Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Culture of Madness Essay

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that enables individuals to engage in unruly behavior. It is a mental disorder that makes individuals deviate from social norms. In the years between 1920s and 1950s, schizophrenia was a general condition that was manifested by emotional disharmony and impacted negatively on the abilities of the white people with regard to thinking and feeling. Research article authors of psychiatric journals described schizophrenia patients as native-born-Americans of white European ancestry. Such patients were termed by psychiatric authors as harmless and instead needed psychotherapeutic care. In 1960s, schizophrenia was described as illness manifested by rage. Research articles asserted that it was a condition that afflicted the Negro men who were hostile and aggressive. These Negroes protested for their civil rights. The protests were organized by black power, black panthers, nation of Islam or other activist group. I disagree with the view that schizophrenia has got popular cultural expression. It is merely a mental disorder that is not influenced by either race or culture. According to Metzl in 1960s, schizophrenia patients were the Negro men, who were described as aggressive and hostile. In the real sense, the black Americans who were oppressed were not hostile neither did they act ragely. They raised their voices to be heard by Americans for a change of lifestyle, from oppression to freedom. In so doing, the black Americans were fighting for their rights as equal human beings since they wanted to be treated with equality. As discussed by Metzl, schizophrenia was associated with racism, thus biased. It was considered to be a disease of the black Americans since they expressed their feelings due to pressure exerted on them. They were out to fight for the state of affairs between the Americans and the Black Americans. Schizophrenia is feared in the current moment. Schizophrenia patients can act unruly in a given surrounding. These patients act to satisfy only their desires not considering the effect of their deeds on other people. They can behave in a way that interferes with other people’s daily life. For example, if the illness drives them to violent behavior, other people will leave what they were doing and deal with them first. Any activity that they engage in, they do it with all their strength and thus can be destructive and fierce. b) According to psychiatrists, schizophrenia is a biological mental illness expressed through defined symptoms like delusions whereby the patient thinks of invisibilities and acts according to his/her thoughts. It is also expressed through hallucinations where by the patient builds castles in the air and imagines that it is real life. The patients as well have disorganized speech whereby they mix issues which do not relate at all. They express catatonic behavior which is a disorganized behavior in a given environment, for instance relieving oneself in the open. Such symptoms are manifested in ways that are specific to the surrounding, assumptions and values of the schizophrenic individual. For instance, a schizophrenic individual can behave unruly in the midst of other people. He can violently attack a group of people for no good reason and cause alarm. This is because the patient is not able to control him/herself due to lack of mental coordination. He/she thus attracts attention of people who may be in the middle of serious events. A schizophrenic patient usually makes undesired assumptions particularly in a group of people. Whenever they see other people talk or laugh, they always think that they are being laughed at because of their condition. They can therefore attack them and end up harming them for no reason. Some usually assume that it’s their duty to perform any role anywhere. For example, some schizophrenic patients assume that it is their duty to clean every environment they are in. They therefore end up collecting wastes everywhere they go. Most schizophrenic patients think that a group of people behave in a certain manner to hurt them or because they want to go against their wishes intentionally. They are in a condition which cannot allow them to reason with the surrounding. They instead act negatively. For example, if a schizophrenic patient is always violent, the people around him and who knows his/her condition may decide to tie him or her with some ropes or lock the person in a house for some time. If he or she happens to see some people hold such ropes in another incident, he/she may try to get hold of the ropes as he/she thinks that he/she will still be tied up. On the contrary, this may not be case. As a matter of fact, the ropes might be for a different purpose. c) Symptoms of schizophrenia can be harmless if at all the assumptions; values and norms in the current setting are changed. This can only be achieved if there is freedom in all aspects of life of schizophrenic individuals. For instance, it can be assumed that, if one is talking to himself or herself, he or she is probably talking to the ancestors and should be allowed to do so. It can as well be assumed that if one behaves unruly, he/she is expressing some burning issues within him/herself. Therefore, with this kind of assumptions, nobody would criticize schizophrenic individuals and subsequently, they would have all the freedom they require to express themselves. Schizophrenia cannot cause any distress if the patients are given freedom of speech. For example, a schizophrenic person should not be shut down if he mixes ideas in a discussion. He should be understood the way he is and given time to express himself. In so doing, he will not feel neglected or weak in one way or another. Some may behave in a schizophrenic manner out of a bad experience they have had before. For example, one can become schizophrenic after a divorce or death of his/her partner. Within this context, such people need understanding and a shoulder to lean on so as to counteract the effects of what they are going through. Schizophrenic’s behavior should be termed normal in a surrounding so as not to cause distress. For example, some religions like Islam allow wife battery. Therefore when wife battery cases are encountered in a family with a schizophrenic husband, they are considered to be normal behavior. 2. Conceptual Tools Evans-Pritchard, E. E. (1987). â€Å"The Notion of Witchcraft explains Unfortunate Events,† Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic among the Azande. Oxford: Clarendon Press. a) Constitution is in the making of man. It entails a set of laws or norms that are involved in structuring, creating and defining limits of power or authority possessed by government. A constitution is used to give states identify since all states that have got constitutions are referred to as constitutional states. In the context of phenomena, constitution is the process of using a category to create or come up with knowledge or perceptions about something. A description is very different from constitution in that whereas a description is the concerned with defining an item, constitution is creation of ideas, thoughts or shapes. Constitution is used to define the structuring or production process of anything. In the context of culture, the outcome of culture or that which is attributed to culture is considered as a product of the constitution process. On the other hand, definition of the meaning of culture and what it entails is termed as description. A distinction between constitution and description is realized in the description of witchcraft within the Zande community by Evans-Pritchard, 1987. The physiological state of a person that is linked to witchcraft is a mere description of the activity. On the other hand, a constitution is what will yield or be generated from witchcraft. Witchcraft from the wording itself is a mere description of some kind of psychic acts. However, constitution is what is synthesized from this act or from the notion itself. The reason why Evans-Pritchard has made this distinction is to show reality in the light of witchcraft within the Zande community. The Azande are so glued into linking everything with witchcraft; therefore, the writer tries to show distinction between reality and witchcraft by giving an elaborate distinction between description and constitution of categories. This way, he tries to change the notion of Azande from thinking that every mysterious thing that happens is due to witchcraft. In the context of reality and the internal knower, symbols and language are used to describe culture. The shift towards seeing categories as generative is seen through activities which are as a result of certain categories. A category is composed of certain elements with some common characteristics. It is the common characteristics that enable the categories to become active and achieve a certain goal. In the Zande community for example, witchcraft has been described as a psychic act. On the other hand, it has been solely associated with constituting unfortunate events among men. The objective description in this case is that witchcraft is associated with one’s physiological state. Evans-Pritchard believes that the physiological state used to describe witchcraft is nothing more than a passage of food through the small intestines. It is this objective definition of witchcraft that seems to be embedded in the shift of witchcraft from an objective description to a generative category. The generative nature of witchcraft is seen in its role to explain occurrence of unfortunate events as well as in regulating the conduct of people. b) The shift from describing to being generative lies in the fact that, description is the initial process used to come up with a category. Once a certain category of people or items is formed, they are used to generate and produce an intended outcome. Alternatively, they are linked to the generation of certain results. This way, the change in framework from descriptive to generative is enhanced. When this framework changes, explaining the history of a category shifts as well. This occurs in that, instead of giving the history of a category with respect to description, the generated outcome of the category is used to explain its history. In the Zande community, witchcraft is attributed to physiological factors. Consequently, it is associated with generating mysterious negative effects on man. However, with time, the association of categories such as witchcraft, with mysterious negativity derives a different meaning and there is need to shift the explanation. In the Zande community, witchcraft is considered to be generative in every aspect of the Azandes’ lives. Each and every mysterious occurrence in the lives of the Zande community is considered to be linked to witchcraft. Several claims are made with regard to witchcraft. For instance, among the Azandes, when blight attack groundnuts in the field, this is attributed to witchcraft. Also, if women tirelessly bail water from a pool and only manage to draw a few minuscule fish, witchcraft is said to be responsible for this mysterious occurrence. If a wife, contrary to other days, is unresponsive and gloomy, it is said that witchcraft is the cause. Evans-Pritchard has compared the occurrence of misfortunes in the Zande community to the occurrence of misfortunes among the African people. He has gone further to show that the Azande attribute witchcraft to a chain of causation for conditions which when looked at closely, relate a person to natural occurrences. Therefore, if the occurrence of events were to be understood in a more realistic manner, the explanation of generative categories would have to change. Evans-Pritchard has showed how this would be done. In all those circumstances where witchcraft was seen as the cause of misfortunes, it was during that particular moment that witchcraft was seen as the cause of the misfortune. This is perceived to mean that witchcraft is not solely responsible for every kind of bad luck. Therefore, the explanation would shift from a generalized understanding to a more specific one. Witchcraft, according to the people of Azande, is used to explain the occurrence of coincidence which causes harm to man. c) The shift from description to seeing categories as generative provides a way to think about rationality, irrationality or their interrelation. To examine this, the paper will look at the belief held by the people on what and who is associated with witchcraft. From a rationale point of view, this is just a timeless category without any basis or governing principle. The community of Zande can be termed as an irrational group because of the way they attribute witchcraft to occurrences which, a normal and ordinary person would attribute to natural calamity or mere coincidence. The Azande did not practice any rationality in as far as existence of phenomena is concerned. They do not believe in the existence of phenomena, much less mystical causation. They hold the view that witchcraft is the cause for that which happens mysteriously. The irrationality of the Azande is manifested by the fact that they cannot accept that things can occur through mere coincidence. They have used witchcraft to explain the occurrence of mysterious events. This is irrational of them as there are no facts to back up their ideology. The mere fact that witchcraft is a psychic act could also mean that it is attributed to some positive occurrences. However, this is not so as only the negative aspect of occurrences is linked to witchcraft. On the other hand, the Azande have applied some rationale in as far as why some things do happen. For example, the Azande are very much aware that termites eat up the support of a granary thus can fall or collapse at any moment. This is a show that the Azande think rationally. However, irrationality comes in when they relate witchcraft to the collapse of a granary in the presence of people. The Azande do apply rational thinking to explain occurrences but when a negative outcome is impacted on man, this is linked to witchcraft despite the fact that it may not necessarily be the case. This is the interrelation between rationality and irrationality within the category of witchcraft among the Azande.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Analyze Individual And Societal Influences

