused quite an upset many calling it illegal and some went as far treason. In 1971 the GDR elected Erich Honecker as General Secretary. Erich had to respond to Brandt. He had a commitment to improve the relations. He made Western media legal in the GDR, the people could view TV and listen to radio freely – although newspapers where censored as this was the how the majority of East Germans received their news. There where significant improvements in the postal service and the telephone lines between West and East, there had been no official line linking the cities before. Finally, a new motorway was constructed from Hamburg to Berlin as part of the plan to improve its links with West Berlin. Though it helped people inside to travel around the GDR. This was again all due to the fact that the beginnings of Ospolitik and the four power agreement (an agreement that ensure what was known as a time of dà ©tente) had led to wider international recognition. Both Germanys had a applied for, and were accepted as, members of the United Nations. During the period of 1969 to 1974 over nighty countries officially recognised the GRD. They also were finally accepted by the USA. Now that both states recognised each other, in 1974 the first ever football match between the two states was held with the first round of the world cup. It ended with a 1-0 away win for the GDR. This was significant in the fact that it showed the world that communism was not necessarily a losing way. However, there where still many things wrong with the society between the two. Some parts of the relationship were still cold. Such as, the continued restriction of travel from the GDR. Travel from the GDR to West Berlin and West Germany remained tightly restricted. Despite having signed many agreements, the SED refused to comply with the human rights aspects of the 1975 Helsinki Accords, which were designed to ensure there was free travel from either country. Overall travel to the West was far more restricted from the GDR than that of Poland or Hungary. Apart from business meeting, sports matches and politicians, access to the West was made impossible to people of working age. This had to be implied or the East would have lost its whole work force to the West, at one point up to 250,000 people where leaving the country. If they didn’t prevent them their economy would have collapsed. In the 1970s, Erich Honecker rejected any aim of reuniting Germany. Instead, he focused on emphasising a policy of ‘demarcation’ to stress the differences between East and West Germany and to develop a clearer sense of the GDR’s own unique national identity. A new constitution in 1974 helped emphasise it as the true ‘German’ state and helped justify it as the only ‘anti fascist’ state that is organised on the basis of class-consciousness. The SED also promoted itself as the natural successor of Karl Marx and Engels, who, of course, were Germans. It also claimed that the FRG was too Americanised; many West German conservatives believe the same ironically. Finally, they stated that the GDR bore no responsibility for the war crimes that had been committed by Nazi Germany. Overall it is obvious that the policy of Ostpolitik was significant in that it led to a cooling of relations between East and West Germany, and between the Superpowers. It is debatable whether this alone led to the eventual reunification of Germany and its role in doing so is often overstated. Ostpolitik was in some ways limited in its impact and not supported by all. It did however mark a turning point as the FRG and GDR were prepared to recognise each other. All of this said, it is not the most significant in the development of relations- the initial events which divided Germany and the creation of a wall dividing the nation physically are far more important.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Is Light a Wave or a Particle?
Is Light a Wave or a Particle? Is light a wave or a collection of particles? The answer is both, Light can be modelled as an electromagnetic wave or a stream of photons Light is an electromagnetic wave as it travels through a vacuum of outer space to transfer its energy from one location to another. ( The physics classroom, 1996-2014) Electromagnetic waves are created by the vibration of an electric charge. This vibration creates a wave which has both an electric and a magnetic component. An electromagnetic wave transports its energy through a vacuum at a speed of 3.00 x 108 m/s (a speed value commonly represented by the symbol c). The Wave theory of was originally developed by Huygens His theory said that light travelled through space by travelling through a medium known as the ether, a mystical weightless substance, which exists as an invisible entity throughout air and space. Huygens believed that ether vibrated in the same direction as light, and formed a wave itself as it carried the light waves. Huygens Principle described how each point on a wave could produce its own wavelets, which then added together to form a wavefront. Light also displays certain properties of waves such as reflection, refraction and diffraction. These occur when a wave reaches the end of the medium. Reflection is when the light bounces off an obstacle. The most common example is the reflection of light waves off mirrored surface results in the formation of an image. Another characteristic of wave reflection is that the angle at which the wave approaches a flat reflecting surface is equal to the angle at which the wave leaves the surface. Reflection is observed in water and sound waves and is also observed in light. (The physics classroom, 1996-2014) Refraction is when a wave passes from one medium to another medium. When the wave crosses the boundary between the two mediums the direction of the wave changes and the path of the wave is essentially bent. The direction of the bend depends on the speed at which the wave is moving through the mediums, if it is moving from a fast medium to a slow medium it will bend one way and going from a slow medium to a fast medium it will bend the opposite way. The angle of the bend will depend on the actual speeds of the two mediums. (The physics classroom, 1996-2014) Refraction occurs in sound and water waves. It can be seen in light in the refraction of light through a glass or a mirage is an optical illusion caused when light waves moving from the sky toward the ground are bent by the heated air Diffraction involves a change in direction of waves as they pass through an opening or around an obstacle in their path. Water and sound waves have the ability to travel around corners, around obstacles and through openings. When light encounters an obstacle in its path, the obstacle blocks the light and tends to cause the formation of a shadow in the region behind the obstacle. Light does not exhibit a very noticeable ability to bend around the obstacle and fill in the region behind it with light. Nonetheless, light does diffract around obstacles. In fact, if you observe a shadow carefully, you will notice that its edges are extremely fuzzy. Interference effects occur due to the diffraction of light around different sides of the object, causing the shadow of the object to be fuzzy. This is often demonstrated with a laser light and penny demonstration. Light diffracting around the right edge of a penny can constructively and destructively interfere with light diffracting around the left edge of the penny. The result is that an interference pattern is created; the pattern consists of alternating rings of light and darkness. As can be seen in this photo. How can we test if light is a wave? An experiment called the double slit experiment was designed by the scientist Thomas Young. It required a light source, a thin card with two holes cut side by side and a screen. To run the experiment, Young allowed a beam of light to pass through a pinhole and strike the card. If light contained particles or simple straight-line rays, he reasoned, light not blocked by the opaque card would pass through the slits and travel in a straight line to the screen, where it would form two bright spots. This isnt what Young observed. Instead, he saw a bar code pattern of alternating light and dark bands on the screen. To explain this unexpected pattern, he imagined light traveling through space like a water wave, with crests and troughs. Thinking this way, he concluded that light waves traveled through each of the slits, creating two separate wave fronts. As these wave fronts arrived at the screen, they interfered with each other. Bright bands formed where two wave crests overlapped and added together. Dark bands formed where crests and troughs lined up and canceled each other out completely. This proves the theory that light is a wave. The particle theory of light This theory was developed by Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Eistein and said that the energy emitted by light travelled as small minimum quantities or packets of electromagnetic energy called photons According to the photon theory of light, photons . . . move at a constant velocity,c= 3 x 108m/s (i.e. the speed of light), in free space have zero mass carry energy and momentum, and The energy of each photon is directly proportional to the frequency of the radiation. can be destroyed/created when radiation is absorbed/emitted. can have particle-like interactions (i.e. collisions) with electrons and other particles. (Jones, 2014) The photoelectric effect supports the particle theory of light The photoelectric effect is the phenomena where a metal releases electrons when exposed to light or electromagnetic radiation of a particular frequency. These emitted electrons are called photoelectrons. So basically this is how it works Every metal has a threshold frequency this is the minimum frequency of light or electromagnetic radiation that will causes the release of electron from the surface of a metal. This is because this frequency will supply the minimum amount of energy needed to overcome the force of attraction between the metal and the electron this is known as the work function of the metal What happens is when a light photon with energy equal to hf (h being planks constant and f being greater than or equal to the threshold frequency) strikes a metal surface all the energy of the photon is transferred to the electron. (Louw, 2014) Another way to prove the particle theory is the Atomic Spectra Emission spectra are produced when light from a light source such as a filament or a gas discharge tube is observed through a diffraction grating or a prism Continous spectra are produced when light from a glowing solid state material such as a filament passes through a triangular prism. This is because Energy transitions take place this means that in an atom electrons have specific energy levels as you can see An electron is excited to an unstable higher energy level and then falls back to a lower level. Photons with a specific energy and frequency are emitted. In such dense substances, the atoms are so close together that many different transitions of electrons can take place and light photons of any wave length can be radiated. This results in the different colours being emitted. The production of the line emission spectra A glowing gas is obtained by heating it or passing an electric current through it The glowing gas in the discharge tube is then observed through a diffraction grating ( a diffraction creating is a transparent plate on which parallel lines are ruled very closely à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ±600 per mm The electrons in an atom have only specific energy levels When an atom is in a gaseous state, electrons can be excited to a higher energy level through heat or electricity The electrons absorb a discrete amount of energy for