Analyze individual and societal influences that lead to deviance from dominant group norms. People who become part of a group or are members of that group share similar characteristics of the same nature. â€Å"When there is proof of the uniqueness of a team, such person is believed to have an effect of black sheep, as he refused guidelines of the group and left the group. Individuals who are member of the group experience have more trouble with party members rather than out-group members.† (Fiske, 2010)Differences happen when an individual of a group understands and sees the implications of having a reward for his or her behavior. Difference happens when individuals understand and see the cost implications to reward their behavior. This behavior, deviance, is considered distracting and bad influence. It is considered negative when associated with criminals and addicts. People who deviate, are able to develop a sense of self-identity and truly are aware of the decision they ar e making.â€Å"Anomaly occurs because people develop an identity sense or self-understanding, which becomes their personal life standard,† however many of these people from the group become â€Å"anomaly learned contra conventional ways or objectives and attitudes of support in their early socialization. â€Å" An individual is prepared for deviance with this type of learning and social behavior that prepares for elimination of conservative norms and legitimacy from the group.The process of deviance happens with normal learning processes and with different theories of association, attitude learning, motivation values and knowledge to a degree that all of these becomes part of his identity and makes him or her strong enough for commitment. The learning process and the socialization help the individual change a very straight forward experience eliminating all conservative standards to neutral place, eliminating the guilt, underlying important personal characteristics.Also, de viation of a group is possible for having individuals who have inspirational behavior but no chance of becoming a leader in the group. There are standards that are required as key element to eliminate tendency of the group going for deviance. The most important factor of preventing deviance within the group is communication of feelings. â€Å"If members of a group are participants who are active, who know they have a potential in the group, who are well known of their skills or position in the group, which is less likely to deviate from the group.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Racism In Football (Soccer) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Racism In Football (Soccer) - Essay Example Such an understanding is not only important for those who love or those who are a part of the game but also for those who are students of sociology, popular culture, and even human resource management. The literature on the topic is quite varied and ranges from academic studies made of the salaries given to various players along with their race and individual performance to reports of racism given by players who have been in the field for many years. For example, Moran (2000) presents an article which discusses the presence of racism in football despite the prevalence of anti-racist initiatives within the game. He does this by presenting evidence in relation to himself and others who have faced racism. He also gives the various challenges which black players have to face due to the presence of racist behaviour and suggests that there are different forms of racism against players (Moran, 2000). His ideas of economic and salary based discrimination is supported by the study done by Szymanski (2000) who is an economist at Imperial College. This study came to the result that football clubs have discriminated against black players in more ways than one. The comparison of the salaries of black players with white players is certainly an indicator of that. Clubs are also shown to undervalue their black players even though the performance of black players is better than what their wages get them. Clubs such as Scunthorpe United and Preston North End are two of the main culprits in this regard (Szymanski, 2000). Of course the problem is not only limited to black players since British Asian footballers also face the issue of discrimination against them at the professional level. Burdsey (2004) examines the ways in which British Asian footballers perceive racism as a factor which influences their under-representation in the professional leagues. He argues that problems of

Sunday, July 28, 2019

David Sedaris' The Learning Curve Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

David Sedaris' The Learning Curve - Essay Example The author has rightly presented that the essay â€Å"The Learning Curve† is witty and artful. Here, Sedaris does not conform to the aspect of seriousness, which most artists employ in literary fiction or in the category of serious nonfiction. Sedaris in this essay, therefore, does not aspire to the formality that is adopted in most literary works. For this reason, this essay, including other essays by Sedaris, make him unique. Sedaris works are, therefore, different, compared to the works of other authors today, who has taught in universities or higher learning institutions, and whose works are examined in seminar rooms. Sedaris does not, therefore, share similar objectives with the other such authors, whose ambition is to set standards in the literary world. â€Å"The Learning Curve† is light and full of humor, and lacks seriousness and profoundness. This essay is also simple, thus easy for the reader to understand. The straightforwardness employed by Sedaris in the e ssay does not require a reader to interpret or look for the literary meaning of the essay. In addition, the prose employed in the essay is simple. On the contrast, a serious essay would require a reader to consider the implications of the art form and to read the essay with considerable emotional depth. However, in Sedaris’ essay, a reader is not required to make such efforts. Instead, the essay is easy to read, artful, and entertaining. There are various humorous situations in the essay â€Å"The Learning Curve.† A part of the humor in the essay centers on the teaching methods of Sedaris at the beginning. For instance, Sedaris asks his students for food recipes for his slow cooker (Sedaris 86). He then tries to convince his students that this would help them to develop their writing outlines. Additionally, Sedaris plays his favorable his favorite soap operas after which he asks his students to write papers on what would happen next (Sedaris 86). In another instance, Sedaris asks his students that writing becomes fiction when they write it down and fail to say it loud (Sedaris 92-3). Another humorous situation in this essay is when Sedaris opens his briefcase during his first class, and lets out leaf-shaped papers, which he wants his students to use as nametags, â€Å"I arrived bearing name tags fashioned in the shape of maple leaves. I’d cut them myself out of orange construction paper and handed them out along with a box of straight pins. .† (Sedaris 84). Although Sedaris made these tags by himself, when the students ask him whether the tags were handmade, Sedaris argues that they were store bought. Nonetheless, these among other humorous are effective in this essay, as they help to remove seriousness in the essay, even though the author passes on important themes. Although â€Å"The Learning Curve† is humorous, this addresses the intelligence of the reader. The author presents his themes in a clever manner and in an easy way for the reader. Nonetheless, this essay is engaging and intellectually vigorous. For instance, Se

Saturday, July 27, 2019

AlLDI Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

AlLDI - Case Study Example With already 90% of German shoppers, the organization saw it better to look into other markets. They ventured in the U.K. in 1980’s and the U.S.A. in 1976. They capitalized on these markets by reducing the heavy reliance on individual labelled goods and began to stock various national brands. In 1991, the organization invested on outlets in existing Gateways food Marts sites with the hope of enticing new clients to the Gateways (Lane & Steen, 2014). In 2013, Aldi’s U.K. product categories remained limited to approximately 1000 items (stock keeping units â€Å"SKU’), compared with 10,000 SKU managed by typical U.K. supermarkets. Cheap prices and limited SKU saw the company increase its client by 16% every year. Aldi’s have been found to be 40% cheaper than Waltrose, plus an annual saving of 1,700 Euro. It is clear that the company will be able to maintain its competitive advantages, as it has a simple business model of minimizing operational costs through purchasing only one line per item from suppliers, thus limiting choice for the consumers (Lane & Steen, 2014). Moreover, transportation costs have been minimized through direct delivering from the warehouse and being merchandised on the pallets they arrived in. With the limited assortment, the organization can achieve substantial globalization. Their product ranges mainly specialize on their own-branded labels, thus assisting them in controlling their costs and product prizes. Aldi as a discount organization has held a record year in the U.K. and Ireland, with a 65 percent increment in profits in the regions. The store found in Germany appreciated its lower prices as it drove the record results, with the discounter gaining pre-tax profit of  £260.9 million ($423.3 million) in 2013. In its U.K. and Irish store, profits went up from  £157.9 million on the previous year. This is by maintaining constantly low prices and ensuring product quality. Aldi currently controls around 4.8

How closely management and leadership are connected for maintaining Essay

How closely management and leadership are connected for maintaining the normal flow of an organization - Essay Example The concepts management and leadership differ greatly in terms of organising people, but the two are closely linked as they both maintain the normal flow of the organization. They entail setting what needs to be acted upon, mobilize individuals to achieve a certain goal, and lastly ensure that individuals perform their duties. Leadership is often about setting a direction for individuals to follow, but on a complementary perspective management directs these individuals based on established principles or values. As stated by Lopez (2014) leadership involves realizing potential in oneself and others. Above all, managing has planning and budgeting, this means that managers create appropriate plans that will contribute to the success of the organization, and leaders ensure that they direct their followers to the right direction that will enable them to work towards achieving the goals of the organization. In addition, while managing deals with organizing and staffing to help in achieving organizational goals, this is as clarified by Ratcliffe (2013) â€Å"†¦ management is a set of processes that keep an organization functioning†. On the same note, leading is all about aligning individuals in a more effective manner in order to achieve the goals of the organization, this indicate how these two concepts aims at maintaining the normal flow of the organization. Furthermore, management and leadership are linked in ensuring that organizational activities flow normally is based on the nature of their functions. For instance, a leader creates the organizational vision and it is the manager’s duty to accomplish it (Gillikin, no date). Management is about establishing specific functions and assigning them to specific individuals. Moreover, it involves leading and regulating individuals and assisting them to move toward a common purpose in coordination. As clarified by Maccoby (2000 pp.57-59) â€Å"The functions of management include

Friday, July 26, 2019

Teams and teamwork receive more and more attention in the study of Essay

Teams and teamwork receive more and more attention in the study of Organizational Behavior. Why is that so What are the characteristics of a high performing - Essay Example ior studies and applies knowledge about how individuals and groups act in organizations, taking a system approach: people-organization relationships are interpreted in terms of the person, group, organization, and the whole social system, with the purpose of improving the relationships through achieving human, organizational and social objectives simultaneously (Clark 2005). Buckley, Beu, Novicevic, and Sigerstad (2001) in their article devoted to the management of generation next, as they call it, note, that the modern workplace is characterized by such factors as growth of technology, service orientation, work flexibility, and empowered teams. Teams, consisting of individuals with various specializations and competencies, have become an important and integral element of organizations. Teams are used for complex tasks, integrating diverse groups into the work force. Whereas organizations develop a leader approach to staffing, teams move toward self-management, and the number of management positions available for promotion decreases. These changes in organization have put new tasks in front of managers and common workers. The manager of today has to have cross-functional competencies corresponding to all the roles fulfilled by the teams he guides. He should know how to gather and lead such cross-functional and global teams in order to make them work eff ectively. New entrants to work should be ready to continuously develop strong team skills and learn how to be an effective team member, develop the network of professional relationships matching all the roles one needs for teamwork, learn the politics of tolerance and be able to employ â€Å"a soft communication and hard negotiation style†, to keep one’s domain feeling virtually unemployed and in demand. These are some of the advices the authors give, revealing to us the important notions of the modern organization and workplace. This article is not the only one. Teams and teamwork in the conditions of global