a specific jump for example between energy level 3 and 1 The excited state is unstable so the electron falls back almost immediately to a lower level and emits light energy in the form of photons The energy of an emitted photon equals the energy difference between the higher and lower energy levels. The energy is emitted as light with a definite frequency and specific colour. Each element will produce a different line spectra due to the differing energy levels Atomic spectras that are observed can only be explained if light was a stream of particles. It can therefore be stated that light as dual particle-wave nature Pictures (Richard Anderson, 2011) (Top ten thailand , 2014) (Abovetopsecret, 2014) (Atal, 2011) (Britannica, 2014) (HowStuffWorks, 2014) (xsgeo, 1999) (Mastin, 2009) (Greenfield, 2002) (Paley, 2010) (Norton, 2013) (Anon., n.d.) (University of Nebraska Lincoln, 2014) Bibliography The physics classroom, 1996-2014. Propagation of an Electromagnetic Wave. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 September 2014]. Abovetopsecret, 2014. Scalar waves. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 September 2014]. Anon., n.d. Tumbler. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 1 October 2014]. Atal, A., 2011. Davisson–Germer Experiment. [Online] Available at:–germer-experiment/ [Accessed 24 September 2014]. Britannica, 2014. Desert Mirage. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 September 2014]. Greenfield, D., 2002. Optical networking: fundamentals of light. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 1 October 2014]. HowStuffWorks, 2014. How light works. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 September 2014]. Jones, A. Z., 2014. What is a photon?. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 1 October 2014]. Louw, R., 2014. Physical Sciences, the Answer Series. 1st ed. Cape Town : The Answer. Mastin, L., 2009. QUANTA AND WAVE-PARTICLE DUALITY. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 1 October 2014]. nightlase, 2014. Theory of Light. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 September 2014]. Norton, J. D., 2013. Origins of Quantum Theory. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 1 October 2014]. Paley, N., 2010. Czech myself before I wreck myself. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 1 October 2014]. Richard Anderson, 2011. Santilli IsoRedShift. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 September 2014]. school physics, 2013. Theories of light. [Online] Available at: properties/Wave properties/text/Theories_of_light/index.html [Accessed 24 September 2014]. The physics classroom, 1996-2014. Wavelike Behaviors of Light. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 September 2014]. Top ten thailand , 2014. 10 Crazy Facts About Mirrors. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 September 2014]. University of Nebraska Lincoln, 2014. Spectral Classification of Stars. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 1 October 2014]. xsgeo, 1999. WHAT MAKES A WIGGLE ?. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 25 September 2014]. Utilitarian Consequentialist Perspective: Ethics of Cloning Utilitarian Consequentialist Perspective: Ethics of Cloning The emergence of a cloned ewe called Dolly in 1997 was a shock to the entire globe. Since an animal had been successfully cloned, it was only natural for scientists to try to replicate human beings. In 2001, a U.S. Company that deals with Advanced Cell Technology announced their first attempt towards making a human clone. Even though the experiment failed, the developments in biotechnology sparked a lot of interests regarding the morality and ethics of human cloning. This essay explores the bioethical issue of human cloning and how it challenges the absolute worth of the life of a human being from a utilitarian consequentialist perspective. Utilitarianism is a prominent ethical theory that assesses the rightness or wrongness of actions or ideas based on their implications for the mass population. Utilitarians view morality as an opportunity to make life better or to increase the good things on the planet by reducing the bad aspects. They think that what makes ideas and actions justified is their positive contribution to the human race. A person or entity is thus forced to develop calculations that will balance things out to generate the most happiness. Additionally, consequentialism allows morality to generate all forms of overall consequences (Vaughn, 2015). In the issue of human cloning, a utilitarian viewpoint would argue that it is essential to weigh the pleasure and pain that the idea or action will produce. Cloning entails the procedure of acquiring genetic material from one living organism to formulate an identical copy of it artificially. The outward appearance of the clone and organism will appear similar, but they will both have different personalities and attitudes. Human cloning possesses benefits such as the creation of additional living organisms that people need, regenerating an extinct species, providing infertile couples with children, compensating for the loss of a child, elimination of the birth defects, tissue and organ harvesting, amongst others (Vaughn, 2015). According to Vaughn (2015), the adverse implications of human cloning include the possibility of using the clones as slaves, experimentations on human beings, the lack of individuality of a clone, uncertain future outcomes regarding the health of the clone, aggressive genetic illnesses, social divide, etc. Human cloning is considered morally wrong by everyone who comes into contact with the potential dangers of the process. A significant portion of the clones dies after or before they are formed. They also obtain different malformations and abnormalities. Up to now, not even animal clones have successfully been created. It is thus disheartening to even contemplate a human child arising from a similar process. However, human cloning from a utilitarian consequentialist perspective is set to benefit many people on earth. From the standpoint, it is viewed as morally justified. Genetically altering the chromosomal composition of a person so that he or she can be free from defects would be ethically right. However, the uncertainty that arises from cloning makes it difficult to develop a concise analysis of the positive implications of the process. For example, the clone ewe, Dolly, was a remarkable creature who broke the boundaries of human thinking to usher in the prospects of human cloning. However, a few years later, Dolly exhibited signs of premature aging as well as genetic diseases (Vaughn, 2015). It is thus not right for scientists to be provided with the go ahead to dive into genetic engineering due to the uncertain outcomes of human cloning. At this early stage, a utilitarian consequentialist perspective of the bioethical issue is a bit hazy because it appears as if many individuals will not benefit from the scientific procedure. But there is also the aspect of a few mistakes saving millions of lives and ensuring the survival of the human race particularly at a time when the environment is in danger, and they are numerous incurable illnesses. Fortunately, with the introduction of computer simulations, it will be easier to examine the positive implications of human cloning to the general population since they will be no urgency to conduct human and animal experiments. Reference Vaughn, L. (2015). Doing ethics: Moral reasoning and contemporary issues. WW Norton Company.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Ongoing Crisis in Sudan Essay -- Foreign Policy
While the international community views the human rights abuse in Sudan a tragedy, instability in Sudan and South Sudan pose great risk to the U.S. national security and foreign relations and interests. For two decades, Sudan has been actively in a civil war for land, natural resources, and independence. This has caused civil unrest amongst its people mainly because of forced displacement and insufficient humanitarian assistance. Many human atrocities have been committed and reports estimate that over two million people have died because of war, famine, and disease. According to Eurasia Review (2012) â€Å"After decades of civil war, North and South Sudan signed a Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in 2005. The CPA set standards for sharing oil revenue (50:50 split) and a timetable toward a referendum on the South’s independence.†On July 7, 2011, Sudan split into separate countries, Sudan and South Sudan, after declaring its independence from Khartoum. Historica lly, the relationship between the U.S. and Sudan has been coarse both economically and politically. The Embassy continues to evaluate its posture in Sudan regularly, particularly in the wake of the January 1, 2008, killings of a U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) employee and his Sudanese driver in Khartoum.†Also, according to the Sudan Tribune â€Å"Sudan has been on the US economic sanctions list for more than a decade over allegations of supporting terrorism as well as human right abuses.†Currently, U.S. strategic priorities in Sudan include three main principles. First, a definitive end to conflict, gross human rights abuses, and justice for the genocide in Darfur. Second, the implementation of the North-South Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) that... 640582.html Bureau of African Affairs (2012, January 10). Background Note: Sudan. U.S. Department of State. Retrieved from Eurasia Review (2012, March 20). Sudan And South Sudan Energy Profile: Oil Production Stuck In Talks – Analysis. Eurasia Review News & Analysis. Retrieved from Herbst, M. (2008, March 14). Oil for China, Guns for Darfur. Bloomberg Businessweek. Retrieved from _430126.htm No economic prosperity in Sudan without political settlement, says opposition figure . (2012, March 18). Sudan Tribune. Retrieved from,41956 The Ongoing Crisis in Sudan Essay -- Foreign Policy While the international community views the human rights abuse in Sudan a tragedy, instability in Sudan and South Sudan pose great risk to the U.S. national security and foreign relations and interests. For two decades, Sudan has been actively in a civil war for land, natural resources, and independence. This has caused civil unrest amongst its people mainly because of forced displacement and insufficient humanitarian assistance. Many human atrocities have been committed and reports estimate that over two million people have died because of war, famine, and disease. According to Eurasia Review (2012) â€Å"After decades of civil war, North and South Sudan signed a Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in 2005. The CPA set standards for sharing oil revenue (50:50 split) and a timetable toward a referendum on the South’s independence.†On July 7, 2011, Sudan split into separate countries, Sudan and South Sudan, after declaring its independence from Khartoum. Historica lly, the relationship between the U.S. and Sudan has been coarse both economically and politically. The Embassy continues to evaluate its posture in Sudan regularly, particularly in the wake of the January 1, 2008, killings of a U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) employee and his Sudanese driver in Khartoum.†Also, according to the Sudan Tribune â€Å"Sudan has been on the US economic sanctions list for more than a decade over allegations of supporting terrorism as well as human right abuses.†Currently, U.S. strategic priorities in Sudan include three main principles. First, a definitive end to conflict, gross human rights abuses, and justice for the genocide in Darfur. Second, the implementation of the North-South Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) that... 640582.html Bureau of African Affairs (2012, January 10). Background Note: Sudan. U.S. Department of State. Retrieved from Eurasia Review (2012, March 20). Sudan And South Sudan Energy Profile: Oil Production Stuck In Talks – Analysis. Eurasia Review News & Analysis. Retrieved from Herbst, M. (2008, March 14). Oil for China, Guns for Darfur. Bloomberg Businessweek. Retrieved from _430126.htm No economic prosperity in Sudan without political settlement, says opposition figure . (2012, March 18). Sudan Tribune. Retrieved from,41956