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 57

Case Study - Essay Example The vibrant changes in worldwide economics as well as the continuous evolution of technology require that companies reconsider the manner in which they deal with their shifting talent prerequisites. Some of the changes are contrary to what the companies have been facing in different markets as the new actualities make it mandatory for HR departments to device new and innovative ways of accessing talent all over the world. According to the case study, â€Å"the search for a purple squirrel† symbolizes the manner in which companies in the IT industry attempt to fill vacant positions through selecting and recruiting candidates who are â€Å"perfect†. This statement denotes the endeavors of a company in seeking an individual who brings the model qualifications and experiences to the position (Farrell, 2012). Nevertheless, it can be challenging and almost impossible to find this impeccable candidate in the same way that a purple squirrel cannot be found in the forest (Cohen, 2013). It is possible for the companies that are not IT related to search for the squirrel as in the recent times; companies have demonstrated a desire to hire only individuals who have already done the exact job they are being recruited for. In the process of spotting talent, it is critical to organize the approach to avoid lengthy and inconsistent lists of required traits, which make it had to focus on priorities. It is also important to look out for the candidates who are smart and are able to thrive comfortable in decision-making settings including those that are not completely clear and are able to see the effect of their decisions. Further, candidates that possess a significant degree of mental agility and are able to think on their feet are the most ideal for a company. During the recruitment process, exercises should be developed as a way of identifying the candidates who will be able to make the correct choices in the daily activities of the company. In the process of interviewing the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Fast Food Nation - Exploiting Adolescents Research Paper

Fast Food Nation - Exploiting Adolescents - Research Paper Example In his book, â€Å"The Fast Food Nation†, Eric Schlosser brings gimmick to the exposà © summarizing the central idea of the topic in the following statement, â€Å"A fast food restaurant can be a nice place to visit- but if you might not want to work there-especially if you are a teenager.† The sentence cleverly adumbrates the vulnerability of the working ambience at the fast food outlet. American teenager dominates employment at these places (Wartman, Web). Consequently, the issue is being strongly analyzed as adolescence mark the future of the country. The book discusses the misery of a sixteen-year-old high school girl, Elisa Zimot. She was keen to work at the Mc Donald’s outlet but resented later when a customer’s dealt with her brutally. Often people misbehave with fast workers as they look at them with disdain and contempt. Other teenagers work tediously at fast food restaurants, beyond their legal working limit. A survey illustrated that many high school students around fifteen years of age work for twelve hours and sophomores working late at night in these restaurants. Although the working duration assigned by the Fair Labour Standards do not exceed from more than three hours for school going children, below sixteen years of age. In other words, students are not allowed to work during school hours that is before seven in the morning and after seven at night (Sagon, Web). Even if the school is closed, they might work for few more hours but within the defined limit. Many students cross the limit and consequently, their studies are affected. It is proven by a survey that maximum fifteen hours of employment help students academically whereas beyond this range students show a decline in their overall academics and engage in anti-social activities linked with drug and alcohol abuse (Schlosser 9). Apart from this the fast food restaurants are well equipped with machines, some of which are prohibited for the teenagers to operate. The author discusses Colorado State’s law where it is illegal for teenagers below eighteen to use hazardous machinery during work.  Ã‚  

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Role of Values Based Education in Personal and Professional Life Essay

Role of Values Based Education in Personal and Professional Life - Essay Example The first pillar committed to academic advancement not merely implores the students to gain knowledge, but rather nudges them to evaluate the imbibed knowledge in the laboratory of critical thinking and analytical evaluation. Mere knowledge makes a well informed person, but, approaching knowledge with a critical bent of mind makes a creative and original personality. At Grand Canyon University, the learning styles resorted to are such that they push a student to extend one’s intellect and ingenuity to its limits, thereby shattering all preconceived notions and challenging the inherent biases, prejudices and myths. The outcome of such an approach appears in the form of students who possess an open and inquisitive attitude towards life, resting securely on dependable and time-tested spiritual and moral foundations. Grand Canyon University encourages its students to develop a personality that is just the right blend of grass root practicality and an essentially Christian vision. The second pillar that is Christian camaraderie not only intends to facilitate an interactive and friendly mindset towards society, but also gauds the students to evaluate people not merely on the basis of worthless superficialities, but rather on the criteria of shared values and morals that are quintessentially Christian, yet at the same time, timeless and universal. The modern times defined by a fast paced life and the necessity to make quick decisions require professionals to adhere to a reliable system for understanding people. Isn’t it really great that the young people come to terms with this system while acquiring education, when they could test it in an emphatic and informed environment? Extracurricular activities constitute the third pillar of this hub of knowledge and learning. Really, life is not merely about practice and contemplation, but has as much to do with healthy recreation and a positive sense of humor. One comes across several instances in the New Testam ent when Jesus is shown as playing with children and resorting to good natured bantering with apostles and common people (Sheen, 1977). Extracurricular activities at GCU not only give the students a chance to recharge their batteries, but to many they offer an honorable and satisfying career in professional sports. The fourth pillar of GCU is committed to health and spiritual well being. A healthy body is the repository of a sound mind and an enlightened spirit.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Communications Essay Example for Free

Communications Essay 1. What is an implication, in general, and what are specific implications of the presence of the U.S. flag, Constitution, and Bill Of Rights in all the classrooms at the University of Arizona? a. A general definition of an implication is an assumption that can be inferred from a given scenario that is not obviously specified. The US flag, Constitution, and Bill of Rights are all important symbols of freedom in the United States. The Bill of Rights contains the first ten amendments to the Constitution that preserve the liberties and freedoms prevalent in the United States. The Constitution sets forth the structure of the government we created after rebelling against the British monarchy. The US flag contains a representation of the original 13 colonies that rebelled against the British monarchy as the stripes and the current 50 states as the stars, this representation holds a strong symbol of Americanism. A specific implication of having the U.S. flag, Constitution and Bill of Rights in all University of Arizona classrooms is to help remind students of the freedoms that are available to them in the United States. These symbols of personal freedom promote one’s ability to be an outspoken individual, go against the grain in everything they do, and maintain an individual spirit. 2. Problems in business, government, and relationships are frequently blamed on a lack of communication or a failure to communicate properly. Use the Tubbs communication model on page 9 of your Human Communication textbook to diagnose a communication problem and suggest a recommendation for fixing the problem. a. Tubbs’ communication model involves two communicators and contains three main components of communication: the messages, interference, and the channel. Communication problems can exist across all three components of Tubbs’ communication model. Messages can be intentional and unintentional, when we send an unintentional message we give a message that we didn’t intend to and will usually not find out about the error until we receive feedback from the receiver. Communication problems in channels can occur when sending a message through the wrong channel, each channel serves a primary purpose and sending the wrong message through a channel can lead to a breakdown in communication. Interference is what causes a sent message to become misunderstood or missed completely, usually due to a distortion in the message or the receiver becoming distracted. A fairly common problem that has become more prominent in communication since the rise in popularity of electronic messaging is the inability to relate sarcasm, irony, or other emotions effectively. Usually when someone says something sarcastic it can be taken as a serious statement and the receiver can view the sender as ignorant or senseless. To fix this the person either has to relate the message through a more emotionally efficient channel, such as a telephone call, or include a signifier that allows the person to realize the text should be taken as sarcasm, such as including the tag /sarcasm afterwards. 3. What subject matter is at the heart of the field of communication? To answer this question, imagine that a friend or family member asked you what ‘communication’ as an academic subject was about. How would you respond to that person so that they had a clear understanding? a. Communication has changed a great deal over the last 2400 years but has always maintained a primary center to its study while adding more and more elements. In ancient Greece, Socrates and Plato used communication (then called Rhetoric) as a means to discover the truth and draw it out of their students. Aristotle took Plato’s view and expanded onto it that truth is not always absolute and humans must therefore ascertain the â€Å"probable† truth. These early understandings still hold relevant today and create a framework for the contemporary study of human communication. At the heart of communication is the need for understanding, the need for people to be able to help others understand what they’re saying and understand what others are saying. With this need for understanding Plato stated that rhetoric would be used to promote falsehood over truth while Aristotle saw that either falsehood or truth could be promoted and it is the duty of the citizen to use rhetoric to defend the truth. Communication covers the central topic of providing information to other people through multiple channels in an efficient and effective manner. As communication progresses it will continue to hold its central subject matter while adding more and more relevant areas of interpretation. 4. How was the ancient Greek city-state of Athens involved in the history of communication? What connections exist between communication in ancient Athens and communication in the world today? a. Athens was home to the three scholars who created the two primary views to what we currently know as communication. Socrates, Aristotle and Plato provided a strong foundation for the study of communication while coming from two different views of rhetoric. Socrates and Plato were credited to creating the view of â€Å"Divine Truth† which sought to use reasoning and dialogue to â€Å"draw out† knowledge and understanding. Where as, Aristotle viewed that truth is all around in the environment and must be taken in through the senses. Much of what Socrates, Aristotle and Plato put into communication (rhetoric) is still valid today; Aristotle stated communication is â€Å"purposive† and can be evaluated on whether they accomplish their purpose. Socrates demonstrated a strong relationship between communication that would result in the discovery and appreciation of truth and beauty; this gave a precedent to the value of ethics in communication. Each view puts value into a different way of viewing the truth that surrounds us every day; one sees that there is truth in everything and it’s up to the individual to find that truth while the other views that truth is dependent on the person and can change depending on a persons view. These two views from ancient Athens will continue to lead the study of communication and help shape the continued understanding of the field.

Teens Decreasing Morality Essay Example for Free

Teens Decreasing Morality Essay Some aspects of moral values among university students in three societies: Poland, Australia and the Philippines J.J. Smolicz, D.M. Hudson and M.J. Secombe1 Graduate School of Education, Adelaide University The paper reports the findings from a comparative study of moral values undertaken among university students from five universities in the Philippines, Poland and Australia. The aim of the study was to compare the way students brought up in different cultural traditions, but subjected to the homogenizing trends of globalization, evaluated what they deemed as the most appropriate solutions to some of the basic life dilemmas facing individuals today. The respondents were senior undergraduate and postgraduate students drawn from education and social science faculties in two independent Catholic and three secular state universities. A total of 448 students participated in the study, with 80 to 100 students originating from each university. This paper presents a detailed analysis of one example from each of three categories of moral dilemmas, in which students were asked to state their position in relation to twelve issues including abortion, extramarital affairs and stealing. In addition to providing concrete data on themselves, students indicated whether they believed the actions listed were wrong, acceptable or dependent on circumstances. The students’ responses to the issues showed a generally consistent position for each university along a value orientation continuum ranging from Traditional Christian to ‘Post-modern Individualist’. The degree of support for Traditional Christian values varied, however, from issue to issue according to the university and country under investigation. moral values; abortion; infidelity; stealing; tertiary students; international. INTRODUCTION As a result of global secular influences, it could be expected that responses to moral dilemmas would have become more uniform across different cultural and ethnic and religious groups. In order to ascertain any possible modification to or rejection of traditional moral values crossculturally, the study sought the views of young people who were university students in three different countries and in institutions with different ideological profiles. The researchers had access to the collection of comparable data in Poland, the Philippines and Australia countries very different in their regions, cultures and histories. It should be stressed that the study did not aim to take the form of a statistical analysis of variables to test a pre-established hypothesis which could lead to any predictions for a wider population. This comparative study was not funded by any organisation, but was the result of co-operative efforts among colleagues in the three countries concerned. The authors, in particular, would like to express their gratitude to Ms Monika Koniecko, Professor Elzbieta Halas, Dr Illuminado Nical, Ms Susana Manzon and Mr Robert de la Serna for the contribution they have made to the data collection and analysis of this paper. The theoretical framework of the study is based on the humanistic sociological conceptualization of Znaniecki, in which the term ‘moral values’ refers to the meanings which group members are expected to accept as a guide to right and proper conduct and the way in which they should act in their daily life. Znaniecki (1963: 267-70) draws an important theoretical distinction between the ideological attitudes which individuals profess in terms of the religious and moral values of their group, and the tendencies to action which these same individuals reveal in the specific contexts of daily life. UNIVERSITY PROFILES Data were gathered from a total of 448 respondents, drawn from five different universities. The number in each institution ranged from 80 to 109 (80 in Leyte and Adelaide; 89 in Warsaw; 90 in UAP and 109 in KUL). In Poland, the student respondents were drawn from two universities. One of these can be regarded as firmly set within the Catholic tradition. In 1918 the Catholic Church established the Catholic University of Lublin (KUL) as a privately funded institution in a provincial centre in the east-central part of Poland. Over the period of Communist rule, it functioned as the bastion of Catholic religious and moral values in Poland. Today it is a medium-sized university with faculties reflecting its religious base: Theology, Canon and Civil Law, Christian Philosophy, Humanities, and Social Sciences as well as specialised institutes in Polish Church History, Higher Religious Education and Migration. Many of its students have gone to the priesthood and a variety of leadership positions in the Church and society at large. The second Polish university which provided respondents for this study was Warsaw. A state institution, originally founded in the early nineteenth century, Warsaw is a very large university, with a full range of humanities, social science and natural science faculties. Its position in the heart of a capital city, renowned for its high culture in music, art, literature and the theatre, yet traditionally strongly linked to the Polish Catholic Church, has had an important influence on its ethos in providing access to moral values based in the Catholic tradition, as well as its more atheistic, anti-clerical counter-tradition. Two other groups of respondents were drawn from universities in the Philippines. One set was provided by the University of Asia and the Pacific (UAP), which is a private university in Manila, established by the Opus Dei order of the Catholic Church. Its ethos reflects the Opus Dei dedication to Catholic spirituality and emphasis on intellectual, political. educational and business leadership. It is best known for its high profile research specialisations in economics, political economy and business management, as well as its undergraduate College of Arts and Sciences. Its fee-paying structure and high entrance standards make it an à ©lite institution, both socially and academically, and its total enrolment of around two thousand students is still relatively small. The second Philippines institution from which respondents were drawn was the provincial state university at Tacloban on the island of Leyte in the eastern Visayas. The Leyte Institute of Technology (LIT) sees its role as providing for the practical educational needs of the surrounding community which has maintained a strong commitment to Catholic values reflecting the local community. It offers degrees in vocational disciplines, applied science and technology and teacher education, with a particular emphasis on post-graduate studies in education. At present time there are around seven thousand students enrolled at the Leyte Institute. The two universities in the Philippines were chosen to provide contrasting communities within the overall Catholic ethos of the country. UAP could be regarded as an intellectual centre closest to the teachings of the magisterium of the Church. Opus Dei is rightly regarded as a bastion of traditional Catholic teaching because it has scrupulously upheld the full and undiluted doctrine of the church. LIT, in contrast, is a comparatively small regional university, chosen because it had no metropolitan glitter about it, was state-run and attracted a technically oriented clientele from financially and socially modest homes, in one of the poorest provinces of the country. The strong Catholic orientation of the Philippines was very apparent, however, in that seminars were normally begun with a prayer and Catholic feast days were regularly observed, even though it was a state university. For the Australian section of the study, respondents were drawn from Adelaide University, which was established as a public institution in the late nineteenth century, the third oldest university in Australia. Situated in the capital city of the state of South Australia, it offers a wide range of degrees across the disciplines of science, agriculture, engineering, the professions, economics, music, humanities and social sciences. The student body currently numbers close to thirteen and a half thousand. Like most government-funded educational institutions in Australia, Adelaide University is strongly secular in ethos and has traditionally regarded religion and theology as sectarian pursuits, inappropriate for university students, while its philosophy department has been openly atheistic (Duncan and Leonard, 1974). The students participating in the study came from the Graduate School of Education. Poland and the Philippines, the two predominantly Catholic countries investigated in this study, both inherited a strong Catholic tradition anchored in the post-Tridentum spirit. The respondents from the four Polish and Filipino universities who claimed to be Catholic (over 80%) would formally be expected to uphold the religious and moral values prescribed by their church and know that any deviation would be regarded as a sin. Evidence on which values were being rejected or regarded more relativistically and how frequently constitutes valuable information on changes taking place in moral values in countries which have long been regarded as strongholds of Catholicism. METHOD Student participants from the five universities were asked to complete a questionnaire on their religious and moral beliefs. For students in the Philippines and Australia the questionnaire was in English, but a Polish version was used for the respondents from Poland. Some questions were designed to gather concrete data concerning the respondents’ background: gender, age, language use, level of parental education and religious affiliation. There was also a series of questions to gather cultural data i.e. these were concerned with the students’ beliefs and moral perceptions and other attitudes in relation to the moral/religious convictions among them. Responses to Specific Moral Issues When presented with moral issues which epitomized contemporary moral dilemmas, participants were asked to indicate whether they agreed that action concerned was wrong: whether its moral status depended on the situation; or whether they considered the action not wrong. The range of responses available was: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Considered Wrong Situation dependent Not wrong No opinion The questions and responses were thus deliberately framed in terms of the maintenance of traditional moral values. Data were initially summarized in frequency distributions for each university. Of the twelve situations presented to the respondents, one example from each category of issues will be discussed. viz. Abortion classified as a ‘Life and Death issue’: Abortion: A Life and Death Issue This issue proved important in the analysis because of the polarisation of data. There was a clear distinction between the percentage of responses which considered abortion to be wrong from the three Catholic oriented universities, including LIT, and the two more secular ones. Traditional moral values on abortion were strongly maintained on this issue especially at the three Catholic oriented universities: UAP (93%), KUL( 80%) and LIT (74%) while in Warsaw (49%) only half gave evidence of supporting these values. Even lower, the Adelaide figure of 25% who considered abortion to be wrong, could be seen to reflect a society where abortion is legally available, virtually ‘on demand’. In the case of responses rejecting traditional values, Adelaide respondents (44%) stood out as having the highest percentage of rejectors of traditional values. Warsaw (12%) is aligned with LIT on 15% in this response an indication of much lower rejection among students who lived in predominantly Catholic societies, than the secular society of Adelaide which largely accepted abortion. Abortion was an issue of debate, depending on the situation, for students from Adelaide (30%) and Warsaw (34%) rather than for the three Catholic-oriented universities LIT (4%), UAP (6%) and KUL (14%). These students were upholding the traditional Catholic teachings. The situational response indicated that some students considered an issue was neither right nor wrong in itself. If they had doubts about it, they could choose this option to record individual responses . Extra-Marital Affairs: A Sex and Marriage Issue There was a marked convergence of responses in relation to this issue. The majority of students from all five universities agreed in maintaining traditional opposition to such actions: UAP were unanimous on 99%. Warsaw(70%) and Adelaide (69%) showed a similar stance in opposing this issue. In this regard, Warsaw and Adelaide respondents almost matched the frequency levels from LIT at 73% and KUL at 85%. The ‘ranking’ of the university responses is similar to the previous issue, abortion, but there is general consensus. The responses on the upholding of traditional moral values had their mirror image in the data showing rejection of such values. There was strong evidence of less acceptance for ‘extramarital affairs’ at Warsaw (1%) and Adelaide (5%) where responses to this option were at a very low level, comparable to UAP(1%) and KUL (1%). The respondents at LIT (14%) showed some approval of the issue but the number was relatively small. The third response option, reflecting a more situational approach, was valuable in highlighting issues where there was a high degree of ambiguity or uncertainty. Low scores, in contrast, suggested that the respondents in the group concerned had made up their minds to be either upholders or rejectors of traditional morality. The relativistic view was comparatively high and shared by as many as 26% from Warsaw and 23% from Adelaide indicating the doubts some students expressed depending on the situation. STEALING: A Human Relations Issue The issue of ‘stealing’ was also striking in the way a large degree of consensus was displayed among students from all universities but the pattern of response differed markedly from those shown for the other two issues. ‘Stealing’ elicited the highest response of moral rectitude with over 70% of students in all universities and over 80% in three of them considering stealing as ‘wrong’. ‘Stealing’ was also the issue which elicited the highest level of support for any traditional value among Warsaw students (87%). With a corresponding figure of 82% at KUL, stealing seems to evoke a particularly strong sense of ‘wrong’ among Polish students. It is interesting to note that UAP students, who were the highest upholders of moral values on virtually all other issues, were below Warsaw at 81% in the case of ‘stealing’. Adelaide students with their dual Protestant and secularist orientations, also demonstrated greater acknowledgment of ‘stealing’ as ‘wrong, than for any other issue (74%). At Adelaide 41% of respondents indicated that they belonged to one of the Protestant denominations whilst 30% claimed that they had no religion a response which did not occur at all in any of the other groups of participants. The remarkable unanimity of responses for this issue from students at all universities was also seen in the complementary rejection of traditional values, in that only very few claimed outright that ‘stealing’ was not wrong. Only LIT showed a relatively high proportion of those rejecting traditional values, amounting to 14%. In contrast, while on most moral issues Warsaw and Adelaide displayed a high degree of permissiveness, Adelaide showed no more than 4% of respondents, and Warsaw had no-one who condoned stealing. The figures for KUL and UAP were minimal 3 and 2%. Overall stealing was not acceptable as an issue. The minimal number of students at Warsaw and KUL, UAP and Adelaide who openly condoned stealing has to be considered alongside the proportion who expressed relativistic attitudes by indication that their judgement of whether stealing was ‘wrong’ or ‘not wrong’ would depend on the circumstances. Respondents from Adelaide (21%) and UAP (17%) expressed some doubt in relation to stealing which was somewhat higher than Warsaw (12%) and KUL (16%). The figure for LIT was as low as 6% which reflects the pattern for all universities as seeing stealing as ‘wrong’. These findings suggest that moral issues in social relationships are not necessarily seen to be tied directly to Christian beliefs, despite their specific prohibition in the Ten Commandments. Findings raise questions such as : Is stealing related to established ‘legal’ rather than ‘moral’ codes? For some Protestants, what constitutes sin and restitution for sin becomes very much more a matter for the individual conscience and there is a greater tendency to adopt relativistic attitudes where what constitutes right and wrong depends on personal judgement of the situation. CONCLUSIONS The various responses to these three issues provide valuable information on the relative ‘holding power’ of Christian (mainly Catholic) beliefs in Poland and the Philippines when compared with mainly Protestant (or religiously indifferent) Australia. The responses also throw light on differences among the various moral values examined, in the extent of their support or rejection. In the three predominantly Catholic universities (UAP, LIT and KUL), traditional Christian values continued to be upheld for ‘abortion’ in the life and death issue. In the two universities where there has been a tradition of secularist values, there is a much greater rejection of traditional moral values, together with a substantial number of those with a relativistic orientation expressing an essentially ambiguous stance. One issue on which Warsaw and Adelaide join forces with the Catholic oriented University is on the issue of ‘extra-marital affairs’, a ‘Sex and Marriage Issue’, with about two third of responses upholding a traditional negative view of such practices. This particular value appears to hold no relationship to Christian religious belief or non-belief, assuming a virtually universalistic dimension. The same situation apprears to hold for the ‘social relationship’ issue stealing. Responses from students in all five universities favour the upholding of traditional moral values for this issue which is considered more frequently ‘wrong’ by Warsaw students than by respondents from all other universities. There is a minimal rejection of the traditional norms that condemn ‘stealing’. It is the rejection of certain moral propositions when the respondents openly admit that certain actions which are contrary to traditional morality are no longer ‘wrong’ which put them in conflict with the religious authority to which they officially subscribe. What is clear is that some of the traditional values are changing within the orbit of particular Christian denominations. The results suggest that believers display a spirit of selectivity among moral values showing traditional disapproval for certain actions, while revealing a proclivity for greater permissiveness in relation to others. The issue of abortion shows that in the Catholic oriented universities, there is little evidence of collapse of traditional values and that globalization trends have not seriously undermined other traditional values. The other two moral issues discussed, extra-marital affairs and stealing, where there is a greater convergence of responses, can be viewed as highlighting more univer salistic values which appear to go beyond the confines of any particular religious belief. REFERENCES Andres, T. D. (1980) Understanding Values. Quezon City: New Day Publishers. Blumer, H. (1939) Critiques of Research in the Social Sciences I: Appraisal of Thomas and Znaniecki’s ‘The Polish Peasant in Europe and America’. New York: Social Science Research Council. Duncan, W.G.K. and Leonard, R.A. (1974) The University of Adelaide. Adelaide: Rigby. Ossowska, M. (1985) Normy Moralne: Proba Systematyzacji. P.W.N. Warszawa. Smolicz, J.J. (1997) In Search of a Multicultural Nation, in R. J. Watts and J.J.Smolicz (eds), Cultural Democracy and Ethnic Pluralism: Multicultural and Multilingual Policies in Education. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. Smolicz, J.J. (1999) On Education and Culture. (M.J. Secombe and J. Zajda, eds) Melbourne: James Nicholas Publishers. Smolicz, J.J., Secombe, M.J. and Hudson, D.M., (2001) Family Collectivism and Minority Languages as Core Values of Culture among Ethnic Groups in Australia, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, vo l. 22:2. Znaniecki, F. (1963) Cultural Sciences: Their Origin and Development. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. Znaniecki, F. (1969) On Humanistic Sociology: Selected Papers (Bierstedt, R. ed.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Znaniecki, F. (1998) Education and Social Change. (Halas, E. ed) Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Strategy Planning and Implementation