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Organized Religion :: essays research papers
ORGANIZED RELIGION      In the movie As Good As It Gets, No one in the movie makes a direct reference to God. This is a little odd because all Melvin, Carol, and Simon are all going through very hard times in their life, and at no point in the movie does one of them ask God for help or anything like that. The reason this is odd is because, normally, when a person is going through a very hard time in their life they will ask God for help and will promise something in return, but not these three people.      The reason for them to not ask is because they think that they do not need any help and can get through everything by themselves. This is shown very blatantly at two points in the movie. The first time is when Carol has just gotten help from a doctor that Melvin got to take care of her son, Spencer Connelly. After Dr. Green has left and Carol is talking to Beverly Connelly, her mother, they get into an argument about because Carol does not want this help because she says that doing this lets a â€Å"crazy man†into their life. But Beverly yells back saying that this isn’t something you can send back. When Carol tries to refuse the help from Melvin, this shows that she does not want the help.      The second time this is shown is when Melvin, Carol, and Simon go to see Simon’s parents so Simon can get some money. He needs the money because he was attacked by some men that were robbing him, and when this happened he started to lose everything he had. But when Simon is at the hotel the night that Carol and Melvin go out to eat he calls his parents wanting to talk and let them know he is in town and wants to see them so he could maybe get some money from them so he has enough to get him started again. They do not answer the phone and he just leaves a message, but when he calls the next morning after having a revelation while sketching pictures of Carol, his mother answers the phone and asks if he needs anything or any help.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Mgr Assingment
Economic Future: Key points – assuming you are a UK based company, the potential uncertainty n the Euro zone e. G. Countries leaving the Euro Zone, fluctuation with exchange rates. Proposed managerial planning objectives – Similar to the political future, keep abreast of potential changes and have contingency plans in placer e. G. A supplier could be based in Europe so the company could look at secondary supplier in the UK or a different country that may not be affected or lesser impact from any changes.Socio-cultural Future: Key points – changes in consumer buyer patterns linked to the point identified. Proposed managerial planning objectives – Keep up to date With he latest marketing information, closely monitor what the competitors are taking to market and what they are planning to take to market. Technology is fast moving so if the company is not on the forefront of the latest gadget there is a potential the organization will be left behind. This needs to link to the corporate strategy of where the business is evolving to and this needs to driven by key market data.Technological Future: Key points – being aware or leading the latest technological developments, knowing when to start and stop producing a technology Proposed managerial landing objectives – this needs to dictated by the corporate strategy, does the business what to be at the forefront of the technology evolution or slightly lagging where the market is better known and stable. One strategy is to diversify so part of the business is pushing the technology boundaries and another is manufacture products in a mature market. The business in the mature market can be viewed as a cash cow for the cutting edge business.The key is diversification so there are a number Of income streams and these can be strictly monitored to know when to enter or leave a market. Part 3 Innovation Management Background Logistic are acquiring a small high technology firm to allow the m to move in the wearable technology market. The need for change is typically either: Environmental: competition, customer demands, etc. Internal forces: Meet company plans/goals, due to company problems, company needs etc. The reason/need for change with Logistic is the desire to move into the wearable technology market From the theory this will be regarded as a ‘Transformational Change†, I. . Involves the redesign and renewal of the total organization (Marcia, 2008) Considerations prior to acquisition: Need to determine whether the administration style and Corporate culture fit. Whether there are any major differences in values, beliefs or practices. If the above isn't addressed it can cause stress and anxiety. Organizational development has three stages – unfreezing the organization, changing the organization and then refreezing the organization after all of the changes have been implemented.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
An Analysis of the Armful