Strategy Planning and Implementation Task 1a) The organisation of my choicce in discussing the Strategy Planning and Implementation assignment would be Pantaloon Retail India Limited. The reason behind choosing this organisation as matter of discussion can be mentioned as follows: i) I am an ex-employee of Panataloon Retail India Limited being on the rolls of the company for nearly 4 years overseeing comapanys Marketing Business Operations in the state of Gujarat, India encompassing 5 Pantaloon Retail Lifestyle stores in the cities of Ahmedabad, Baroda, Surat Rajkot in Gujarat. ii) Organised retailing is emerging in Indian sub-continent with Pantaloon Retail India Limited being the forerunner. iii) Started from a humble begiining in late 20th century with single outlet operation today it is Rs.10 billion turnover, with a presence over 30 cities with combination of 500 mega stores, super stores and lifestyle stores with over 20,000 employees. Task 1b) Stakeholders are the persons or a community(group of people) who are directly or indirectly associated with an organisation for attaining its objectives and are directly or indirectly affected by the actions, decisions and policies made by the organisation. Stakeholders of the company are its Directors, Employees, Creditors, Customers, Vendors, Government Agencies, Owners and Shareholders. Hence, in other words all the human entities directly or indirectly associated with the organisation are the stake holders of the organisation. In particular, the major stakeholders of my chosen organisation are the Employees, Customers and Vendors. Retail is man intensive industry and hence the role and importance of team work is the essence of providing international standard experience of shopping to its customers. Customers are king of the retail business. Custmers are listened, obliged, serviced and are given the primary importance in Pantaloon Retail India Limited. It is believed here that if Customers are happy then the company will survive. The company follows the M.K.Gandhis famous qoute, A customer is the most important visitor on our premises, he is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so. Vendors are the blood line of the organisation. Vendors provide the organisation with the right product win desired quantity. The also support the organisation in terms of payback period giving an edge to maintain healthy cash flows for development. Hence, we observe that these stake holders are of considerable importance to the organisation growth and to combat fierce competition and to meet customer satisfaction. The specific considerations that the company has for these stakeholders are as follows: Employees: The employees should be suitably compensated in terms of monetary and other intangible benefits so that the high level of enthusiasm towards work and customer focus is maintained. The happiness and retention of customers can be ensured only with satisfied employees. Customers: As mentioned above, Customer is the key focal point of Pantaloon, hence all the business persepective should be should be suitable oriented towards customer needs and wants. The company consideration would be providing Value for Money experience to its customers and reaching them the products wherever and whenver they want. Vendors: The company considers Vendors as partner for growth. The company has taken measurable steps towards assessing them, procuring procedure, payments and to deal with the grievance. The company has further taken a step ahead by incorporating electronic touch points to minimise the lengthy procedure and ensure time saving. Task 1c)Organised retail is agressive and is becoming challenging every moment. All the strategies formulated in Retail have been centered around the most important entity The Customer. The company has always focussed towards attracting customers, retaining the existing customers and giving customers an experience which would enable to come back again and again. The crieteria that Pantaloon focussed are: 1.Cost: The most challenging factor in todays business. A good earnings to cost ratio would only decide the fate of the retail business. No matter what top-line or bottom line a company desires, Pantaloon has always focussed on Cost Strategy to offer maximum benefit to its Customers. 2. Market Penetration: After opening its various retail formats in the metro cities in India, the company has decided the Cluster Development Strategy viz. 8 city strategy for market penetration. By doing this the company will focus towards only cluster of cities for market reach in step wise manner. 3. New Product Strategy: The company strategy has always been+ based on Ideas to give their customers something new and unique. The company looks to achieve a healthy share of each Rupee spent by the customers. Thus company started from garments retailing has moved into Food Retail, Fast Food and Speciality cuisine, Gaming, Hyper market segment, home products, e-shopping and insurance sector. 4. Square foot sales : The strategic objective of the company is to seek healthy square foot sales in order to maintain good profit margin in terms of attaining healthy top line. 5. Private Brands: One of the most important criteria for attaining strategic management objective is introducing Private Label Brands which would ensure gaining a healthy bottom-line margin. 6. Vendor Strategy: Touch screen single point operation for vendor slection, product identification and payment procedure. The company believes vendors or manufacturers are partners to the business and hence venodr management is key importance to the company. Task 1d) Pantaloon Retail India Limited was formed to deliver organised garment retailing in India. The company wanted to blend fashion with affordability. Due to its fast expansion and growth the garment trader and the dictribution channel(middle man) has also earned huge margins. They are the trader who used to source the material from the manufacturers and used to store and supply the merchandise to Pantloon. There was a sudden demand in raising the margin of the merchandise by the intermediary channel. Pantaloon used to source 80% of their merchandise of reputed brands from these channels. This sudden raise could not have direct implication on the customers as increase in price to the final product would mean losing business. Hence company initially bear this loss. After sometime the comapny wanted to discuss with these intermediate channels for price renegotiation, failing which the supply of the goods were stopped creating a vacuum in the supply. This was affected by poor merchandise and customer complaints which continued for several months till the time the company had done renegotiation with new set of Intermediary channel including contacting the manufacturers directly. Bu this, the company felt the necessity of having their own private brands including manufacturing and aquiring manufacturing set up of few other companies. The company took around 6 months for consolidation exercis e and thereafter Pantaloon relaunched its Retail Stores with nearly 80% of private manufactured merchandise. Task 2) Develop Vision, Mission, Objectives Measures a. For your chosen organisation, list down its ethical, cultural, environmental, social and business objectives. How are these influenced by the current business and economic climate? Pantaloon Retail India Limited with its multi-retail business in various sectors has consolidated its operations under the umbrella concern of Future Group. The company has laid down and oberve the following values to cover its ethical, cultural, environmental, social and business objectives. The values are as below: Ethical i) Respect Humility: Respect for every individual associated in business and be humble to all. This value entails the core people function. The company pays utmost respect, listen and act accordingly to its Customers, Employees and Vendors through various channels. The Senior Management evaluates and acts accordingly on any grievance, comments and suggestions made by Customers, Employees and Vendors. ii) Openness: To be open and receptive for new ideas, knowledge and information. The company has various platform of communication with its people and analyse all the ideas or comments and shares its opinion with the Stakeholders. E.g. the company has Share With Us Book placed in all the retail stores through which a Customer can communicate with the Senior Management. Cultural i) Valuing Nurturing Relationships: To build long-term relationships. Business particularly retail business is strategic in nature. It has complete reliance on Relationship building and nurturing the emotions.It is observed that it requires more money to attract new customers rather that retaining and satisfying new customers. ii) Simplicity Positivity: Simplicity in thought, business and actions. Thinking simple yet positive render positive vibrations in the economy and earn respect from its stakeholders. Environmental i) Flow: To respect and understand universal laws of nature. The company follows the natural way of business and respect and adheres to the rules and policies laid down from time to time. It also acts accordingly keeping in mind the current economic condition and takes steps relevant in order to satisfy needs of its stake holders. Social i) Indianness : Confidence within ourselves and amongst our product. The company respects Indian culture and offer the products that suits Indian households. ii) Adaptability: To be adaptive and flexible to meet new challenges.The only thing that is constant in the Universe is Change. Hence the company is always open to change and modify accordingly its product lines as per the need and demand of the present market. Business Objectives i) Intropsection: Leading to purposeful thinking. The company from time to time does meaningful invigoration of its entire process in order to audit and take any corrective action if any. Based on the outcome the company re-strategise any of its process or function. ii) Leadership: Leadership in thought and idea and its application in business. The comany belives to be Number 1 in whatever business they are and work hard to retain its position. (Source:Pantaloon Retail India Limited website id,Dated October 26, 2009) Based on the above, it is clearly observed that Pantaloon Retail India Limited is equipped with broad range of measures to handle stressfull business environment and economic changes that may occur. Specifically, particular change in any macro economic policies are treated with utmost sincerety and needed change is implemented to overcome it. Thus more recently the economic crises has very little effect on Pantaloon, as the company could envisage the problem and taken specific measures to overcome this. The percentage of leased out premises to its its total retail outlet was nearly 65% towards the beginning of year 2008. The companys outflow in rental expenditure was a large sum of money. The company could oversee the challenge of offereing competitive pricing during the era of economic meltdown. Based on the same company started having its own premises by creating a special vehicle Future Capital Holdings which is 100% subsidiary of Pantaloon Retail India Limited. This has brought d own not only the rental outflow but also ensured better offering to customers in terms of competitive pricing as compared to its competitors.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

History Of Swimming :: essays research papers

Swimming Swimming is the act of moving through the water by using the arms, legs, and body in motions called strokes. The most common strokes are the crawl, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, and sidestroke. Some scientists believe that human beings are born with an instinctive ability to use their arms and legs to stay afloat. That instinct, however, disappears within a few months after birth. Later in life many children and adults learn to swim in order to be safe around the water, to have fun, and to participate in competition. Most people learn to swim by imitating others, most often their parents, brothers, sisters, and friends. Most youngsters in also take lessons at swim clubs, community centers, schools, and recreational facilities. In addition, the American Swim Coaches Association (ASCA) and the American Red Cross sponsor programs that teach children about water safety. Instructors teach students skills that will make them safe, efficient, and confident swimmers. Beginners first put their heads in the water and blow bubbles by exhaling. Gradually, students progress to floating, treading water, and ultimately, learning the techniques of the major strokes. Individuals should not swim in conditions that their ability and experience will not allow them to handle. For inexperienced recreational swimmers, many safety hazards exist, even in a pool. These hazards include misjudging a dive and hitting one's head on the bottom, holding one's breath too long, becoming exhausted, and experiencing sudden cramps while too far from shore or other swimmers. The history of swimming dates back thousands of years. One of the earliest representations of swimming is an ancient Egyptian wall relief that shows soldiers of Pharaoh Ramses II. Swimming was very important in ancient Greece and Rome, especially as a form of training for warriors. In Japan, competitions were held as early as the 1st century BC. In Europe, swimming was less popular during the Middle Ages, swimming didn’t pick up until the 19th century. In the late 19th century amateur swimming clubs began conducting competitions in the United States and Britain. In the United States, colleges and universities such as Yale University, Indiana University, and the University of Southern California played an important role in spreading interest in swimming as a competitive sport. In 1875 Matthew Webb of Great Britain became the first person to swim across the English Channel.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Ernest Hemingway Essay -- essays research papers fc

Ernest Hemingway   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ernest Hemingway was a great American author. He was a giant of modern literature. Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899. He was the first son of Clarence and Grace Hall Hemingway and the second of their six children. Hemingway’s gather was a doctor and his mother was a music teacher. Hemingway’s parents owned a cabin in northern Michigan where he spent most of his summers hunting and fishing, being separated from the rest of middle-class society. Hemiongway’s mother was a strict person and tried to impose a moral order her children. This caused hostility between mother and son. A major dispute arose between the two when Hemingway returned home from the war and went to the family cabin to get through the physical and psychologically rough experience he had. His mother complained about his slow pace re-adjustment to normal, civilian life. Ultimately, Hemingway left his secluded cabin and went to Paris in the 1920s.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hemingway’s father was having a rough time during this portion of Hemingway’s life. His father was suffereing from diabetes. He also had some financial misfortune and chronic depression. This all ended in 1928 when a self-inflicted pistol shot ended his life. This is when Hemingway was just starting to see the material rewards of his developing literary career. Hemingway did not have a very good childhood. Although his youth was bad, and unhappy, Hemingway viewed it as an essential artistic and personal resource for the development of an individual ‘heroic code.’   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  About the time that Hemingway graduated from high school, the Untied States was entering World War I. He tried to enlist in the army, but was not accepted due to a vision problem. When he heard that the Red Cross was taking volunteers to be ambulance drivers in the war, he took the opportunity and made it to the war. Hemingway was assigned to the front lines in Italy. After he had only been at the front for a few days, and a few days before his nineteenth birthday, Hemingway was wounded. A mortar fire at Fossalta di Pivi sent shrapenel into his legs. While Hemingway was injured, he met a nurse and fell in love with her. He proposed marriage, but like Granny Weatherall, he was jilted and his nurse married and Italian officer. Hemingway... them as â€Å"the best rules I ever learned for the business of writing.† This writing ethic was used by Hemingway and reinforced to him through lessons he learned from the works and advice of T. S. Eliot, Gertrude Stein, and Ezra Pound. Hemingway had a very modernist approach to writing. Part of this was he left out all extraneous verbiage and authorial intrusion. Instead he presented sharply focused images that stood out on their own. Hemingway also developed a writing discipline. He would write one thousand words a day and refine the copy back to around three hundred words. He did not want to bore the reader with a bunch of nonsense and rambling on.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ernest Hemingway was a great American author. His stories were written about and through personal experiences. His stories directly reflected on his personal experiences and indirectly reflected on his unhappy childhood and his misfortune with the ladies. He had his own style and own ways of keeping that style up. He was a great man. Works Cited All Hemingway.’s=style Hemingway, Ernest.â€Å"The Big Two Hearted River.† 1953

The Glass Menagerie: Existentialist Responsibilities Conveyed Through t

The story of a young Tennessee Williams is poetically portrayed through a 1945 Broadway Play, The Glass Menagerie. The main character, Tom Wingfield, lives in his family’s apartment with his mother, Amanda Wingfield, and sister, Laura Wingfield. Their father left the family, and he remains a silent character appearing as a portrait on the apartment wall. Throughout the seven scenes, the immaturity of each family member is revealed. In search of adventure, Tom has dreams of being a writer and wishes to leave his family and factory job, like his father, to join the Merchant Marines. Laura lets her disability, a braced leg, hinder her finding a job or a husband, while Amanda stays in denial of her children’s failure by living in the past with her â€Å"gentlemen callers.† Tom’s main responsibilities, created by Amanda, are to take care of Laura and the family. Amanda and Tom are constantly fighting about their different views of what they wish the futur e to bring. To cope with his problems, every night Tom ventures off to probably a bar, gets drunk, and then tells his family he was at the movies ("Plot Summary: The Glass Menagerie"). Williams tries to express a personal struggle about trying to leave his family with out feeling guilt (John Lahr) through fictional characters paralleling his family. These struggles are seen as failed responsibilities in the view of an existentialist. The responsibility of being an existentialist is conveyed through Tennessee Williams’ autobiographical character Tom and his failed responsibilities, guilt of the past, and denial of reality in The Glass Menagerie. The play takes place during the Great Depression in the 1930s, but America was in World War II when Williams wrote the play. The ... "Sartre's Philosophy through 1945: Phenomenology and Ontology." Jean-Paul Sartre. Boston: Twayne, 1983. 36-38. Print. Clinton, Craig. â€Å"The Glass Menagerie: Tennessee Williams." The Facts on File Companion to American Drama. Ed. Jackson R. Bryer and Mary C. Hartig. New York: Facts on File, 2004. 178. Print. Crowell, Steven. "Existentialism." The Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.Winter 2010. Web. 26 Apr. 2012. "Existentialism-A Philosophy.", 2012. Web. 03 May 2012. The Glass Menagerie. Drama for Students. Ed. David Galens and Lynn Spampinato. Vol. 1. Detroit: Gale Research, 1998. Print. Lahr, John. "Telling It Like It Isn’t." The New Yorker. 06 May 2010. Web. 2 May 2012. "Plot Summary: The Glass Menagerie." DISCovering Authors. Detroit: Gale, 2003.Gale Student Resources In Context. Web. 17 Apr. 2012.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