An analysis of the poem â€Å"The Armful†by Robert Frost In Robert Frost’s â€Å"The Armful†the speaker in the poem is not defined, but that is of no consequence, as the feeling of frustration that is conveyed in the poem’s first four lines could have been expressed by either a man or a woman. The speaker is not speaking to anyone in particular in the poem but it can be inferred that he is speaking to the reader on a higher level as, speaking literally; everyone can empathize with the feelings of frustration a person struggling to carry and balance too many packages conveys.In the poem the speaker has gone for groceries, probably without help, over shopped and is having a difficult time with all the bags he must carry. The packages slip from the speaker’s hands and he tries to catch them with his knees all the while still trying balance the rest of the his packages. In the end the he is forced to drop the groceries and find a better way of packing them back in the bags. Although the tone from the onset is that of frustration by the end it changes to something more positive. It can then be inferred that the theme of this poem is one of hope.The poem creates an image of someone who is in need of help and is alone, not necessarily lonely as in need of social capital, but alone on the inside. The constant, repetitive use of the word ‘I’ supports the idea and feeling of isolation even though, as the reader, it is easy to put one’s self in that situation and to feel as if you were there watching. It has to be assumed that the author is not literally writing about someone’s troubles during a routine shopping trip. Take, for instance, lines three (3) and four (4) ‘And the whole pile is slipping, bottles, buns, Extremes too hard to comprehend at.Once’. One can connote that it has more to do with the abstract, inner most problems of the authors mind as opposed to actual contents of a brown paper bag. These Images are brought to life in this rhythmic poem by the use of figurative language, particularly through the use of metaphor and symbolism. The rhythmic patterns of the poem can be seen at the end of each line. Here are the first two lines of the poem as an example of the rhyme scheme ‘For every parcel I stoop down to seize I lose some other off my hands and knees’.An example of alliteration can be seen in the second line when the author writes ‘ And the whole pile slipping, bottles, buns’. The implied comparisons or metaphors are abundant in this short poem. In fact it can be said with certainty that the poem is one big metaphor. Robert Frost uses this poem to explore deep feelings within himself and within everyone. Once again using lines three (3) and four (4) as an example ‘And the whole pile slipping, bottles, buns, Extremes too hard to comprehend at once’ is a metaphor for the complexity of the mind.The author’s problem s are like a whirlwind that makes his mind slip. Whether the problem is heavy symbolized by the bottles or lighter symbolized by the buns they hold equal weight in the space of the mind, that to this date we barely understand the inner workings of. In the next two lines, ‘Yet nothing I should care to leave behind. With all I have to hold with hand and mind. ’ Foster is implying that his problems are so great and unmanageable that he cannot stop thinking about them.In the next two line, lines seven (7) and eight (8), he gives the reader a glimpse that his problems may be more than in his head. It reads ‘And heart, if need be, I will do my best. To keep their building balanced at my breast’. This infers that his problems may also be emotional and he is trying hard to balance the two. In the last four lines is where the theme of the poem starts to take shape and one can see that all is not lost. In lines nine (9) and ten (10) the speaker says ‘I crouch d own to prevent them all as they fall; then sit down in the middle of them all’.The speaker at this point realizes that he is carrying too much both mentally and emotionally and decides to stop and analyze what is happening to him, take it slow and figure something out. By the time line eleven (11) and twelve (12) come around one can surmise that the speaker has had enough of his problems and is actively looking for a way to fix things, a way to deal with his problems, as the speaker states ‘I had to drop the armful in the road and try to stack them in a better load’. In The Armful Robert Frost has written a piece that almost anyone can relate to.Everyone has had problems that seemed insurmountable but have mustered the courage and the will to supersede these hurdles and have gotten through them. In all, the author has used imagery, rhythmic sense, syntax that is not overly complicated and figurative language to forge a poem that can be considered a metaphor for l ife. Holding on to things can over complicate our lives and if one stops and thinks about what is really important ones loads will lightened. The poem is also symbolic of mans need to overcome adversity.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
The Setting Affects Treatment And Management Strategies That Might be Essay
The Setting Affects Treatment And Management Strategies That Might be Employed In Clinical Practice of Podiatry - Essay Example This essay stresses that government came up with its ambitious agenda with National Service Framework Older People in 2001. The strategies was not just focused on the health or social care, rather it was based on the total well being of the older people. It promoted the independence of the older people by providing them support to compress the morbidity. It promoted the overall well being of older people living in community or home. Each setting like domiciliary, care home, school and community hospital has different features. The domiciliary setting where in the old people will be at their home requires certain specific skills from the professional i.e. follow of ethical standard of work, respecting the privacy of the patient and family. This paper makes a conclusion that various settings have certain limitations which have impact on the clinical practice of podiatry. These limitations can be based on skill and expertise of professionals to the facilities and resources available within that setting. The podiatry related problems are more prone in the old age group due to their aging body. There are several problems which can be taken care of with initial efforts of individuals. The treatment strategies at the domiciliary level will be simpler than the treatment strategies at the hospital based on the problems. The setting affects treatment and management strategies that might be employed in clinical practice of podiatry.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Reflective writing baased on Full Body burden Essay