A Place That Gets Worst From Time To Time

There is a country in South East Asia known as the Philippines. It is composed of 7.100 islands and has its roots dating back to Spanish occupation. The country has a long history of being an occupied nation.Spanish slavery by the Americans only to be occupied by the Japanese during World War II. The Americans once again liberated it and eventually gave the country independence.The country has never stood a chance to develop and become a player in the emerging economies of the world due to poor political leadership. It was under a dictatorship spanning twenty years begging in the 70's.The dictator president, Ferdinand Marcos was ousted in a bloodless revolution known as People power only to have the new leaders hounded by countless military uprisings that continue into the present leadership of the country.It is this political turmoil that has caused regression in the country. It has been getting worse since the Americans left because the people do not know how to govern themselves. They could be the Asian equivalent of Nigeria in the future most specially with their national elections, known for its violence, being underway with the opening of the campaign season this January.In the end, it seems like bad leadership and selfishness is causing an already bad situation to get worse in a country that seems to be getting into even worse situations with each passing day. In this situation that seems to have no solution, only the ordinary citizens of the country come out at the losers because they do not have the voice to be heard and the conviction to fight for what is due to them. Â  

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Medical Records Security Paper

In my paper, I am going to explain technology threats that an government might face with having aesculapian exam checkup records vomit on a infobase. I am to a fault going to explain the in initializeion that bequeath be encourageed in health check examination records on the database. I lead excessively go over any(prenominal) the latest security mea accepteds available to booster keep these databases threat free so the health check examination records will be natural rubber on the com attributeer. I will also explain what I would do to attend keep my organizations checkup records secure.When an organization has a rung dimension of one soul to 100 sight that can draw out the organization to big trouble as far as following rules and procedures that fatality to be followed as far as following authoritative rules like enduring solitude and security. Having a round ratio that small can lead to unretentive cuts by staff to get things make faster and that ca n lead to mount ups like pulling up mortal elses medical record or giving someone the wrong prescription. That is wherefore it is so important to make sure the staff to patient of ratio is qualified to meet all the needs of the organization.If the staff to patient ratio is adequate staff will slow down and do things right because if they do not they will be in a get by of trouble. There atomic number 18 a pattern of threats that effect organizations that maintain electronic medical records (Jeanty, 2010) . These threats come from both internal and external sources and from both those with venomed and maligned intent. The potential exists that individuals with malicious intent energise the potential to contract to devil the records, and there exists the potential for records to be accessed/changed unintentionally.There are a number of sundry(a) threats that can happen on a database an example would be a virus or a bug. Organizations need to be careful some these sor ts of things and get packet for their com go underers to keep their databases free of these parasites. Especially if they kick in multitudes medical records on their computers. The major concern with medical records in the electronic realm is the protection of a patients privacy and confidentiality (U. S. Department of Health and gracious Services) . The privacy of documents on digital format is always vulnerable to threat.Luckily, todays electronic medical record programs come with built in security measures such as passwords, firewalls and various other security functions. What is especially important in the arena of medical records is the justness of the respective medical record. Errors in a medical record could be fatal. The likelihood of errors could also increase when many people have the ability to enter data into a record. Therefore, who has access and the control of access to the medical records is imperative. That is why only doctors should have access to their pati ents records because they are the ones diplomacying them.That way only one somebody will have access to medical records and not a whole flock of people. That will help minimize errors on medical records. In regards to entropy kept up(p) in medical records that needs to be protected, the utmost importance is the patients personal information to include their SSN, and other personal information. However, the patient medical information is important to protect as well. In a spacious sense, it is important to protect the confidentiality of the patient medical history, but more importantly, it is important to protect the integrity of the data.In evidence to keep my organizations medical records secure I would have the demand software to keep my database running smooth. I would also have security measures put in place on the database as passwords put on in order to access patient records. I would also only have doctors access medical records because they are the ones that treat the patients and they are the ones that should have access to them not everyone else. That will help minimize all problems associated with medical record privacy. Conclusion defend a patients medical records is the most important thing that n organization must do for the patient. Patients medical records represent who they are, organizations must understand that, and embody up to all the Hipaa rules that are put in place to protect people from patient invasion of privacy. Think about it how would you like it if people were invading your privacy by looking at your medical records when you did not want them to.References Jeanty, J. (2010, August 10). HIPAA Rules That allude Technology. Retrieved from www. ehow. com. U. S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n. d. ). Regulations. Retrieved from www. hhs. gov.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019



IntroductionLeadership and management, these are two words we use on daily basis. But the questions like how do we realise good leaders, what qualities, attitude, style and behaviour do they exhibit, are frequent. The ability to lead is not connected to education, although most leaders what are intelligent people. Many qualities required for a leader are also possessed by managers.Although it is unique to everyone there are a total number of common ways.I think, by developing our leadership skills, we are assured a more rewarding and successful career. There is no doubt that, leadership potential can be developed. With commitment, effort and practice, anybody can move beyond the skills you how are born with to be an excellent leader.â€Å"The most dangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born—that there is a genetic factor to leadership.Leadership differs to direction.

Bennis. Globalisation has resulted in diversity. To maximise contribution, each organisation and its managers are now challenged with creating inclusive cold working environment. They need to understand effective leadership style and culture to build trust and effective relationship.There are various means of considering leadership, that vary extract from focusing on the character traits of leadership that is excellent to highlighting facets of the scenario that help determine how folks lead.The strategies how that were effective yesterday are not necessarily effective in the same situation today†-QuinnLook more:  strategic management process essayIn order to face the growing competition in the market, it is very urgent for organisations to build potential leader. Developing strategic management and leadership skills should be a part of organisations’ actions.1.1 Explain the link between strategic management wired and leadership Strategic Management consists of t he analysis of any organisation, decision making and necessary actions in order to create and sustain competitive advantages.It is merely one of many other assets a thriving manager must possess.

Usually it is considered as the responsibility for the overall direction of the organization sums up what strategic management is all about. It can consider also define as the process of identifying and executing the organisation’s strategic goals (mission, vision and objectives) by matching its capabilities with the demand of its environment.Strategic senior management contains a set of managerial decisions. Leadership is the ability of a person to get other willingly to follow.Its something which is accomplished when a individual motivates individuals in a group.Equally, a good leader free will also be a manager. Majority of practical people are interested primarily in what they have to do, and not whether it should be labelled ‘leadership’ or ‘management’ or both. â€Å"It is very true that I have said that I considered Napoleon’s presence in the field equal to forty thousand other men in the balance† —Duke of Wellington. Difference between strategic management and leadershipManagement| Leadership|Intended to plan, organize, co-ordinate and evaluate| Job is to inspire and motivate| management administrate the organisation| Leaders innovate | senior Management tries to maintain the organisation| Leaders tries to develop| Focused on system and structure| Focuses on people|They focus on the present situation | They look towards future| React to problems logical and issues| Proactive to issues and problem| Prefer to control| Knows how to delegate|Minimising risk| Taking risk|  There are thousands of examples for leaders in the world.Leadership and top management arent synonymous.

2 Analysis of impact of management and leadership styles on strategic decision There are different leadership and management styles. Different various styles work well in different situations. They are based on different assumptions and theories. Strategic decisions taken by leaders depend upon their style.Leaders that are supportive understand and good sense women and men feel.2. Democratic styleThe leader involves employees in the decision making. This kind of style is usually appreciated by the employees or subordinate. how This style would bring problems in a situation where there are wide ranges of opinion and there is no well-defined way of taking the first final decision.They also need to make sure they manage change effectively.

Transactional leadershipThe assumption behind this kind of leadership is that people how are motivated by rewards and an organisation work well with a clear chain of command. This kind of leader works thorough creating all clear structures. Subordinates duty  will be well defined and also the reward they get for following the orders. Punishments are not always mentioned, but they how are also well-understood and formal systems of discipline are usually in place.Your leaders are the best factor on your companys capability.Transformational leaderThis style is based on the assumption deeds that employees will follow a leader who motivates them and a person with vision and passion can achieve anything. Transformation strong leadership start with the development of a vision, a view and path to future. That will excite and converter the employees. Transformational religious leaders are so committed always.Youre a pioneer, even in case you dont know it.

Understanding the situation 3. Applying appropriate skills and techniques.Leaders having different styles empty can have different levels of key elements. So the way and level in which they identify their personality can differ."Every leader has a certain style of political leadership thats innate.Especially when a strategic decision needs to made quickly. The impact of this style is for many people, this style feels harsh, a first great possibility of demotivation. Rest of people  assured leader can demonstrate consideration and compassion for team while using the Autocratic style, even though the team is not directly involved in the decision. There are situations in which leader wants input from employees or teams.Leaders are common now.

There is a more common thought that leaders who listen considerately to their follower’s opinion before making final decision get good result as compared to non-listeners. In the case of democratic style, the leader gives up ownership and control of a decision and allows the group to vote. Advantage of this own style is fairly fast decision, and an amount of group participation. No organisation or leader can implement a single style to deal with the multitude of decision that needs to be made during change process (Nancy, 2007).It could mean the folks who own and short run the company.Charismatic leadership style got few drawbacks. The complaint against Lord Browne was administration by media and business associates fuelled his charismatic new style and he ignored day to day core business activities.1.3 How leadership styles can be adopted to different situations? Success of an political organisation or a group dependent on the effectiveness of the leader.When employees are empowered theyre more prone to make decisions which are at the very best interest of the particular client and the organization also.

Leaders must be up to date of the situations. Leaders must be prepared to step in and show the way in all kind of situations.Different style can be adapted to different situations in relation to 1. Business- situations 2.Are such far more likely to reveal their very own loyalty the moment it matters.We know that high risk situation needs very strong and active direct involvement by the leader to keep it control. The people or team members: – In every organisation, there will have different different kind of employees or members.Differ by characters, talents, skills, attitude etc. identifying the team members is a tough task.IT leadership theory Learn the best way to be.

He made a resolution to transform GE into one of the world biggest firm. With his unique leadership style and character, Welch made history during his 2-decade journey at GE. His way of leading was based on some concepts. Lead, not manage:- according to him political leadership can be found in as long as they come up with good ideas and can energize rather than depress and control.Face reality: – good company was losing its market values and there was too much bureaucracy when Jack Welch joined the company. He realised the social realities and brought out strategies and  initiatives that made things better. Simplify the business: – his goal at GE was simplify the business. He didn’t think deeds that business had to be complicated.It can mean opportunities, good ideas, new business or new products (kevin, 2007). Lead by more energizing others, not managing by authority: – Welch called his leadership ideal ‘boundary less’, which means an open organization, free of bureaucracy logical and anything that prevents the free flow of ideas, people and decisions (kevin, 2007). His choice was inspiring others to perform well. red Lead by doing- one of the leadership style adapted by GEInformation technology is critical to the future of GE.The basic assumption behind the theory is that individual characteristics’ make how them suitable leaders only in certain situations. Each situation requires a leader to vary behaviour to fit the conditions. In other words, there is no right or wrong way in leading all the time. Fred Fiedler’s contingency theoryIn 1967, Fred Fiedler proposed his contingency theory.

According to Fielder, the direct relationship oriented style is more effective in situations which are intermediate in favourableness. When an intermediate situation is present, the leader can self help to build confidence and cohesion by focusing on the personal needs of the individuals (Henman, 2007). Hersey and Blanchard theoryIt is another situational theory. This economic theory was introduced 10 year after Fiedler’s theory.That is, followers are not mature or immature in any total or chronological sense; rather, they have varying degrees of maturity depending on knowledge of or experience with a specific goal (Henman, 2007). Leader-style theoryThis theory was introduced by Vroom and Yetton. They explain the different ways leader can make decisions and necessary following guidelines for leader in order to determine the extent to which subordinate should participated in decision making. Charismatic leadershipCharisma, as explained by Max Weber, is a certain good qual ity of individual personality, by virtue of which he or she is apart from ordinary people and treated as a personality with exceptional power or qualities.An effective leader needs to diagnose the needs and wants of followers and then react accordingly.The impact of different theories of management on organisational strategy will be different. giant IBM needs extraordinary leaders who can create high-performance work climates and foster employee engagement; people who not only succeed but enable others to as well. A disciplined process of identifying and developing high achievers and leaders has been a main stone of IBM’s strategy to regain market political leadership in the IT industry.As Fiedler explained, task oriented leaders are very effective when conditions are favourable or unfavourable. When conditions are favourable, members relations how are strong, there is a positive relation between team and leader. Hence new strategies can bring and work it out well so easily. In unfavourable certain circumstances or in stressful situations, a leader’s structure and control can remove undesirable ambiguity and the anxiety that goes with it.

2.2 Create a leadership strategy that support organisational direction Leadership strategy for General ElectricsThe General Electric Company, or GE, is an American multinational conglomerate corporation incorporated in New York. Company operates in five sectors via energy, technology infrastructure, capital finance, consumer andindustrial.It old has been almost a decade since Jack Welch retired as GE’s chairman and CEO, the brain behind the success of GE.If we consider their way in which they lead, and how their decisions, it is clear that they preferred transformational leadership style. Even though both used the same style, Jack Welch had been more opposite extreme than his successor. Leadership strategy: – choosing a best leadership style is the major step in leadership strategy. Leadership at company such like GE is very crucial.It is concerned with emotions, values, ethics, standards, and long-term goals and includes assessing followers’ motives, satis fying their needs, and treating them as full human beings†- (Northouse). The reason behind the selection of this leadership style is this style motivates the followers. The leader and followers are full well aligned in this system. A transformational leader can motivate the followers by setting challenging goals.We have seen the different leadership style and their impact on organisation. Even though, no particular leadership style is better always. It depends on the situations. The best style GE can use is transformational leadership because of based its unique advantages.

The leaders should have collective capabilities like providing direction, motivate the followers, engaging employees in decision making and to gain their active support in implementing planned cross-functional actions, implementing successful innovations, adapting to change, ensuring transparency just like former leaders, developing talents logical and being responsive to customers like Jeffrey Immlet. Since the corporate strategy is becoming more global, it require greater cultural sensitivity among leaders, enhanced representation of different geographies at top level, enhanced language skills to enable cross cultural relationships and greater understanding of local laws and business arrangement in strategy making.3.1 Use appropriate different methods to review current leadership requirement We know the important of leaders.These programs build perfect foundation for accelerating  learning and development in a particular domain, from commercial to operations, from human res ources to information management, from finance and communications to modern technology (GE, Leadership Programs, 2013).There are more than 300,000 employees in GE. The company operates through different sector. GE consistently ranks as the most admired and respected new company in the world.CEO of GE believes that ideal situation for a global firm was to have its factory on a barge that you could first move around the world to wherever it was the best competitive environment at the time. Their strategy is to expand business globally, instead of just looking for alliances.Fast moving anti Globalisation opens new opportunities for a global firm like GE. Hence leadership requirement at GE is tremendous.But they need leaders not only in quantity great but also in quality.3.2 Plan for the development of future situations requiring leadership Requirement of leaders in the GE increases. Leaders are logical not only required in the top level but also in the various bottom levels also.

Leadership Programs: – GE has various leadership programs. As part of their strategy to achieve commercial excellence and drive organic growth, they are developing a pipeline of strong sales logical and marketing leaders at GE through  the Commercial Leadership Program (CLP).CLP offers a curriculum that boosts the development of commercial skills and various techniques that are critical to success in all GE businesses. CLP prepares candidates for a successful career in sales or first commercial operations by providing the opportunity to learn about GE’s products, industry, and customers while making valuable contributions to the on-going success of GE.As compared to their profit growth, they need more to build leadership qualities in their employees. Human resource leadership program: – In GE’s Human Resources Leadership Program people are gaining real-world business experience, contributing to GE businesses and getting in first line for HR leaders hip roles across the company.HRLPs can build countless HR leaders within GE. Experienced commercial leadership programs: – The Experienced Commercial Leadership Program (ECLP) prepares time MBA graduates and experienced professionals for GE leadership roles in marketing and sales.But under certain specific condition, they need specific skills. The more basic skill required for leaders are explained below.Integrity: – this is the basic quality of a leader. This quality makes people trust the leader.They can speak openly logical and accurately about their limitations. Self-regulation: – People who are in control of their feelings and sudden  temptation are able to create an environment of public trust and fairness. Appropriate self-regulators are usually thoughtful and resist making impulsive decisions. These are definite qualities of a good leader.

Communication skills: – to deliver leader’s idea properly, private communication skill is very necessary. A good communicator can pay attention and listen carefully. Lead by example: – One of the best ways to red lead is by example – use where needed, lending a helping hand, and making sure that the work you do is clearly understood by apply your team. Leadership skills strataplex: –Leadership skill requirements are often described as being stratified by organizational level.They are comprised of those skills related to basic cognitive capacities, such as collecting, processing, and disseminating information and learning and are the fundamental skills required for a large portion of the activities in which political leaders are engaged (Mumford, 2007) .These skills include skills like oral communication, written communication, ability to learn and adapt etc. 2. Interpersonal SkillsThese are skill relating to interacting keyword with and influe ncing others.Strategic SkillsStrategic skill requirements are highly conceptual skills needed to take a systems perspective to understand complexity, deal with ambiguity, and to  effect political influence in the organization (Mumford, 2007). This includes skills for planning, visioning etc. â€Å"Leaders are not born, they are grown†- this is the word by the heavenly father of management, Peter Drucker. Leadership ability is not an inborn skill most times.1. Entry level program or Commercial leadership program (CLP) is an example for it. The CLP is a 12 to 24 month program that develops marketing and sales skills through a strong very core curriculum and challenging assignments. 2.

The ECLP program consists of three, eight-month rotational assignments within the marketing and sales functions of one of GE’s businesses (GE, Experienced Program, 2013).4. normal Operation management Leadership program (OMLP): OMLP accelerates development of entry-level talent and produces leaders capable of meeting the challenges facing the Operations, Supply Chain, Manufacturing logical and Quality functions at GE (GE, Entry level program, 2013).4.Commercial leadership program (CLP) provides candidates with valuable training, personal experience and exposure to a team of motivated colleagues and helpful mentors that can accelerate their careers. HRLP (Human Resource Leadership program) has created countless generations of HR leaders at GE. The program continues today and still focuses on taking talented people, providing forgive them with globally diverse challenging experiences, and developing them into world-class HR leaders. Candidates will have formal training, ro tation, seminars, business molecular simulations and community service activities.Another way of developing leadership skills is to get familiar with your followers. It will great help you in understanding their feelings and their needs, which in turn will help you in managing preventing their needs. Different plan for the development leadership skills includes conducting seminar, training programs, meetings, job rotations etc.ConclusionThis assignment is used to explain the important link between strategic management and leadership.Style should be adapted according to the business situation, team members and culture of the organisation. Different leadership theories are discussed in the assignment. Situational theories and contingency theories have been applied. The situations in which different theories can be applied are explained.

In this competitive world, organisation best can only sustain if and only if they can bring strong leaders.There are different ways of enhancing the leadership skills for future requirements. And there should be a plan of developing these skills. The new plan should cover all the current and  future needs for leadership and is helpful in the overall progress of the organization.Leadership style : A powerful model. TJ. Derue, S. (2011).Entry level program. Retrieved 2013, from http://www.Retrieved may 5, 2013, from GE. (2013) GE. (2013, January 1). Leadership Goleman, D. (2004). Leadership That Gets Result.