Reflective writing baased on Full Body burden - Essay Example Besides, Kristine gives readers her stint at the weaponry facility where she was employed to work for a short duration of time. In as much as several concepts are evident in the book, it is fundamental to explore the facts and fictions that came out through Karen’s narration of the Colorado plant. Fact is defined as a thing that is known and has been proven true while fiction is something that is not right and untrue. While growing up and working for Rocky Plants nuclear weapon, Kristine encountered a number of challenges and experiences; some are facts while others are fictions (Iversen 3). I find that Kristine’s narration balanced between facts and fictions that help readers share the same viewpoint. The author candidly reveals her personal life to readers in an open manner. The events that surrounded her personal life such as having an alcoholic father and working at the nuclear factory shaped her life and gave her the experiences she needed to write the book. I cons ider the revelation of these secrets important for the development of the story since they were factual (Iversen 31). According to Kristine, she received the information needed for the development of the book from the interviews she conducted on the people, both from the neighborhood and from the plant. This is fictitious because she does not tell us the methods she used for the interviews. Furthermore, she is at pains to illustrate how she corroborated the data. The illustrations are factual because they are based on experiences. This is because it is a first person narration. She was at the same place where events were taking place. I find it tricky to determine facts in a situation where the people to be interviewed have vague memories. Consequently, I believe that the author’s recollection of her family’s memories is false. This is attributable to the fact that she directly quoted some of the conversations she had with members of the family. She pointed out exactly what her sister was doing while on her date. This is fiction because the author fails to declare that she interviewed her sister. Ordinarily, this cannot be factual because the time duration cannot allow persons to recall the exact words said more than a decade ago. This is because she spent twelve years working on the book (Iversen 301). Kristine takes us through the bare facts concerning the plant while revealing the once hidden secrets about the nuclear plant. The government had initially lied to the citizens of Colorado about the dealings of the plant. However, when Kristine exposed the damages that the surrounding environment had undergone due to nuclear weapons disposal by the factory, it disclosed the shocking cover up by the US government. Besides, the radiations from the factory caused hurt not only to the environment but also to human health. This is because several people were diagnosed with cancer. The factory was closed because of these revelations. I find such kind of disclosure by the author factual. Otherwise, the factory would still be operating had the stories been fictitious. A crucial aspect of the book is portrayed in chapter sixteen. The author highlights the decline of a family. Kristine discloses the emotional disconnect that her family had with their alcoholic father. This alcoholism almost caused them their lives when her father was driving when intoxicated. Although the author’s father was a lawyer, he constantly faced trouble with the law due to
Monday, October 7, 2019
An opinion paper on inaugural adresses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
An opinion paper on inaugural adresses - Essay Example economic situation had somehow improved from the grim scenario of the Carter administration. The two parallel situations of the early 1960s and mid 1980s therefore were almost of the same footing as far as both presidential speeches are concerned, and in terms of socio-economic and global realities. Kennedy and Reagan' speeches were equally moving and heart warming. But while the whole of Kennedy's address could be poignantly quotable, it wheeled around solely on world issues such as the threats of communism, nuclear war, and global alliance. Domestic concerns, if at all, were mentioned just in passing. On the other hand, Reagan's speech was much more than just motivational. It was comprehensive and tackled a lot of home grown problems as well as global ones which contained specific concerns such as public administration, taxation, and employment: At the heart of our efforts is one idea vindicated by 25 straight months of economic growth. Freedom and incentives unleash the drive for entrepreneurial genius that is the core of human progress. We have begun to increase the rewards for work, savings, and investment; reduced the increase in the cost and size of government and its interference in people's lives. We must simplify our tax system, make it more fair, and bring the rates down for all who work and earn. We must think anew and move with a new boldness, so every American who seeks work can find work; so the least among us shall have an equal chance to achieve the greatest things-to be heroes who heal our sick, feed the hungry, protect peace among nations, and leave this world a better place (home of heroes). But more than practical issues, Reagan proved to be a man with a deeper sense of history. With an impressive stroke, he took his listeners 'by the hand', toured them back in time using such vivid and vibrant example as: History is a ribbon, always unfurling; history is a journey. And as we continue our journey, we think of those who traveled before us Now we are standing inside this symbol of our democracy. Now we hear again the echoes of our past: a general falls to his knees in the hard snow of Valley Forge; a lonely President paces the darkened halls, and ponders his struggle to preserve the Union; the men of the Alamo call out encouragement to each other; a settler pushes west and sings a song, and the song echoes out forever and fills the unknowing air. Although, most presidential speeches refer to historical events to enhance a crucial issue, no one presented them as dramatic and touching as Reagan did. And he did so by immersing his listeners to a particular point in history, took them there, and made them feel the drama that was unfolding; but only to bring them back to the present with a call to unity, action, hope and faith in God: It is the American sound. It is hopeful, big-hearted, idealistic, daring, decent, and fair. That's our heritage; that is our song. We sing it still. For all our problems, our differences, we are together as of old, as we raise our voices to the God who is the Author of this most tender music. And may He continue to hold us close as we fill the world with our sound-sound in unity, affection, and love-one people under God, dedicated to the dream of freedom that He has placed in the human heart, called upon now to pass that dream on to a waiting and hopeful world. No president had ever reached the stature of
Sunday, October 6, 2019
History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 98
History - Essay Example The fifteenth century financial crisis also meant a stop to financing to the influential and controlling marabouts and Sharifian families (Tignor, Adelman, Aron, Kotkin, and Marchand). The Islamic dynasties of the fifteenth century responded through the disruption of trade networks in the quest to rebuild devastated polities. The new polities enjoyed support because of the establishment of hereditary ruling families. Clear rules of succession promoted stability in the regions and enabled dynasties to form alliances and strengthen their armies. The Islamic dynasties of the sixteenth century focused on state-building efforts through religion and taxes. In consequence, they enjoyed substantial prolonged existence and impact on the masses. New administrative practices were common in their responses. The leaders enhanced local religious and cultural traditions, and religious harmony enhanced the much-needed economic progress. The Mali, Baghdad, and Cairo Muslim societies served as commercial trading centers. In Mali, the indigenous African dynasty adopted Islam through nonviolent means, while India was marred with brutal attacks against Hindu and Buddhist temples. In India, the Islamic society took some time before it stabilized and enjoyed peace because it relied on fear to keep subjects subservient. India was split into Muslim and Hindu territories while Africans in Mali largely accepted Islam. The Muslim societies that emerged in Mali prospered because of the vastness of the region. The traditional Muslim societies in Baghdad and Cairo faced political divisions because of religious differences. In Cairo, different social groups applied Islam differently because it was seen as a complex and diverse religion. Even so, they all agreed on the basic tenets of the religion. The early forms of Muslim cultures were guided by Arab influences, and most of the tenets were adopted from the behaviors
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Reporting on a Religious Service Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Reporting on a Religious Service - Essay Example The outside pictures were a distinct depiction of a religious place that was encompassed in its architecture. The temple was fenced all round by metallic rails that demarcated the place from its neighborhoods. The temple had a dome that was indicative of the Shikar-bandhi type of the Jain temples. The temple was beautifully carved with pillars all over the entrance, and the inside of the temple was enclosed. The colors that were used on the outside included white with blue-print of the Jain signs and symbols. From the front, there was only one entrance to access the building with a dome on top of the entrance. The inside was also decorated with a combination of architecture, paintings, and colors that were similar to those that were outside. On my entry into the building, I took off my shoes because every other believer was taking off their shoes, and it was a sign of etiquette. The inside had two staircases. The downstairs was composed of many rooms that were meant for education and other programs in the temple. The upstairs was the main temple of the believers. The upstairs was an empty hall that had no furniture. However, the floor was covered with a mat. Inside this temple, there were idols that were decorated differently. The middle idol was the most decorated while the three on each of the sides were less decorated. The believers were seated on these mats with their legs folded and their hands laying on their laps. Most people in this service were middle class and the high class. Their ethnic group was mainly Indian, and their gender was composed of both males and females. Their age s were varied from approximately 3years to 70 years old. I went upstairs to the service because that was the location of the temple. On this Sunday, the people had attended the service for prayer. On the way they pray, before we entered the temple, the people should put something yellow on their forehead and wipe their heads a little of
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